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Everything posted by BlueBear

  1. SS4W smells like sweat to me (but I kinda like it, lol!) But for this reason, I always cover all of my pheros because who knows what i smell like to my intendeds?
  2. BlueBear


    This was not at the top of my list because i frequently can't do honey, but i am stunned--stunned!!--as how light and beautiful this is on my skin. First on, I get a honey drizzled fig, slightly sweet. The apricot is tart enough to keep it light, but it's not in your face. You won't smell it as much as you do in the Love Potions.The myrrh smooths things out. I actually don't detect any spice, other than the suggestion of cardamon at the beginning. This is very feminine in the earth mother way. Like others have said, don't judge this one by sniffing the vial. You will be pleasantly surprised.
  3. ^^^^^^^^^My computer screen is now covered in coffee!!
  4. Only thing is if you really like LP Red and you get it boosted, you'd be stuck wearing Bang! all the time...which wouldn't be a problem if you really like Bang! too! lol. Welcome!
  5. BlueBear


    What a beautiful scent! Defrosted is the perfect name for this, because it smells like being in the north woods of MN the moment the last of the snow melts, woody, damp in a clean and fresh way, with the barest hint of spring. I normally amp pine (but i love it so I don't mind!) but it blends in seamlessly with the other notes. The iris is just gorgeous in this. I can see how it smells unisex to many, but on my skin, it's incredibly feminine, and i think it's due to the iris. But don't be afraid of trying it, fellas!!
  6. First of all, welcome!!!! I can't answer your last question as to why, but I just wanted to add that my officemate is also sensitive to scent and she has never an issue with LPs. Maybe it's because of the quality ingredients they use...? Or just Mara's magick? I also can't asnwer any questions about tolerances. I just shake it up way too much to be an issue! As for an alternate of Treasured Hearts, I'd suggest Perfect Match.
  7. Another gardenia fan over here!! I was interested to see how the frangipani was going to act because my skin amps it to crazy levels. (Not that I mind--it always really works!) But it doesn't!!! It stays nicely in the background and adds just a hint of pink floral sweetness. The gardenia is definitely the star in this, though. Beautiful and heady but not overwhelming. I'm actually not getting any musk or sandalwood. It will be interesting to see if it comes out later.
  8. I glossed over this one when i got my sampler. in the vial, it smelled slightly medicinal. Maybe the frankincense? It quickly found its way to the bottom of the pile to try. But today, I'm wearing purple, and this seemed like a good fit, so I moved it right back up the list to try. Oh my stars!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!! It just melds with my skinThe musk is to die for. It reminds me of that musk in Halo's Lavender Musk. Wonderful! And I'm always a fan of Mara's smoke notes. Luckily, I don't get incense. It blends well with the vanilla. Definitely less smokey on me than Allumette. The wisteria is just barely there, just a hint of floral but gives a ton of "purpleness" to the scent. Love it!
  9. My eyes rolled back in my head when I smelled this one. It's absolutely heavenly. First on, it's buttery, sweet banana bread. I only detected banan for the first few minutes before it settled into warm toast. The brown sugar is just a hint. It's such a rich scent, but at the same time, it's light, very creamy and skinlike. It wears very close and is actually very sexy. I found out that the boy doesn't like foody scents, but to my nose, it really isn't that foody, just cozy. I'm hoping he'll like this one. If not, screw it, I'm slathering anyway!!!
  10. I am also slathered in Mara's Warm and Toasty. Love is an understatement!
  11. BlueBear

    Irish Rose

    I really like this one!!!! First on,i get a bright burst of fruitiness. Usually, with that intensity, it burns off quickly, but this lingered for a good hour. Then the musk comes out. It's my favorite musk, just slightly skin like, like pressing your nose in baby's hair. I think it's the cedar helping keep the scent clean. It wasn't until later that I got some floral, but it isn't even identifiable as rose on my skin, just a pleasant, sweet floral. It's youthful but not girlish. I will love it for the spring. It wears very light, but it also lasts on me and withstood a good washing to leave me with a nice musk.
  12. I did as Ducky suggested and let this bloom...and it came alive and took me hostage!! This was all orchid and tea on me. It is very lovely and the notes balance each other. A beautiful spring scent. but it just wears very strong on me. I might try just a dot on my torso so that it's mostly covered by clothing and see what happens.
  13. BlueBear


    I've worn this a couple of times, and by the end of the wearing, it gets really maple-y on me, which the boyfriend says he absolutely hates. Boo.
  14. So far, this is my favorite of the month. First on it's like fluffy white cake with lots of sugary, creamy frosting. After about ten minutes, the sweet pea comes out and gives this a pink feel. Even though I love sweet pea, it can sometimes run amok and take over a perfume. But that's not the case with this. Everything is balanced. It does that perfect balance between goody and floral, kind of like Fleurs de Vanille. It's light but still had a good throw to it. Maybe a full bottle!
  15. Halo's Cocoa Lily Tease X Appeal Cinnamon Vanilla Musk Steamy Daydreams
  16. DHEAS. These give me such a boost . i actually try not to use them too much because I don't want to become immune!! LFM-- Like others said, it's a great all around phero. i like it for work ocassionally and LOVE it for shopping. Bang!/Cuddle Bunny- the man slayer. Turns the mens to mush and gets stuff done for me. I like it for the mechanic, Home Depot, and of course, the Marine Perfect Match--great for bonding with my friends, the man, and smoothing relations at work, actually. Sexology is getting an honorable mention for me. It's quickly becoming my go-to with the Marine. I know it works fast and reliably with him.
  17. Just a sampler right now and my bottle of Warm and Toasty. Mmmmm, i can practically smell it!!
  18. BlueBear


    Soapy! Le wiz! *babbles incoherently.* I must have this!
  19. Welcome!!! Cops tend to rev my engine, particularly in BANG!, Cuddle Bunny, and the OCCOs, so those are worth a try. La Femme Noire makes me feel like a sexy beast. Of course, pheros and the self effects they give are very personal, and some people don't get any self effects at all. And of course, definitely talk with your doctor to be sure you don't have anything else affecting your libido. Good luck, and welcome!
  20. Yuck!!! Hope they stayed warm!!! (And i think they told us that storm is headed my direction. )
  21. Gorgeous!!!!! I think i need L'eau de Orchide!!! And how wonderful two are dedicated to charity!!!
  22. Mmmmm, jungle juice!!! I don't know if my body could even handle it anymore!! I'm hoping for tomorrow!!!!!!
  23. Lace would be nice, but I would avoid Dominance simply because she doesn't know this guy and it could be very off putting to an alpha type male. I think SS4W or Cougar like the others said. They are great social blends with a sexy edge.
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