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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Yes, I would either go the calming route (tranq or balm) or LFM which makes me feel calm and confident. And one of the Love Potion variants for a scent.
  2. Oh boy am I excited or what!! I have been holding off on the HH and ST in the hopes they would be in the sale...never thought Autumn '11 would be and THAT has been on my list FOREVAH...I can't wait for my sister to see Sveet Tooth. She is a total foody and loves vampires so she will love her birthday present in September!! I also remembered too late that I had meant to get a new Occo Red though. But really...can enough be enough already? Sheesh. I am such a spoiled LP Ho.
  3. So I got Katerina Suit, Coco Honey, LP Autumn '11 spray, Hungry Heart and 2 Sveet Tooth ( one for me one for my sister).
  4. I don't combine pheros at the same time...but it sounds like you are asking if you can switch it up hours and hours later, right? I do this yes. Wear Gotcha to work or some such friendly one and then shower and go out with something else. I mean, 8 or so hours later the phero has probably worn itself down (I wear mostly sprays anyway which don't last as long...then the shower and I have to switch perfumes anyway...I have to switch PERSONALITIES to go out so yes I switcheroo pheros later in the evening.
  5. I know I am soooo surprised by how many I loved. The three I mentioned are my top favorites but I am also considering Agent XXX and I just resniffed Bonded and the bit that stuck to my nose smells so much better than I remember. These on top of the list that I have is impossible for me so I am going to be in a real quandary come order time.
  6. I have had the same thing happen to me GG...the ones i choose from the collection to be my faves don't end up working and surprise! The ones that do I would never have picked. I chose Goldie Fingers as my "sure thing" from the descriptions this month and it turned out to be Coco Honey and Katerina (closely followed by Marsha). Well I had a hunch this would not be a love for me and I was right. I like it better the longer I wear it because the vanilla starts coming out more but over all it doesn't blow me away. The few florals that work on me I love and the rest are "meh". This is a "meh". It also had some STRONG competition so I am not surprised. I have quite a few scents with jasmine so I don't think it is that. I really just don't think cherry blossom works with me.
  7. I didn't bother to try this one because cocoa butter is not something I do well with. But now the comparisons to Coco Honey have me a little confused because I love that one for sure.
  8. Well Shen Tao is a very popular peach scent, although I don't love it everyone I let sniff my vial did and doesn't Backstage Pass have peach in it? Now that one I may be mistaken on but I know Shen Tao for sure. eta: yeah BP has peach, peony, vanilla, musk, honey...it is very nice.
  9. omg Chai that is horrible for you!! Maybe try again some other time?
  10. Oh no Joc!!!!! I hope you didn't lose too much of the panther!!! She is a feisty one.
  11. Thank you! I plan to stick to my specific list and budget for the next sale too, and a present for my sister. It's the Bond Girl collection that is really foiling my budget plans. There are so many more from this last collection than I thought I would even consider that it is becoming a real problem. eta: uh oh...my resolve is wavering. I just dragged out my sniffee box and I am sniffing some others on the $10 list that i forgot I loved. I will hold out until I see the next sale though.
  12. Oh I was very good so far! Just Mistress Christmas and Vamp Cafe for me and my mom is going to be so excited because her Sinister Pink was in the $10 bin...yippee! Now on to the next sale...
  13. So...another one I would not have chosen just by the ingredients. Before I decided to just go ahead and get the sampler (thank goodness) This one was definitely not on my list. SURPRISE!!!!!! LOVE!!!!! Even when I sniffed it out of the vial I tossed it to the side as not an option. Something was too irritating to my nose...maybe the oud? When I first tried it on my skin the chocolate was screaming with that weird smell competing with it. Then that all steps back ( and doesn't take very long either) and the dry down...TO DIE FOR!!!! That must be the tobacco. I absolutely love love love it. I still get a little of the weird smell (oud?) but at this point it is so good and makes it so much more interesting than other chocolate scents...adds texture to it kind of like the cannabis does in And I Feel Fine. These are my two favorite chocolate scents.
