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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Mine's out for delivery today, doing my Spanish homework & surfing by window to watch for mailman hehe.
  2. Won't be long now! Which is your fave so far?
  3. Too funny...Hopefully I'm home form class when mine comes! BTW congrats on the FL win
  4. I got the Express notice today...my box will be here Wednesday.....
  5. Hmm I third H&S it is love in a bottle, PM was speaking highly of the new one 'Perfect Match'.....
  6. Definitely the Artisan it has like zero smell & I think they use the least amount of additives in it..... Hehe you said A-nol!
  7. Second & third Dolly! I think Sexpionage will most definitely be up your alley as well.
  8. We'll have to be stealthy like kitties, & pounce like puppies :dogg4: I'm so glad I have a bunch of exams to distract me from the waiting, lol.
  9. Whew! ScentBase is updated, my 3 yr.old enjoyed the respite from his nap, lol.
  10. Oh yaizzzz.....you save $60 if you order the full bottle set, that's like getting the one that doesn't work for free & saving $30 .......Really it's costing you more not to.
  11. Let's see... 1. Full bottle set monthly releases women's 2. My soon to be 12 yr.old's bday PE 3. Men's monthly sampler set 4. Flying Potion All this with a special thanks to Mara, & a very big thanks to the mother of my heart LadyRose
  12. Just remember the ratio is 2ml alcohol : 1ml perfume oil. & I know an 8 oz bottle lasted me nearly a year!
  13. If it's an oil based sample, & you have perfumers alcohol (probably not, most people aren't as obsessed as I am), you could make a mini spray. I love the diffusion aspect of alcohol combined with the strength of PP in Wildflower. I actually had good results with that one, it was the full strength unscented PP I was OD'ing people on. I do have some I already diluted that I could send you a minspray of, if you're interested sweety. My email's on my profile.
  14. Too much for sure. As Mara wisely advises us, less is more. If you have a blend that you're meh about ..always try halfing you're intial dosage. @Mara, well I noticed H&S works great for TT as well (when he's wearing it,lol). Maybe est. makes intensely alpha males more approachable?
  15. Hmm, is it the lack of funds that keep us from being classified as addicts? *sigh of relief*
  16. Initially, I wasn't sure about it, but after much experimenting & finding sweet spot & trying it in spray form. Yes, this blend is definitely a pheromone staple. Originally it was described as being a unisex blend, but while snooping around I've noticed it's now a woman's blend? If there any guys reading this, PP works better for my husband than Charisma
  17. Haha...that's great. Well from personal experience, the Perfumers alcohol will set you back about $20 for an 8 oz bottle (because of shipping costs), but vodka that will work well enough to blend won't be much cheaper. IDK you should definitely look @ SnowDrift Farm before you decide. I ended up getting Tangy Ylang boosted with Magnet in a beta spray & I like the cops in that form. To keep from getting them on clothes & hair I unscrew the top & dab perfume on pulse points. I've been doing that with a lot of my 'sprays' lately though
  18. Haha thanks Tyvvey...I feel a bit guilty, has anyone noticed the boys are waiting ever so patiently AND quietly, lol!
  19. Oh sorry...By all means do not hit buy yet! They are working as fast as possible (should've included that with my earlier post DOH)!
  20. Well if you guys are really impatient, you could just go search the names in the giftshop. I'v ebeen doing that & trust they are working rapidly to get these up. Compromising Position & a couple others will pop up if you search
  21. It's a great social mix definitely good in spray form & from my experience it doesn't take much.
  22. Bahaha @ inflation! @Mara ..is okay, I've waited this long AND with a zipper/padlock combo on my mouth to boot XOXO
  23. Beccah

    Hello again

    TY Liz & Calii XOXOXO
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