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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yep, sounds like you've got an EST responder there! Personally I would not use Sexpionage. I would stick with these softer, est blends since they are working their magic right now. You can crank it up later if you think the time is apropriate. Stick with what is working for right now, don't give him a heart attack. eta: it seems like he is even trying to please you now by mirroring you and wearing cologne!
  2. Oh hi Amalthea, I mentioned on another thread that if you like the effects of Sexology but not that particular scent you might want to check out Indecent Exposure. It is enhanced with Sexology but the scent is "cleaner" more traditional...bright and pretty. It is still available on the Artfire site. And hell no don't give up yet! This phero business takes some time to get the hang of...what to look for, how much to wear, what works on who...etc. You'll get it! Keep reading everything on this forum and keep experimenting. I had my first fabulous "hit" with Cuddle Bunny too. And Gotcha works great on the same guy that got hit with that one. I stick with est blends with him.
  3. Crap! Me too!! I need a bottle of Whisker Wishes to wish for a bottle to be left for me!!!!!
  4. I know, isn't this absolutely gorgeous? Maybe give it some time to change the guys perception of you...keep experimenting. I had another suggestion for you, I saw your post on the other forum about liking Sexology but people not appreciating the smell of the scented version on you, there is another scent called Indecent Exposure enhanced with Sexology you might want to try. It has a bit more of a "mainstream" scent to it. Just a suggestion, if you want to try it it is available on the Artfire site. Good luck with the guy!!!
  5. Me neither! (or is that... "me either") Believe me that is what I didn't like at first! I don't know what happened but somehow it grows on you. Have you tried Occo Red? To me it is less cinnamon and I just really wore that for a long time until I got into Red. Maybe the Occo is a gateway drug to Red?
  6. I am not ordering right away either so I'm crossing fingers too. Smitten Kitten sounds like a cute one too for intention, scent AND label. And Spencer...oh Spencer!!!! How can I resist you under that sheet!!!!
  7. Oh thank you Mara! You just read my mind. I was just thinking....I really only want to get one MAYBE two spell potions. I don't have a specific issue at this time...just something that attracts positive energy in all aspects...opportunity, good people, great experiences (more beach in the coming year), etc. I realize they are all specific and important to different people but I was thinking....I could probably study each ingredient of each one and get this from one potion if I empowered it properly with each use...and you just answered my question! Brilliant...now to pick apart each potion and get the right one. Or two. eta: Seems like Whisker Wishes is for me! But I am also drawn to the Love Immortal one for some reason. I think because of the story of Catalina.
  8. Yep! BI: Alpha nol, enone, est, cops sexpionage: cops, enone, alpha nol
  9. I think you are just getting bit by the LP Red bug! It took me and a few others here a while to get it for some reason. I didn't buy my first bottle until a whole year after I tried it! Then I got another sample and couldn't believe I didn't love it when I first tried it! Now it is a staple of course.
  10. Sexpionage must be more aggressive because their is no est...plus the ratios are different... I bet there is more a-nol in BI. Not sure about that but I know there is no est in Sexpionage.
  11. I struggled with whether or not to get Kanary Kremes in the sale too. It sounds fab but I already had Autumn '11 and thought they might be similar. Autumn '11 smells mostly of spiced lemon cake on me...and Lost Highway sounded interesting too..I was getting so Sale Overwhelmed.
  12. Well BI has the aggressive 'none in it and Bang doesn't, so that is probably why it feels softer...PLUS the extra est too I would imagine. How did I know you would vote "get it!", Nutrix?
  13. I like the idea of two different sexual blends but I would like one copped and one not copped. Like I have BI and my next one will be Super Sexy. Because...what if you want to wear a copped perfume and not be toooooo copped out? That is my thinking anyway. But you can't possibly go wrong with Bang, everyone seems to love it.
  14. LOL, yep everything you just said is so me. Well, at least I have decided on one of the potions I need. I wasn't too fond of the word "defensive" but if that is what I need who am I to argue...Mara knows what she is doing. I need to go read about it again... eta: Norm is so flippin funny in that picture!!!!!! I hadn't inspected him that close. I am falling in love with everyones cats. And yes, this seems like a really good one to have on hand.
  15. Ha! That's funny. I couldn't parallel park either but he passed me. There is no parallel parking where I live and I guess he figured I would never leave town.
  16. One of the reasons I waited on this one was because there seemed to be more in the cart than the others I wanted...like Kat Suit seemed really low from the start. But as we all know that is no guarantee, we've seen some record sell outs that's for sure! And this one really is addicting. It was a tough call this month. The LP Lifestyle is one of many risks. Play your LP budget wrong and take your regrets to bed at night.
  17. I think I just attract controlling people because I seem so nice and easy going...which I am... until people expect me to do what they want...then the trouble begins..so, now I think the Defensive Potion might be for me to deflect these sorts. I am going to end up wearing them all at once because i can't decide and make a big magical mess of crap.
  18. I only want the BFF one BECAUSE BB is on the label!! Pink scents have recently become too sweet on me. And I do not want to make new friends..they always become a pain in the ass. I suppose I could wear BFF and then cover quickly with the Spencer one to have the courage to tell all my new friends to Fuck off when they inevitably become a PAIN IN THE ASS. And working with 20 female waitresses? oh my goodness...you need the whole 20 bottle set!!!! I seriously cannot figure out what kind of spells I need. I need one that will take me to the beach once a month. Is that the wishing one?
  19. WOW! That is crazy cool. I would like the answer to your question too. I need to study the descriptions better to see. That kind of sounds what I use my Wheel of Fortune for. Opportunity, change and good luck. I love the label with Spencer on it under the sheets. I think it is the courage one.
  20. Does sound great! I am getting very intrigued by leather in scents lately. Very nice.
  21. haha! That is my favorite part of driving alone too.. loud music and singing always puts me in a great mood. Oh and I have forgotten the lights too, I had a cop flash his lights at me before to remind me.
  22. ha! I love the little blushy face.
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