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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Excellent visual means of contrasting the two. I don't mind seeming intimidating per se but it would be great to have a social attractant to get some folks over their inhibitions or sense of inaccessibility. Lumina certainly sounds like one to try!
  2. I love cops on their own, too, but my main squeeze is very much in his head and heart rather than... other bits. The little bit of additional complexity from the EST makes this work better can cops alone. He's not alpha but he is very much a caretaker, so it seems to work for him. Yay!
  3. Wow, this delivered the goods tonight. So, I can confirm that if a man doesn't respond as you hope to a blend like Sexpionage then CB should be next on your list to trial. Oh, and it smelled fluffy and slightly fruity. I got lots of compliments and the smell drew him in and caught him like a (cuddly) spider's web!
  4. Probably the case, though that makes me feel a little bit like I'm in a coma or the undead or something!
  5. This times 1000! Vlad, I certainly can be perceived as having put up a barrier. I don't mean to but I intimidate people, especially men. I have been told this a number of times by men I have got to be friends or partners with. What a bunch of weenies! Maybe Lumina will help sooth the poor little darlings.
  6. This guy is just a little bit too sweet and shy in the bedroom and while I don't want to change him into a brutish jerk I would love for him to have a bit more assertive edge so he can say and go for what he wants, not just talk about it as an abstraction. That's why I was hoping to work the Sexpionage rather than something cuddly. Androstenone might just be too incongruent for his personality, though, and CB is probably right up his street. I could probably do a bit more in the instigating department. Guilty as charged! Yum, everything eggnog! Maybe I'll get a sample of UN CB and sugared eggnog to try and approximate the combo you imagine. Hi, Dolly. Hmm, I'm not sure that I do. If anything I'd say T.M.I., Dominance, and maybe Teddy BB and Perfect Match have offered noticeable selfies for me. I'm not especially bothered about selfies as compared to affecting targets, though! I could be perfectly content without ever experiencing them.
  7. Happy to provide a giggle! CB is a good idea. That is almost certainly more congruent with his personality. Perhaps I'll test this tonight!
  8. Ha, it's a sneaky one. I will say that wearing this one and having a few drinks is... risky. I was out with the same person with whom I had my great T. M. I. hit previously but after a cocktail or two I was sharing to a foolish extent. I was able to reign it in before a big reveal but I dropped some hints about something that I wish I could have recalled. I wanted to see how the two (phero and alcohol) worked in synergy in a relatively safe environment. I would probably never repeat the experience of wearing this one and having more than a single drink with a meal. I would almost certainly reveal something compromising!
  9. I must be skimping in application or otherwise screwing up because I don't get selfies or notice effects on the target, either. WTF is wrong with me? Is my sexy broken or just non-existent? How can the cops not be flipping the switch? The only switch getting flipped it the one for turning out the lights and going to sleep! I'll wear this just for the lovely, creamy, vanilla scent, though. The scent at least suits my main squeeze, even if he appears to be impervious to the pheros!
  10. I've been puzzling over this one and trying to understand its difference from Cougar. I like the scent of Cougar and have possibly has a hit or two with it but I don't feel these are consistent. Maybe I'm just missing subtle ones but in any case I think I will give Lumina a try. I don't mind swagger (in fact I'd say I prefer it) but Lumina still sounds great for sort of drawing people in and really getting them to chat.
  11. Folks, I'm... I'm going to spend all of the food money on pheros, aren't I? I actually had a nightmare last night that my mother got me some other big Christmas gift instead of an LP gift certificate. Welcome to Bizarro World.
  12. Really?!?! That's my favourite fact of the day!
  13. AAAAAAHHH! I leave these boards alone for 5 minutes and all this happens! I'm so pleased about Gotcha! and Bang! being in these!
  14. Ah, great story, NuTrix! Wish I could have smelled that combo.
  15. It is a really helpful review. Thanks for making the distinction between these woods and the Sugared Greenery.
  16. Aw, thank you! Bluebells and their scent are so delicate (at least to my nose). It would be lovely to have a concentrated bottle of spring woodland!
  17. Oh, true enough; it probably isn't the same excitement if you're worried about skin chemistry. I hope something in there works for you if you go get any samples.
  18. *bounce, bounce, bounce* The labels looks excellent and I'm really looking forward to the descriptions!
  19. Funny like when the ice cream falls off the cone onto the ground and a dog eats it?
  20. This one sounds amazing. Sometimes I find that with all the NRs coming out at once several things will pique my interest but I"ll end up overwhelmed by the choice. When I look back on the releases months later new things start to emerge as really interesting items for the wishlist, and this is one. The reviews help with that, of course! Bella, you are selling this one like crazy!
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