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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. I'm not at all surprised to hear Mara did a magick and that you luv your PE :) but just as much, it is *so* lovely to see how much you two love each other - it just seeps out of every pore of your post, to make a bizarre and rather gross-sounding metaphor :) but seriously, that kinda made the day for my tiny twisted pebble of a heart. Thank you for sharing it :rolleyes:

  2. :Hug_emoticon: I would guess that OCCO has the most cops, but it matters what you mean by "snare your man". They're all so effective but in slightly different ways IMO.


    LAM of course has the social, happy-making aspect and so IMO is the most generally "social". OCCO for me just brings on what luna calls the "stupid horny". BI has an animal / dragged off by the hair aspect.


    Personally though, I've found Phero Girl to have the most hit-with-a-truck traffic-stopping effect on *strangers* - even more than OCCO or BI - I think because of the deadly combo of the honey (really the bee pollen, I suspect) and EOW.


    But if by "snare your man" you are including any sense of them falling madly in love with you, in addition to wanting to turn you inside out, - for me that's CB.

  3. Honestly I don't remember Hotness Personified that well...I remember liking it at first and then in subsequent tests it went funny on me :blue_dancing_banana: (I think my skin doesn't like pineapple even though it's my fav fruit) From what I recall- I think this probably has a more sugary/hard translucent candy feel, while Hotness was more FRUIT UP IN YO FACE.

  4. This might be the best-named LPMP ever!!! It is sooo girly and soooooo twirly. In the first wet seconds the currant threatened to shiv me as usual, but the whole thing quickly settled down into hard candy. Delicious, flirty hard candy.



  5. *gasping for breath*

    Ladies, the juxtaposition of Posts #60-61-62 almost killed me and deafened my ManThing.


    LOL, wish I could say I was trying to be funny in response to Luna's call for elegant behavior, but I wasn't. I really did feel sick with excitement.


    Kitteh-luna has an especial wisdom and serenity in her eyes, even for a kitteh.

  6. Ok, wiping the tears off of my face from laughing so hard...deep breath....


    Tyvey, it's a more honey sweetness - and I used sweet syrupy honey with very little "bad girl" smell to it, if you know what I mean.


    The "pinks" that I used in each were of a different source, and there's also drops of Mulberry and Dewberry in Lady V's blend.


    There's no exact ingredients in common between the two.


    OO, just saw this, glad I reserved a bottle! thank you :D

  7. Aw, too bad! I get that with the occasional vanilla too, but not this one, which thanks to your reminder I am sporting now. Maybe it's the fact that I've got it smooshed together with OCCO Pink? but it is super powdery on me today, which I don't normally like but it works baby, it works.

  8. Welcome!!


    I'm an IS/A type myself, and do think of myself and come across as fairly alpha too. I think you would especially like OW, SS4W and Cougar, and maybe Sexpionage.


    I know what you mean about being surprised by a scent that you didn't expect to be "you". One of the very most fun and gratifying things about LPMP to me (among many others) is that every morning I get to decide who I am going to 'be', like a character in a play, and it's SO fun to 'be' something I am not always/obviously/naturally... like, an ultra girly flouncy floral one day and a smoldering sexpot the next.


    And THEN! when you add phero flexibility to the mix (same is true of those too, btw, tho I don't reach as often for the b-nol-heavy blends that I have despite their absolutely fantastic scents [sexology, Dolce Far Niente, Suckled Honey]) - that just adds another exponential layer of possibilities. Every morning I feel like I'm busting out a fresh 64-box of Crayolas.

  9. A few friends and myself LOVE Vicars and Tarts, I wonder if Open Sesame is going to be on the same page as that.............. it sounds delish!!! :o


    Hm, interesting - I wouldn't have come up with that comparison on my own, but yeah, I suppose they are kind of in the same neighborhood - close-wearing, sweet, and with a nutty air. IMO Open Sesame is lighter; less warm & less resinous.

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