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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Beccah


    There is citrus in this, you must be amping it
  2. I was theorizing that the extra 'none would up the intimidation factor. Thus far he's only seen good results from the unisex blends. Any of the heavier 'none blends seem to have a repellent effect on the ladies for him.
  3. I usually get headaches, from anol, if my system is out of balance. That is the worst side effect, at best I stop getting self effects. It's probably a good idea to take two weeks off every so often anyway, so that you don't lose the good feelings you get from your favorite blends. I also find myself rotating them often to keep this form happening as well. I am curious, which amino acids are you taking?
  4. Skye, you look so prettyful in your avi! I wonder, would this make my SO more intimidating to other ladies? I wouldn't mind giving him something that may keep the ladies at a distance. He's 6'5" & 300 lbs of weightlifting muscle
  5. Beccah


    Hmm, my bottle is verrry pink still.
  6. I m happily married, for the most part, & 31. I have not experienced a drop in my husband's sexual desire for me. I can't really tell if male attention toward me has dropped off or not. The youngest guy I've had hit on me recently was 26, & I usually get guessed around 27, so Idk? I would probably get guessed younger if I was at my fighting weight, but eff it. I's rather be fat & happy, than thin & grumpy
  7. I'm not sure if grapefruit (even with a spice) could handle an OCCO load of cops, but I do know there was a cinnamon/grapefruit/brown sugar PE that smelled divine. I still have my sniffee hoarded somewherez.
  8. I got hit with a goodly dose of this & it is bringing out my ornery side. I think if anyone were around right now I would be pulling pranks & mercilessly teasing them.
  9. Gotta be the citrus Another fun fact; if you've gained a few, spicy scents make people perceive you as thinner. Imagine the sexy power you would wield pairing LP Red with Cougar & cops????
  10. Aha! I knew I was close, lol. Hmm, now if I add cops to Pop., it turns into "silver Fox" nip for me, while still retaining the social effects. If you want the circle of males around you, Cougar is the way to go! I swear men subconsciously circle me & hang off of my every word. I've had mixed results with women. If the women I'm around are secure with themselves, they will adore me too, if they are more than a bit insecure I will at worst be facing a possible physical confrontation, or at best get catty comments. LFM gives an aura of mystery to me, it seems to fascinate people in my vicinity. Nothing over the top, but definitely an enjoyable experience. If you're feeling not so hot, or like you've become invisible because you're "older", learn to love grapefruit, ladies. Grapefruit magically creates a glamorous appearance & on a more mundane level, tricks the male brain into thinking you're up to 10 years younger. Scented Cougar is a wonderful addition to any woman's arsenal, imo.
  11. Could they dra-medic thriller novels, I can only be serious for a short period of time. Attention span, I no haz it.
  12. Ok, challenge accepted. You're an international mercenary spy. Also known as THE Femme Fatale. You're being paid to enitice a powerful oil sheikh, who pays women to join his harem & rebuff him. It's his thing, he's weird. You must seduce the information he's holding about Iran's nuclear plans away from him.
  13. Popularity Potion? Please elaborate further..I haz a giant curious right now, lol!
  14. Yes, I like to layer oils & sprays together. Unfortunately, I am not a rich lady, so I usually make half of my bottle of oil into a spray with the perfumes I want to do this with. I put the oil on at home, do a small walk through spray & take it with me to refresh with. I usually don't need to, but when I start drinking I find myself refreshing my perfume constantly ETA: I just thought about it! Thank gawd these perfumes are not "loud", people would be running away from my French whore-esque stench when I'm out
  15. Is your unBalm Bomb in alcohol or oil? If in 100% alcohol base, I don't see any issues, if it's in oil I can't help.
  16. So I finally did it, I finally got around to wearing v.1 of this, i.e. Darling Clementine! Back story: We went to pool today. I've been using the Australian Gold sunscreen which smells very orange-y. Didn't have any LPs on, then we decided to go eat & I didn't want to be "naked". This one complemented my Australian Gold sunscreen perfectly. I have to say, I never saw what the big deal was about this scent, but now I understand. It is delicious, bright, baked goods I'm not really that into smelling like cake, but I will be holding on to both of my Darling Clementine/Catalina samps to wear with my Australian Gold sunscreen.
  17. My advice is not to pass your sample along. Once you get your treatment switched to something that isn't damaging your body, you may find that you can wear these without headaches. I couldn't do A-nol for the longest, during this time I was drinking excessively, eating like crap & severely stressed (amongst other things). I cut back extensively on my alcohol consumption, am eating *much* healthier, & managing my stress. So now I get to enjoy lovely potions like Flying Potion again
  18. Zomg, you guys are killing me! I am seriously regretting not at least ordering a sample of this! So is it still available in the monthly sampler? I think I shall cave & order one if so. A flower for my pretties, lol.
  19. I love this one too, & I will be VERY sad when I finally use up my bottle. I know the SWS is for work, but the patchouli & honey take it in a sexy direction when I wear it
  20. Sorry to hear that sweety! Have you tried Glucosamine/Chondroitin? I injured my knees a couple times before & took that supplement without suffering any permanent damage. Maybe it would help with Arthritis?
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