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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yes, Honeyed LP was the last one boosted with this, November is all phero month if you can wait that long to try it. I look for pheros to make women nicer too (including myself!) Men are easy...throw a little est/cop load in their face and they're eating out of your hand, women...a bit trickier. Have you tried Treasured Hearts? I don't know if that one is available in a sample at the moment but before Gotcha I really liked it (I only have it in Rainbow Falls) for what I use Gotcha for now. But I like the self effects from Gotcha better and I like that I have it unscented because I wear it a lot and I cannot stick with the same scent!! I am always in a great mood with Gotcha.
  2. I am not really into masculine scents either, or most chocolate...depends what they are blended with I guess. like Storemy said, at first I wasn't hot for this one but the second time I tried it I knew I had to have a FB...I absolutely love it even though it is not normally my thing. I love how the longer you wear it the better and better it gets. I never even tried Balls because I judged by the ingredients and now I really regret not at least getting a sample.
  3. I miss wearing my LP Red too, I have been hoarding the last few drops. my plan was to order another one along with another Occo Red to get my sale bottles but I ended up needing Bond Girls and other things...but I can't face the fall/holiday season without those two so I will need to get them soon. Facing the holidays without Occo and LP Red is like facing family gatherings without alcohol. Just should not be done.
  4. Oh good DD!! I hope it works as well on you as it does on me. Before I wrote the above statement I did try Dream Lover again just to make sure I was remembering correctly and there is just something not working although on paper it sounded like I would love it.
  5. Wow...we've got a lot of reading ahead of us tonight! Very exciting...
  6. OMGGG!!!! Back from the beach to enjoy the lovely labels. I peeked from my phone but could not get the full effect. I am keeping Phinnius and Adelaide AWAY from this as they will be mad I have never posted pictures of them. I have never tried any Spell Potions....where oh where to begin?! I guess waiting for descriptions is all a girl can do in this situation.
  7. No way! I feel like I am doing others a favor!! Especially with Gotcha. When people say "I feel so comfortable around you" I know my evil plan is working...but I have set them off for the day to be in a good mood around others so.....win/win, right?
  8. YES Honeycake!! In my experience Gotcha is just awesome for attracting good feelings and bonding from women. It is the main phero I wear to work now. Most of my clients are women, I work one on one with them and my goal is to make them feel comfortable and get a "we are best friends" vibe so that they will want to come back, tell their friends how fabulous I am, etc... This one is noticeably the best. I get such a good feeling from the clients when I'm done, more compliments, hugs, DIHL looks. I love this phero.
  9. Oh thank you so much Nutrix! I have never been able to figure out that word OR what The purpose of THDOC was! Interesting... So there is Alpha version in SS4W AND Gotcha...and the beta version in the La Femmes...I wonder do they basically have the same purpose though? Alpha must be a stronger vibe I guess.
  10. What is tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone? Is this something that we know by a shorter abbreviation?
  11. This is tough because I use them all for different sitches...BUT my favorite and best all around is Gotcha! I really do think it is the best bonding/making friends/makes me seem nice blend...then... Cuddle Bunny LFM But I am still experimenting! I haven't tried out LFN nearly enough and I have never tried Levitation Potion! Even though I did not think it congruent with my personality I got some Leather and I love wearing that one around pushy women! The 'none also makes me more motivated. I like it but I am figuring out that I generally prefer blends with DHEAS in them. I feel good with Leather for sure but there is a certain *sparkle* missing and I have deduced that it is DHEAS that gives me that. Maybe I will layer them someday. Forgot Topper..love that one too. Oh well...I guess I can't really choose yet.
  13. I WAS THINKING THE EXACT THING JUST DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO ARTICULATE IT. I felt like I should get both (and eventually probably will) but for some reason I felt I could choose one or the other because somehow they do have the same feel. How funny you should say this! Yes, they both have a soft sexy sense to them! If Marsha hangs around long enough I will add her but I found myself just craving Coco Honey more. Waking up throughout the night with Coco Honey clinging to my skin was amazing. This is one of the sexiest scents I own.
  14. Not to confuse you more but Dream Lover does not work on me at all...must be something the cocoa is blended with...but COCO HONEY is my current FAVORITE!!! My FB should be in my hands in a few days and I think SS is a good idea too now that I have worn it more because this scent is indeed SUPER SEXY.
  15. Ok I thought so, just wasn't sure..thank you! I edited my comment upthread because I didn't want to mislead you...other people do indeed finish bottles. I think DD may be drinking her Black Panther!! JUST KDDING!!
  16. Do you mean by only getting one bottle you might be sad if you can't get more after that? If that is what you mean, I would get the bottle and not worry about it. You are going to end up with so many you will hardly finish any. I have been here for three years, have a pretty good collection (approx 80 bottles...not too over the top) and I just this year will be finishing a few of these bottles. I never quit wearing my older ones but with new ones coming out so quickly...you will recover from that angst with a new favorite to console you. Is that even what you meant by this statement? Also I have been able to find some of the ones i love that went GGG on the trade thread anyway... ETA: I just read on another thread that DD has finished two FB's of Black Panther so I should clarify that if you are like ME and wear a different one every single day you probably won't finish one. LOL! Apparently other people are finishing bottles. The only two that I am almost through with (like I can tell I only have about one more wearing) are Occo Red, LP Red and LAM Pink Amber because I did regularly wear those out all the time. Lucky me that those are all permanent!!!
  17. Oh I would definitly ask on a perfume thread how it compares to another. A question like that is also helping other people in their decisions on what to buy which is what the review threads are for anyway. Ask away!
  18. I didn't get the cherry everyone else is getting either. This was totally different than I expected. Need to try again...
  19. Oh thank you Hearts!! I love that description. And I had no idea it had orange blossom in it!!
  20. It was something along the lines of healing a broken heart...brings happiness to the wearer...I wish I had Lunas original stories to that particular collection, it was my favorite!!!
  21. I thought the same thing after I posted...Occo A should be there somewhere...
  22. Ooooh hope it comes by Wednesday...leaving for the beach early Thursday morning and I am not lugging my laptop with me this time so I will be out for a few days. Obviously I won't be able to help peeking on my phone but that just isn't as much fun as celebrating in my own bed with the cats.
  23. I don't know that I could ever identify the leather, the longer I wore it the other day...the more it smelled like cherry tobacco. I wore it to get my haircut the other day and it was getting stronger as I sat there under the cape and I kept thinking "I hope that is me that smells like that and not her" (meaning my hairdresser) because she is very exotic looking and seems like she should smell like Katerina Suit naturally so I started questioning whether it was even me that smelled that sexy. Thankfully the smell followed me out the salon door so I left loving this scent even more.
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