  14. I never even got to try this because I didn't know I was an Orchid Ho until it was toooooooooo late.
  15. I tried this again last night and I can understand people liking it but it is still not for me. Something in it still reminds me too much of Raison Bran. Not sure where that is coming from. I read my review from last year and I got no apple this time. I would probably like it more if there weren't so many other pumpkins that work better on me. My favorite pumpkins are Phantoms Breath, LP Autumn '10 and '11 and Sveet Tooth!! Not sure where they all fit on the pumpkin scale and what makes UP turn to Raison Bran and not the rest of them but...it is what it is!
  16. Welcome Angelica!! I have so many favorites for so many different circumstances...I can be of no help in the decision making. I mean for a long time it was Lace, then Heart and Soul, then I think I went crazy for LFM only to find out that Topper put me over the moon until Gotcha came out but then just today I dragged out the Leather for the first time in forever and had the best day ever...I just can't help. I do wish you luck though in getting that list narrowed down!!
  17. Hi and welcome!!! You got all good advice... Heavy honeys don't work too well on me either but brighter ones do so when you peruse the notes don't throw all the honeys out! Usually it says "bright spring honey" in the description for me to like it. But it's ok if you never try another honey scent you will never run out of options here anyway as you have figure out. Lucky girl that you have already found scents that your man loves! For many here that seems to take awhile!
  18. Hi Blackcat! Welcome and looking forward to your reviews...If you like Coconut Breeze and black cats may I suggest the sexiest summer scent going right now which is Lady Victorias Sweet Little Pussycat? It's on the LP Artfire site. My tastes have changed dramatically since coming over to the LP side. My collection is so eclectic now! I have some of everything and every morning and evening choosing my scent is my favorite part of the day. It truly defines who I will be each day! Like today I wore Dollys Hot and Sticky with Leather so I became a juicy hot and sticky rockstar for no reason at all!
  19. It is the same concentration as oil. You say 60/40 right? There is oil in there so it will last longer and not fly around quite as much as pure alcohol so don't be too bummed. The reason people like the strong cops pheros in oil is because the roll ons are easier to control...like BB said, to not get in hair and on clothes...STINKY!! Do like she said and just make sure to totally let dry down. WARNING: If you unscrew the top and do the dab thing with the wand (which is a great idea if you don't want it flying around) MAKE SURE THE DAMN TOP IS SCREWED COMPLETELY BACK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost an entire bottle of Heart and Soul phero that way. Did not realize the top was not screwed on all the way and it leaked out in my purse. A WHOLE BOTTLE!!!!! I HAD ONLY USED A FEW TIMES!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
  20. Hi and welcome Lovly! I will second that if I was in your situation I would go for Gotcha in 60/40 spray. The alcohol gets it out there a bit more and oil makes it last longer. Oh and don't decide between the Occos, get them all!!!!!
  21. Oh I forgot about Bang! I have about one bangs worth left in my trial vial so I will definitely save it for the Pussy!!!
  22. Wore this again and just loved it. It is light so I really slather it on but it is wayyyyy sexy. I love Black Panther in a completely different way but Pussy Cat is slinkier to me. I don't even know what phero is best for this. I think it calls for its own phero...PussyCat Phero. I guess that would BI. Now that I know how much I love Ylang I am disappointed that I never tried the Sensual Harmony one. Oh well I know now!
  23. My mom and I tried this together, we liked it! It totally smelled like a carnival on me. Really pink caramel popcorn. Shockingly the lime did not overwhelm it on me like it usually seems to do. I probably wouldn't get a FB but I know she wants it so maybe I will put it on my sale list if I have an opening on it.
  24. lol! That is a cute story, Maroon. I haven't tried this again yet since my first impressions didn't work out. Later in this week maybe.
  25. Oh yes that was my favorite collection of labels.
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