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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Beccah


    Rihla The length of a journey often depends on the desire of the traveler, and the 14th century Muslim explorer and scholar Ibn Battuta was a most resolute soul, considered one of the greatest and wide-ranging travelers of all time, visiting North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Africa and Eastern Europe in the West, and to the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the East. His thirty-year odyssey is recounted in the Rihla – an Arabic word for "journey" - and in it he reflected upon the many things he had never before seen, including such exotica as plums, watermelon, silk, and paper money. Having covered even more ground than Marco Polo, we thought he deserved a scented tribute to those travels: a lovely enticing fragrance with a heart of juicy plum framed by Indian sandalwood, frankincense, two types of Oud attar and a precious dusting of Arabian spice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: PLUM ~ Inspires & maintains love, protects dwelling against evil and intrusion. INDIAN SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, consecration, protection, exorcism. Associated with silver and the moon. OUD (Agarwood) ~ Love, aphrodisia, spirituality, health. ARABIAN SPICES ~ Sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.
  2. Beccah


    Galapagos An amazing tale of exploration and groundbreaking discovery into the origins of life itself is contained within the journals of the famed naturalist Charles Darwin, whose five-year voyage upon the HMS Beagle led to a unifying theory regarding the diversity of life on Earth. This fragrance is based upon the field research Darwin undertook while investigating the Galapagos Islands, a formation relatively new at the time, geologically-speaking. A beautifully primordial coastal scent comprised of ingredients found only in that region, we've blended Purple Prickly Pear fruit with a brine accord, as well as top notes of Morning Glory and salty Mangrove leaves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: CACTUS FRUIT (aka Purple Prickly Pear) ~ Protection, chastity, endurance, warmth, love, inspiration, sacred gateway to the spirit world. MORNING GLORY ~ Peace, happiness, harmony, banishing of nightmares, encourages spontaneity. SALT ~ protection, purification, grounding, feminine energy. Resurrection, baptism. MANGROVE ~ Rebirth, resurrection, triumph over adversity, heartiness, health and growth.
  3. Beccah


    Anthea The world all around us is filled with living entities which are just as potentially mysterious to us now as they have been since before recorded history: plant life. Plants preceded us, sustain us and our habitats, provide beauty and bounty, but they are also a source of continual discovery in regards to their myriad uses and sources. At London's Kew Gardens – which houses the planet’s largest collection of living plants - the study and appreciation of botany has been in continual attendance for over 200 years. The staff works to protect and repopulate endangered and extinct species, and retain numerous varieties with their seed bank. To celebrate the abundance of vegetative life we’ve crafted a lovely floral blend fit for a goddess (and thus we have named it for the goddess of gardens)…two types of Lily of the Valley entwined with pink lotus blossom, blended with rich amber and buttercream and a drop of cedar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: LILY OF THE VALLEY ~ Soothing and calming on the nerves. Sweetness, mental prowess, happiness. PINK LOTUS BLOSSOM ~ No man can refuse the woman who wears this; lovers reunited, protection. Symbolizes intellect, mental energies and illumination. Inspiration, clarity, purification. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. MILK/BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification.
  4. Beccah


    Amphitrite The underworld beneath our ken…fathoms deep, it murmurs in the motion of the waves, of violent storms and calm surfaces…the ocean is a vast region irresistible to those desiring to discover its secrets. The sea is forever feminine: the cradle of life and cache of treasures awaiting recovery. And many have been found, thanks to the efforts of explorers such as Robert Ballard, discoverer of many significant wrecks such as the RMS Titanic and the battleship Bismarck. To capture the intrigue of this liquid space we present an aquatic potion comprising aspects of water magic: cleansing, purifying, life-affirming. The blooms of waterlily, Bird of Paradise, freesia and delphinium are strewn upon fresh-cut greenery and enhanced with an ozone accord and a light resinous musk. Lovers of our Nymph fragrance will desire to be drowned in the depths of Amphitrite. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: WATER LILY ~ Purity of heart. BIRD OF PARADISE ~ Beginnings, excitement, wonderment. FREESIA ~ Innocence, chastity, charm. DELPHINIUM ~ A magickal representation of "air". Symbolizes heavenly qualities. Swiftness, lightness. BASIL ~ Creates empathy between couples; love, fidelity. Invigorates, protection. Mends quarrels. THYME ~ Protection from negativity, rejuvenating. Health, healing, sleep, psychic power enhancement, love, purification, courage. MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification.
  5. Beccah

