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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Glistening Buttons did not work on me for some reason but I think somewhere in my brain it was triggered when I smelled this because I thought Leather! (wasn't GB boosted with Leather?) I thought it was the honey in GB that didn't work on me but it sure works for me in Coco Honey!!! I was thinking about Coco Honey all day at work today. Now that I am home I am a slatherin"!!
  2. Oh good idea with the Flying Potion. Will try next time...
  3. I agree with everything Cheez just said...especially the moving out and dating him and Gotcha!
  4. Last night when I put this on the vetiver had taken a big step back from the first time I tried it. It was more warm gooey marshmallow. It also lasted a lot longer this time...I wore it to bed and just woke up...it is the first thing I smelled. Lovely!
  5. This smelled so good on my mother! It smelled more like Strawberry butter on her!! She is a pink girl for sure. She actually may have picked up the patch (I didn't mention it because I know how judgy she can get) she said she smelled something "different" in the background...which in her language means "strange" but regardless she did like it anyway. It really has a lot of throw to it. I could smell this everywhere in her house tonight.
  6. Oh how I love Coco! I hope we get to follow the stories for years!!
  7. Yes, it's like a Steamy Daydream with the Masked Man wrapped up in a marshmallow comforter!!!
  8. Wow! I don't feel like trying this right now because I am loving Agent XXX but I swear all I got was pink strawberry cake when I tried it. I am going to my mothers later and I will throw it on her and see if we get any patch...she loves a pink scent, she will probably want a bottle of this. I'll get back with this.
  9. Holy shiznit that is quite a story indeed!!!! Sounds like this could get dicey!!...do we have a plan of attack? Or are we just winging it right now?
  10. Yes, it is official this is my favorite of the month. When I wear it to bed there are still traces of it in the morning. In the description it says Spring Honey, that is the one I like. Glad I got the sampler because I know I would never have tried this on my own!
  11. Hi QueenOL! Welcome and I look forward to your story!
  12. Depends on how you amp patch I think. I got ALLLLLL PIIIIINK. Was unable to really detect the patch. I've got to try it again though for a full slather.
  13. lol! I don't think I want to either. I think it may stay in the floral stage just a little too long for me to go FB on this one. I'll use my sample up though...just not sure I would wear it enough.
  14. It takes a while to get to the comforting stage though. It stays like expensive soap for a long time and much later gets that soft comforting feeling. I just reapplied and right now it is a little too floral...but I remember how it got last night so I am waiting it out!
  15. Me either Halo! I didn't even know this was the one with all those notes in it when I dabbed some on this morning. I am finding this one very comforting actually. I will give a better review later after a whole days slathering but the comforting aspect of this one seems perfect with the PM phero.
  16. Wow!! I can't believe I love this! This was not a scent on my radar from the descript. It must be because the honey is not dirty and the cocoa is dusty and powdery. I haven't had it on very long at all so I will see what happens but right now it is smooth and sexy. This might shockingly be my favorite! Well, I don't want to jump the gun here, I still have more testing to do but I am in love with Coco Honey right now. I am going to have to go back and read Lunas story on this one again!!! eta: I kind of think Leather might be good with this one!
  17. Cheeseburger I love that observation!!!!! Can't wait to try this one again with this in mind...!
  18. OMG. Ok. I'm at work an hate posting from my phone. But I have to. I LOVE THIS PUSSYCAT. It is such a perfect scent for me I am dying. I can finally identify ylang for one thing. THIS IS THE PERFECT COCONUT OR COCONUT MILK OR MUSK OR WHATEER COMBO EVER. This is the sexiest summer scent I have!!!
  19. I like this summery scent. I wish I could identify florals like everyone else. I don't know a pikake from a plumeria from a magnolia. I know I like every scent with orchid I have tried...and I like Cuddle Bunny which is Jasmine and Water Lily, right? But I don't know which one I am ever smelling... Anyway, this is summery and refreshing and works on me way better than Mermaids did or The Surfer Babe one did. I don't remember the exact name of it but the The Beach Babe and Surfer Boy one had something that annoyed me and it may have been plumeria. I am always trying to figure out which of these summer tropical florals is the culprit. This is along the same lines as Rainbow Falls which also works well on me. I'll have to do in an depth ingredient comparison.
  20. Interesting review, JD! I did not identify the fruits but maybe that is what is smelling "candied" to me. I can't wait to retry this again. My perceptions often change after the excitement of all the testing of NR's at once dies down.
  21. Well I have tried 4 NR's and this one is definitely the longest lasting so far! At first of course I thought it was TOO STRONG, as I always do with florals. Don't know why I don't learn to put less on to begin with. So I thought it was a bust. Now it is mellowed out to a soft edible candied rose. I'm so surprised! I really really like this one! Future testing of course will be necessary before I jump in bed with Agent XXX but she is looking awfully promising.
  22. Well I don't know what is going on here. No banana, I do get some sort of coconut but doesn't seem to be the kind that works for me (I didn't know there was such a thing). Smells sort of soapy on me!!!! I'm sad and confused and willing to set it aside until my NR fever calms down a little so I can give this cuchi another try.
  23. OHHHHH YUM! Something reminds me of Steamy Daydreams...must be vetiver in that one too right? (I would compare notes but can't get into site) This is an innocent sweet creamy pudding with a surprising dash of LUST!!!!!! SUBTLY SEXAY....
  24. Right off of the sample wand it was a no go for me...on my skin it is so much better... First I smell mostly lime and coconut...clean smelling. It reminds me of a pretty summery guest soap in someones beach house. Very refreshing. THEN... the lime completely backs down and the vanilla or whipped cream takes over with something else lingering about. Maybe that is the rum but it doesn't really identify as rum or alcohol, just SOMETHING lickable. Could be caramelized sugar. This is good. I look forward to a full slather test and a search for the cherry...
  25. Yes!!! Gorgeous bag...so many goodies...where shall I begin...so excited...
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