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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Alright, alright, I eat my words. I happen to have two sniffees of this one. They've had a year to age & you know what? After a 15minute drydown period....all the ass slides (mostly) to the background. The honey sweetness emerges in all it's glory. Oh I can still detect the civit, but I highly doubt anyone else could. I did slather my sniffee of Sin City over it just now, for curiosity (& I'm going to class shortly) sake, but I will try again ...when I'm @ home.
  2. Hehe *laughing conspiratorially* Not that I'm in on it, I just like to laugh conspiratorially........
  3. My 11 yr.old's been wearing the heck out of his Mark's Girl Nip sample. It smells really good on him (he's already hitting puberty, so he's got a little teen funk going on). A couple of his friends were interested in samples as well..so it looks like I'm the 'LP' momma, lol. So I better save my pennies! Time to dig out mah sample too.....
  4. Oh I wanted to go full bottle on a couple this month....but the car, lol. Did go monthly sampler, & I am saving to go full bottle set on our all phero month! I think a lot of us are though
  5. I ordered the monthly sampler, must be frugal till the car is fixed. I also love how 'Candle In The Wind' is a wink @ all the times we've been told we smell like a candle, bwahaha! Which I always take as a complement, because mainstream perfume can smell a bit 'old ladyish' to many an untrained nose.
  6. Haha & I need to work on my projects for finals next week, but I can't concentrate, must have descriptions! LMFAO!
  7. So Lucky! So you know for sure it's a girl? If only I could produce one of those for certain, lol. You know the upside to all girls, is that eventually your LP ddiction will be justifiable (when they're dipping into your collection).
  8. Oh my these all do look wonderful, it will definitely be a full bottle LP Autumnal Equinox '10 (I love collecting all the LP variants) & a monthly sampler.
  9. I forgot about those cookies (yummy)! It was a navy bean pie.
  10. Oh no! Definitely try B2, it's magic for the moodswings. Now ladies, I have an interesting development on the Est. front with TT. Heeding PM's advice that less can be more with pheromones. I only use the smallest concentration around him & it works like a magic spell on him. No more knee jerk animosity from him. We still have problems, but the right pheromones make living together more tolerable @ least.
  11. Sweet Potato is my favorite....I'm actually addicted to the spice mix that flavors the pies, but the sweet potato has subtly different texture that gives it a nice enhancement. Another pie that is unexpectedly delicious is bean pie! I dated a boy whose parents were muslim (african-american) & his mom would make it. Given my hatred of beans, she had a difficult time convincing me to try it. After I did I was addicted, lol.
  12. Definitely a monthly sampler for you this time missy!
  13. Beccah


    Welcome Chrisy
  14. I am so late to this party..but welcome my dear newbies I hope you have all tried Mara's Rocketfuel with BI...I have a sample of it & it's excellent. Although I have 2 bottles of the original & you'll have to pry them from my cold, dead...well you get the picture!
  15. & don't forget they are just AWESOME, lol. @ JOC do you have a sample of Carolyn's Man Nip, there's a bit of pumpkin in that one. Pumpkin fall scents also (in general) smell like pumpkin pie.
  16. Oh me, oh my it's almost time for our favorite time @ LP...Halloweenies!!!! :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :banana130: So now that I've went properly insane with the emoticons... I can't wait for teh pumpkin, pumpkin, & more pumpkin!!!!
  17. Beccah

    Elan Vitale

    This one reminds me of Effervescense only like pink champagne ( which is a win/win for me)
  18. The only reason I see not to blend them is because you want to see how each blend does on it's own. Are you intending to wear the Flourite on your neck for you & the Couer de L'amour on the back of your hands & wrists? Then I see no issues with it.
  19. This does smell very green to my nose & I love the citrus mixed in with it. I can see this being suitable for a boy as well, so I may let my 11 yr.old try it..if I can bare to part with it. Definitely have to go full bottle with this one.
  20. Beccah

    Areion Skye

    I swiped some on TT & it smells divine on a man even TT ( he usually does horrid thing to sweeter scents ). It does start out aquatic ( I'm vaguely reminded of Herbal Essences shampoo, but thats a good thing ), then it morphs into a very fresh scent. Like a very classic clean mens scent (on TT) anyway. Aqua Velva's packaging always promised me it would smell this way, but it never did! Very well done, I adore this as a mens blend.
  21. Beccah


    I tried this one earlier & I wanted to like it, but the anise amped waaaay too loudly on me.
  22. Beccah

    Areion Skye

    I like this one in vial, it smells a lot sweeter than I expected. It is very light, so I'm going to swipe after my woman time is over.
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