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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Fairy Cake: Banana Ripe luscious banana given a swirl of caramelized brown sugar, slathered with sugary cotton candy frosting mix deliciously with a cupcake base fit for a Fae of our creamiest buttery vanilla oils and a drop of sweet amber resin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: BANANA ~ Fertility, potency, prosperity; lightens emotional burdens.
  2. Fairy Cake: Apple A crisp sweet harvest of red and green apple notes slathered with sugary cotton candy frosting adorn a cupcake base fit for a Fae of our creamiest buttery vanilla oils. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, fortelling spells.
  3. BAHAHAHAHA! Hmmm.......Tooth Fairy collection: Potion #1 eau du AquaFresh complete with swirls of blue mint, red cherry, & white musk!
  4. The LP ladies (& lads)b should start a GoFundMe to support our fragrance habit These labels are amazing. I always love the art on the labels from here, though. So..... the sampler set is available to forum members only, are the labels/descriptions still being posted on the front page like usual? I don't mean to sound like a dunce, just curious. Probably deliciousness, that combo reminds me of Body Paint!
  5. LP Gold is fairly long lasting on my skin as well. I've woken up, mornings after I've skipped a shower, & still had the scent lingering.
  6. Sometimes when I combine things they tend to elicit reactions that I wouldn't normally have with either component on it's own. It could be a combination of the glue fumes & the fragrance that gave you the headache.
  7. Dom is a great blend. It won't change your fundamental nature, like Luna said, but if it works for you then here are some things you can expect; people will be more respectful, acknowledge your authority. It's also great for self discipline. I like to use it when I'm working out, I drive myself harder. The only adverse effects I've experienced is when I have PMS, then my bitch mode gets multiplied by a factor of 10.
  8. Idk, my motto is that you don't know until you try it out. If I'm hesitant I'll get a sample of a scent that's enhanced with pheromone blend I want to try.
  9. Hi & welcome. Nice to meet you! It will be fun reading about your conversion to the notes you thought you didn't like before. I used to think that I hated vanilla & anise notes, but I love what LP does with them. Also amber, I didn't know how I felt about it in commercial scents, but in LP I love it. I find it smells like "old lady" to me in commercial brews.
  10. Get a sample of Sexology 3, I loved the scent in vial but it didn't work with my personal chemistry. The honey did a combo of getting REALLY musky and getting very loud on me. It may not work that way for you, but a sample will let you try out the scent & the phero. It's usually a good policy to start with samples, but I break my policy when the buzz on the boards is pointing toward that scent selling out quickly. If that happens you can usually trade it or sell it off very easily if the scent doesn't work for you.
  11. I gotta cover my bases, I'm getting back into dating & I'm not sure what the kids are into these days It looks like you're stocking a full arsenal, woman. I wouldn't be so worried about the age thing. I'm really seeing a lot of younger men with more mature ladies these days. I've also noticed that I seem to be getting hit on by men in the 30 & younger set (despite my preference for older men). I think those of us 30 & older are having a moment, thanks Sophia Vergara!
  12. Sometimes I even dab some on my ankles, lol.
  13. Just saw this, yes, yes they are! My son & his friends started passing me up in the height department around middle school, haha. Glad Cougar worked out for you. Interesting about your band mates reaction. I've really only ever had one negative reaction from Cougar & it was from another woman that was being horribly taunted by her (then) husband.
  14. My ex has similar personality traits. ETA: Interestingly enough, he always got good self effects from Est. I know this because of trials with products from two different companies, here & Erox (the makers of Realm). Initially, Heart & Soul had been mistakenly labeled as unisex on the site & I had ordered a bottle of LP #9 boosted with it, we both used to use it. Before I found LP I use to get my pheromones from bottles of Realm I'd pick up at Marshall's. Erox' philosophy was that consumers would get better results from self effects with their products, so they used Est in their men's cologne & A1 in the women's.
  15. Idk, are other people avoiding you? Does the scent seem too strong? It's usually a matter of personal preference, but sometimes the perfume's strength can sneak up on you. I have that problem with Aja. A little goes a LONG way with that one because it will amp to high heaven on me.
  16. That's probably what my ex's problem is, hahaha. He even got a girlfriend that looks old enough to be his mom (she's not, but she looks like it).
  17. The ex always reacted very negatively to Est (he was also a jerk dialed up to 11 when I was pregnant). So for me, Est is a good litmus test on suitability. Have you tried Sexpionage with him yet? That one is fun!
  18. Welcome to the forum. I suggest letting the cops dry down for a minimum of 15 minutes, until you get used to using them. The OCCOs are pretty excellent for those starting out. As a matter of fact, I have a bottle of EoW that's lasted me for years because the OCCOs & other phero options make applying the unscented copulins a bit of a hassle in comparison. Cougar is an amazing blend.
  19. I'm down to my last bottle of Cougar. This won't do. I need to plot out an order.... will probably include a spray of Cougar, a bottle of Quarrell Mender. Something else for sure, lol.
  20. I can add nothing to Luna's sound logic. Happy Anniversary!
  21. Woo-hoo I got my package today & it came like at super sonic speed
  22. Lmao, maybe I should make that my new profile tagline?
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