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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yes! I totally second Scented Cuddle Bunny and LAM Pink Amber....I had read somewhere else awhile back that you had never tried pheros and I was wondering when you were going to jump into the madness!
  2. Welcome mm168. I keep bumping a sample of LP Homme from my list so I have yet to try it but do let us know how it works for you!
  3. Oh yeah this was one that I never would have thought I would love too. And Donsie, you can always add a phero to it! I usually wear It with LFNoire...
  4. Yes on LFM, the cool confident phero! And also on getting it out of the way before you go back to work. You are going to be nervous enough...if it is not semi resolved you will be so sick about it!! It will be way too stressful.
  5. Well I am kind of glad about that! I will still be at the beach so I hope to get home before I have to start stressing about The Great LP Race.
  6. My only for sure bottle right now is Pizzazz as I will have emptied my sample by after New Years.
  7. Maybe it's that Love Potion Blue someone alluded to a while back...?
  8. Oh my Lord. I cannot believe this statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Welcome Donsie! I can't wait to hear about all those samples you are getting!!
  10. Yep, I've worn it with other pheros or without...with other perfumes or nothing at all!
  11. Ha! Tyvey that is a creepy story! Yeah as much as I love Gotcha I would not wear it shopping. I could so see that happening, It is definitely the "falling in love" phero.
  12. Dolly's Hot and Sticky would be excellent for Cougar. I already have two bottles, one in oil copped and one spray with Topper but I would be tempted to get another one with Cougar if there was a rebrew. I would choose another scent though and split the phero dose between them because I think that is why I didn't like it before. I was probably wearing too much. I think the reason it is working for me in Pizzazz is that I am so afraid of the rose giving me a headache that I am not wearing as much perfume as I normally would. I have never considered myself a phero lightweight but in the case of Cougar I just may be. I always wanted a "Cougar boosted Bridezilla" anyway because it sounds so silly so if Dolly's H&S makes a comeback this summer I may get those two and skip the Pizzazz since I am still so on the fence with it.
  13. The oakmoss and tobacco is why I love Blue so much too. It is such a comfortable scent. Completely different from Cuddle Bunny to me.
  14. OK! The good news is the Cougar is not making me feel weird and "off" like it has in every other scent I have tried it in. I am actually feeling awesome and upbeat! This is such an enthusiastic scent! I do like it and it is so perfect for today. It is sunny and clear and the air is so fresh, I can't imagine wearing any other scent today. It does remind me somewhat of Passion in Pink but not quite as sickly sweet so I like it better for me. I am not sure about getting a full bottle yet. It has the potential of wearing me out. It just might be tooooo much. I will definitely wear my sample and see if I am sick of it by the time it's gone.
  15. I know I am getting Petit Four Your Thoughts as soon as the store opens. OPEN OPEN OPEN.
  16. My obsession is Red and I think I like the oil better too but I have and use both...I just wish I had got it in body cream when they were available, I want to be drenched in it!!! Unfortunately I tried Original again lately and it was just too sweet for me, and the patch didn't come out enough for me like in Red and Honeyed LP. eta: but I love the LP Original soap!! That smells less sweet and deeper when I lather it up. Must get more.
  17. I get the same thing from both versions of G&L that I have tried. I have better luck with Sveet Tooth which gives me what I want G&L to smell like without that one note.
  18. Good! Thanks! I am hoping the lighter version will work. I am also going to retry Original LAM now that I am liking honey and LP Black. I liked LP Black but I only ever wore it to bed mixed with Snowbound. I want to see how it is for me now on its own. I am clearly plotting my next order of oldies because there are no NR's...now January will probably come and all this will get shelved because of whatever new surprises are revealed.
  19. Becrumbed or otherwise! I find the female chatty thing going on when I wear BI too. Much adoration and over complimenting that's for sure. I have good social interactions with females when wearing 'none pheros.
  20. So the latest (permanent) version of this is the one with SS4W right? The only Rocket Fuel I have tried was the one with BI, and I think everyone is saying that is the heavier version? I am going to try the current version again when the shop opens. Again, this was one I tried when I first got to LP and my nose was undeveloped and just too judgemental. I am wearing things now I never would have put up with back then. I am going to retry some of these that I poo pooed.
  21. I did not bother getting a sample of this new version because I remembered the first one did not work on me. That was so long ago though and my tastes have changed so much that there is a chance I made a mistake! I think it was the musk that didn't sit right in the version 1 but I do love everything else in this. Perfect Match does not do much for me either...unless I add a spritz of Lace!
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