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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I wonder what's going powdery in this blend? I have not encouraged TT to try this one because o fthe True Confessions in it, but I may give it a shot on him now that y'all have said the scent works for us ladies as well.
  2. I think you could make it year round for lips *hint, hint*. Also this smells nommy layered with LP Original as well
  3. K I have my samp on today & oh my this one is almost as smutty as LP Red on me. It smells like pumkin flavored sexxay on me, lol. Very naughty & I bet it would take cops well.
  4. Beccah


    So is the one fairly sweet and is the hickory, like hickory wood or hickory nuts?
  5. How loud is the peach in this one? Normally it amps on me, but I can wear it without even knowing it's there in Betrothal Potion.
  6. Oh thanks for bringing this to mind! Actually this one is TT's second favorite of the pheromone releases. He's been wearing it to the gym & he really likes the alpha in charge vibe it gives him, not that he doesn't get that without it, but it's more of a 'happy' vibe for him with this LP. The A-nol must take the edge off of the 'none for him and his fellow gym rats. I'm also surprise dthe florals didn't commit the unspeakable crimes they normally do with his chemistry scent-wise, interesting!
  7. 10-15 courses, hmmm. It end @ 7 so everyone can sleep off the food, right?
  8. You may just add some cops to the unPP, I think mixing the Sexpionage with it will probably net you unexpected effects sweety.
  9. Second usage today...I must stock up much like the survivalists do with MREs, because I NEVER want to be without this blend! This is definitely a dessert island pick for me now.
  10. Oh jeez Indigo, don't be somebody elses option, when they're you're #1 choice! Seriously, men will keep you on the back burner as long as you let them. I don't know you're particular situation, so this is a general opinion, but as an outsider it sounds bad.
  11. Kat is very wise. My husband actualy has a personal trainers license. Although he doesn't train people anymore, because he feels like it's taking away from his training time Anyway the gym is a gossip filled place. Maybe you should look elsewhere for romance sweety.
  12. I didn't get any crystals in mine until I turned the heat up to 68 (it was at 66) maybe the shea only crystalizes when it softens a bit?
  13. Slathered my whole body in this today, this formula w/out scent or coffee butter would be perfect for the expectant mommas dry itchy tummy
  14. @Dolly I know this was the first bottle I went thru completely, actually I don't think I 've finished any other bottles entirely since, lol.
  15. Ok all I know is I love this one, I truly do. I think PM knows the xtent of my undying devotion. Anyway, it is the actual scent I adore. If this was phero free, I'd probably be like ..YIPEEE I can buy at leats one more bottle LOL! Anyway, there 7 bottles in the cart & I hope if this disappears before I get it in some B&B that it comes back phero free, because I'd love to add some LAM or Sexpionage to this fragrance Woot-Woot.
  16. I know! I've been using this for my hands & thinking 'if this wasn't scented, I'd smear some on my lips too'.
  17. Beccah


    Evil Enabeler! & thanks for the review Luna
  18. I went ahead & tried this on my hands tonight...a little goes a LONG way! It does smell fantastic as well! When you do sell it, would it be very expensive to package it into some adorable metal tins, with something like the fancy LP logo we got for the 2010 spell kits? Then you could sell refills for them as well, just a thought.
  19. @ JOC tell him to lay off the soy, lol. @Luna oh yes I tell him, but he seems to forget when I subject him to full strength 'naked' blends. Maybe it's a little cruel, but man is it funny!
  20. Definitely Sexpionage will not smell like vanilla, unless you add it to a vanilla scent. I got my unfragranced beta today & made TT take a whiff outta the bottle...I believe his exact response went like this: "Smells like vagina sweat that's rolled down the butt-crack, but I can't stop sniffing it..there's something I like in it."
  21. I got my two orders today...yippee kay ay aye! Love the sniffees & if I could get past this hangover enough to shower today, I'd certainly be trying that butter samp. out. Any I love the new shrinkwrap on sprays, very inventive.
  22. I keep wanting to order those bath bombs I spied in the magic section...
  23. That was one of the first things I noticed about LPs is the warmth of the fragrances. I can see how that translates to 'candle' to people.
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