    4th Dimension

    4th Dimension A man who could surely be said to be our preeminent futurist – in that his fictional creations were explorations of future realms often prescient in their portrayals – was the English novelist H.G. Wells. Often referred to as “the father of Science Fiction,” he approached his writing from a distinctly scientific and socialist viewpoint, which is evident in such works as The Island of Dr. Moreau, The War of the Worlds, and The Time Machine. The latter novel is one of the very first portrayals of time travel, and a classic devising of Wells’ philosophy combined with his quest for plausible depictions of potential technology. We constructed our very own tribute to the novel with a journey both back in time and to those native regions which surely inspired the author in his imaginative names! A dusty, antique bouquet of Rose Geranium with hints of honeysuckle and rose and a drop of sandalwood is placed within the Moors and Lochs of the British Isles: dried marsh grasses and mosses and a wisp of marsh orchid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: ROSE GERANIUM ~ Blessings, Fertility, Love, Protection. HONEYSUCKLE ~ Bonds of love, generosity; attracts money, prosperity, clairvoyance, healing, creativity, protection. MARSH ORCHID ~ Strong love symbol; beauty, refinement, fertility, creativity, psychic powers. ROSE ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. MARSH GRASSES ~ Wishes granted, enhances psychic powers, protection. MOSSES ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. Parental love.
  6. The permanent line up probably has more time to age before we receive it as the Mistress of Potions brews those batches on power days, as the need arises. Permanent would be LP Original, Black, Red, etc..
  7. Hmm, something is right on teh tip of my brain, but I can't quite grasp it. Although Wonderful Things label looks like Nefertiti with a modern twist. Although she is working that black & gold, & definitely very Egyptian looking. Could it be Astarte? ETA: Something to do with Goddesses, domestic & otherwise?
  8. *giggle snort So I take it I'm not the only one that gags a little when I see things like a car with "Mrs. Michael & Mr. Michael" on each front car door window?
  9. Betrothal is still one of my favorites. It's so fresh!
  10. You could always skip the waxes & let your fur bikini grow *giggle snort as I am currently doing that. If SO wants it bad enough, he'll have to fight his way through the jungle. Whatcha got going on Blue Bear?????
  11. I have gotten around to testing my sample properly today. I keep sniffing own wrist because this smells delicious! I would say it's a sneak attack, but it's more "there" than what I could properly define a sneak attack to be. Probably because it's very sweet on my skin, way sweeter than skin naturally. ETA: This stuff seems to work quickly. I had a couple Mormons knock while I was writing this. One of them was awfully persistent. I know they're NOT allowed to witness to women home alone. I immediately told the two (male) Mormons that I was alone, I know they're not allowed to talk to me & to have a nice evening. El responso: "We can talk to you outside!" Wtf? I was just like, uh, it's raining & I'm not standing out in it, stay dry & good luck. Yeesh, that's all I need; Mormon hits :/
  12. Ok, I am starting to get antsy now. I wonder if there is a Beltane scent in the collection?
  13. Beccah

    Areion Skye

    I gave my best friend the last part of my B2 boosted bottle, to help her with PMS. She used it all up, lol. Told me she loved it because it smelled like the ocean to her.
  14. Beccah

    A Lick Of Pink

    What can I say about this one. It is crazy. I like my pink scents to be on the citrus end of the spectrum, so this one isn't my favorite scent-wise, but after consistent testing; the reactions that I get from other people while wearing this are insane. Like I'm a superstar, everytime. So it is my favorite pink scent to wear out.
  15. Yes!I did not expect this scent, to be honest. I was thinking it would be sweeter. It is very perfume-y on my skin, very elegant & citrus. The patch is dryer. This scent feels more spa like to me. The lemongrass makes it very energizing. Still, although this is sexy, it definitely feels like a sneak attack type scent. Due to the patch & lemongrass combo coming off as aromatherapy. I like it & find it to be a unique scent in general, but definitely in the Love Potion line up. If I can get my hands on a full bottle of this, I would love to smell it in a year or two.
  16. Maybe the Est in H&S does it for you? A lot of pregnant women do experience increased libido..... I had the bets experience with this on two days ago. The sun was shining & the grass was perfectly soft. I was walking barefoot in the sunshine with H&S on & it was the best feeling, like right before you fall asleep & you're perfectly comfortable & float-y feeling.
  17. It's everything I thought it would be! Wore it to my fam's club's opening night, it was perfect. I also love the green glitter in the bottle. It makes it look like the magic potion that it is
  18. Word! & LOLZ at the b.f. I really like the new info bookmarks you send with the orders now. The art work is gorgeous & they really explain the oils very well.
  19. Cougar Potion, Stone Cougar, La Femme Mystere, Popularity Potion, Topper, & Open Windows.
  20. ~Le sigh~ It seems there aren't enough men to go around during the zombie apocalypse........
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