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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Oh my, even I get headaches from pheromones/scents when I'm exhausted & I'm the opposite of sensitive. I was getting chemical peels with my facials a couple years ago & I barely peeled! Anyway, this is a beautiful scent, but certainly not worth headaches or liver damaging analgesics, maybe you could look it up & search the tags to see if there's a similar scent that appeals to you?
  2. Why did I not see this before? Funny! Mine hasn't gotten much love because I boosted it with Leather & cops & it's too sexy. Seriously, I have Red boosted with cops & have no problem wearing that in public, but the boosted P&D makes me feel (emotionally) like I'm walking around naked & just asking for it... It does get me laid at home, never fails
  3. Goodness Eggers, so glad you posted this! I've been sitting on my unopened bottle & haven't even given my sample much thought. I better wear some tomorrow
  4. Yeah, my Rainbow Falls stash is invaluable to me. I didn't want to try this one either, because I was afraid I would get hooked on it, too! I appreciate your review Gabby, because now I *know* I would!
  5. Dear Joan, I suggest lightly dotting the EoW on wrists, then rubbing together. Apply a very light line of EoW oil from your cleavage to belly button & use your wrists rub it in. Let the EoW mellow out for a good 15-20 minutes. Then apply LP Red oil over the top. I also suggest applying the EoW after you get dressed so that you don't accidentally get it on your clothing. You can get OCCO Red to match (I have it & LP Red), but you may find that layering them together changes eh scent in an unexpected way. For me this combo turns into a coffee scent. I decided to buy a bottle of LP Red with cops added to it by LPMP, to simplify things. I really like cops with Love Potion Perfume or any of it's variants. ETA: Forgot to add I use cops as a social when I don't have makeup on, lol!
  6. I have not experienced acne & I mist & walk through. I hope that helps
  7. So I wonder if this scent keeps the bugs at bay also? Please, LMK, I would love to smell fabulous without getting eaten up
  8. I like NOW Foods organic EOs iHerb.com ships to China, I always see reviews from their Chinese customers (but I can't read them, lol). Plus either I have a code or I'm sure Lynne has one that can get you $5 off I think they also carry Aura Cacia...
  9. Idk, if they will, but feeling like you have the vitality to dance for hours is way better than getting pelted with metal & carbs (imo)
  10. 1st layer: cops boosted LP SE 2011. 2nd layer scented Cougar Potion spray. 3rd layer: Topper
  11. No, insect repellents do not have pheromones in them. You can buy insect pheromones separately (to bait traps I think). Insect repellents contain either chemicals, essential oils, or a mixture of both to repel bugs. If you suffer from allergies; try citronella oil based repellents, candles, or the repellent clips on your clothes, sweety.
  12. Tested this out over Cougar & cops, it's a win. Felt very energized last night. I was out on the floor out-dancing the girls in their 20s I did turn into a pumpkin at the 3 hour mark, lol. I think I used 2-3 sprays. Idk, I did the walk through method.
  13. I've noticed that all kinds of insects are drawn to me when I wear pheromones, including mosquitoes :/ Usually only bees & butterflies bother me when I'm wearing phero-free LPs & I'm fine with that. Also animals & kids seem to fawn over me with starry eyed devotion when I wear cops in LPs but we've had that conversation in other threads I think.
  14. Beccah

    Buns of Cinn

    Isn't strawberry car freshner a pink scent though? I'm confused, LP Red is more of a spicy fragrance, while LP Pink has more of a berry smell.
  15. I tried this out the other day. I wanted to use it with cops, but I tried it on it's own first. My bottle is the 2,500 strength & I used 1-2 sprays. I got that same initial rush of nervousness that I get get with Perfect Match. I do not get this with a-nol by itself, so I'm going to narrow this down to DHEAS. Had a fun day, & I did feel very youthful, very friendly & outgoing. I guess I will be going out on the boat, after all. I wonder if this will go well over B2 or Hearts Ease?
  16. Hmm, maybe the citrus? My skin seems to be eating all the pinkness in this scent & leaving me with a light citrus musk. Interesting.
  17. I got my order today. Thanks for the fast shipping & the little extras in my package
  18. Bless you LP magicians for coming up with this! Had a situation with SO during the party & I was very close to stabbing him with a plastic knife. I slathered this on my neck & I was able to stay cool & get back to having a good time
  19. @Lor Word! You are correct mademoiselle. It seems so ironic that science was founded as an alternative to the mandatory (theocratic) views presented by the Holy Roman Empire, yet scientists these days seem to have sold their souls to the corporations. Which results in a mandatory McScience society, meaning if they can't prove (or disprove) theories right instantaneously then they are automatically considered snake oil. Very sad state of affairs.
  20. You all are so right about this blend! I think I may have to dethrone B2 as my ultimate soother because this one actually puts me in a smile on my face straight from crying fits, as opposed to just calming everything down. Full bottle, definitely. If I can't get Heart's Ease in time, it will definitely be Balm Bomb. My compliments to the chef, you knocked it out of the park on this one!
  21. Because people have made reports of pheromones affecting people they have phone conversations with, I'm going to assume that a big part of their effect has to do with changing the wearers energy or vibe.
  22. Yeah, in my experience Drs. can be strange birds. I'm not sure if wearing a-nol around them is a good idea. I would stick with more dominant or soothing blends, but that's just me.
  23. MAILE VINE ~ Wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection, protection, sex, Hmm, what is that, you sexy hunk of man meat? Yes! You may lay me! (I am a junior high schooler right now.)
  24. You know, if you like the pheromone effects. I would suggest alternating with Love Potion (original) & it's variants. These one's seem to have the most pronounced pheromone like effects for me. I find that aromatherapy is as effective as pheromones, yet doesn't have the burnout factor. Don't get me wrong, though, I love my pheromone toy box dearly. I just find my LP perfume toy box a bit more versatile.
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