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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. We can still pretend it is true and wear Lala Gulaba to ward off the plague if it ever comes to our vicinity!!
  2. I don't think I can do much pink. It's just too sweet for me these days. Same problem with Spinnerette. I like smelling these on other people but I swear they make my teeth hurt. I wanted the label of Seven but not at the expensive of more cavities.
  3. Yes, I get a total candied rose thing with this one too. It does smell very young and energetic to me also! I didn't get a bottle because there were too many others I was after but if it hangs around long enough I would like one eventually. It is gorgeous.
  4. For now... Coco Honey Katerina Suit LV's Pussy Cat Dollys Hot and Sticky Marsha Mellow
  5. Personally I avoid being cold at all costs. I keep my home warm (where I am usually wearing the sexy pheros in oil), my room at work is warm because of all the equipment going so my pheros are heating up and swirling around the room and if I go out I am bundled up so I think my skin gets warmed up and heats those pheros up and throws them out. I have more of a problem getting my skin warm in the summer because every where you go where I live people are blasting air conditioning. I prefer wearing sprays in the summer because of this!!!!
  6. Oh wow! Didn't even know there was patch in this. But I often cannot pick it out. I think the PE idea is probably the way to go, I bet a lot of others would like it as a snuggly winter scent...who knows...maybe Mara has one coming soon...
  7. Oh, so do I believe me...I'm stressing over my next phero too. I was convinced it was going to be SS4W but now I am wavering on LFNoire. Well I am saving my posting credits for my birthday order so I have a few months to decide.
  8. You could search for Tyveys Coconut coffeee Ice Cream on the trade threads...or send out an ISO. All the coffee scents I can think of have chocolate in them...Velvet Kisses, Tittillating Temptress... Vamp Cafe is soooo gorgeous. it is in the $10 bin too. Maybe you would like that?
  9. LOL!!!! I was not a musician but I also did what had to be done in the 80's. Oh how I loved them...(the 80's...not the stalking pants.)
  10. I still prefer 60/40 for my Uns. It's like spraying oil to me. Except of course my Occos, Cuddle Bunny, Lams...I'll still get those in oil.
  11. Oh thank you Storemy! But as I was rifling through my sniffee treasure chest looking for things on the sale list to try I did indeed find one of these!!! Sometimes I am so excited about my order I throw the sniffees in there for later and miss some! I do like this, but like you I prefer Occo White.
  12. My brain used to have that rose default to until I fell in love with Lala Gulaba.
  14. Welcome Fleur!! Sounds like you have done your LP research and are really figuring out what you like! that's great...isn't it interesting that ones we thought we would never like end up being favorites? Mara is such a magickal blender, who knows how she does it? Looking forward to getting to know you more...
  15. I kind of liked it at first, but then something was just a tad off in it for me. I got the lemon too. Eh, I couldn't decide if I should go for it in the $10 bin but in the end decided to pass since I have LP Autumn '11 coming and that is like spiced lemon cake to me. But I did love the carrot cake and buttercream part of this.
  16. Me too...I got my drivers license older than most too. I still try not to drive too much in city traffic though!!!! Your scent choices are good too, they will cool you down if you start heating up with stress! Let us know how it goes.
  17. What a great story Honey cake! So glad you picked the right phero for you. I actually thought you might be talking about Heart and Soul at first. I think that one is heavy in Bnol. I have felt more popular wearing that than pop potion...but of course after reading your story I am going to play with my PP more.
  18. Oh! When Mara recreates this one she could put a diamond in each bottle like she did the pearl in Mermaids!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Yes I have also compared pheros to mascara in my mind. Sometimes I go to work with no mascara on and no one is repelled by me, no one appears to notice, then the next day I wear it and no one is falling at my feet and worshipping my beautiful bright eyes but I know on a subconscious level I look a little more spiffy and I also project myself better because I feel more "done." Subtle, maybe not life altering but worth the effort. That's how I look at phero use.
  20. Yes the chocolate/cocoa butter/white chocolate thing confuses me as well. That is a helpful explanation Halo. I have just started being able to like chocolate but it depends on what it is blended with. Nookie Cookie was I think one of the first that I liked. To me it is definitely more on the coconut cookie side. So maybe you should try a sample, BlackCat. Coconut Breeze is the only scent with cocoa butter that I like. I think. Well so far.
  21. And it creates so much more excitement on the boards!! Even the frustration of knowing we may never have something again adds to the whole thing here I think. I still get panicky though...I saw my Velvet Kisses was halfway gone last night and there was much pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth until I spied something in my collection I could trade Tyvey for hers. Crisis averted. It's the scent memories I don't want to let go of. When I smell VK I am instantly comforted.
  22. I did always want to know if I should be wearing the same phero around the same person. Like does it just confuse the hell out of someone (if you met them AFTER you started dabbling in mones) to wear a different signature every time you see them? Like if I see someone just once a week or once a month, should I stick with the same thing (if I got good reaction obviously) because they are not going to get immune to the effects...or will I still lose the WOW factor? Don't even know if I am explaining correctly.
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