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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Died from excitement and twirling the beaded bag about!!!!!! Can't wait to dive in!!!!
  2. Shipping notice said today...Michaels on alert....I'll be texting him reminders around delivery time...don't want Lady V's sweet pussy sitting in that hot box too long....
  3. WOW!! EX-CIT-ED!!!! I feel like I am getting my very first order all over again!!!! I've got Micheal on High Mailbox Watch Alert.
  4. I didn't get the usual Cataluna has sent you a package email...I got one from Paypal that says it has shipped. I'm not getting my hopes up because I don't know if this is my real shipping notice, especially since I think I just ordered yesterday...or the day before...I don't think it is possible. I have not ordered a sampler in sooooo long I am soooo excited about this order!!! Plus the Sweet Pussy is in this!!!
  5. I know I have mentioned this a thousand times before but the consistency of this phero is shocking to me!! Another new client today...and the facial is followed by a hug!! I am not a huggy person so this always trips me out...but it is always with this Gotcha. Oh well, hugs lead to rebooking and rebooking leads to more money for LP's, so... I did really push it today and wore the lethal combination of LP Sunfire and Gotcha. That was probably overkill. At this rate I will have a proposal by the end of the day. People are falling in love with me right and left..
  6. Yeah six years doesn't seem like much to me...but it does depend on the person...like Molls said...stages in life...GOOD LUCK!
  7. Geez...I thought this was Mara's Loki!!! Starting a thread while Seven and Mara were drinking!! Welcome Loki! Looking forward to your reviews! Do you use any LP pheros?
  8. That's so true!! The constant sticking under the nose (which is irresistable at first of course) gets them so irritated after a while that they will refuse to sniff or just give a condescending phony sniff. Best to do the sneak attack like Just Ducky suggests. Without a doubt they come around and finally admit to loving something without prompting.
  9. Welcome Gypsy Lynn! What else came in your sample pack?
  10. I can't believe I never reviewed this one. I liked it at first...then I wasn't sure. Maybe I was trying to make up my mind before I reviewed. At first it was love. The nuttiness was wonderful and I don't know why I was skeered of the nuts. It was similar to Vicars and Tarts and I do like that... BUT ...something got sickening sweet. Don't think it was the apricot because I recognized and liked that part...could be the fig but I suspect the freesia. Will retry in the fall and hopefully come back with a more positive view because I want this label. Seems like one I will decide I like later!
  11. Loved this even more today than before!! It was so TART on me. That plum has a tarty bite to it that I adore. I felt like TART ATTACK. I can still smell it but may put more on for bed. This one is addicting...so glad I got my hands on this.
  12. YaY! I know I am running late on the reading but I did want to savor them all at the right time...LOVED THEM!!! LOVE SEVEN!!! Very good! And all the notes sound wearable for me this time around so sample set for sure!!!
  13. I love this one. I wear it a lot in the summer on lazy days off. I believe I have a review in the womens section. I remember that Michael really liked it a lot on me and he is always quick to point out masculine scents on me (as he generally does not like them.) It is so refreshing and perfect for hot summer days...love...love...love...
  14. I think I will be at work when they are posted but I am going to refrain from doing all that reading on my phone...sounds like these stories will be something to savor so I will wait until tonight. Long day indeed...
  15. Welcome SeeUSmile! Yes it shocked me at first when I started wearing pheros that women did not drop their panties and beg to fuck me either... I KID! You will have fun here!!
  16. YEEEEK! Love that Seven is amongst the Bond Girls...!!!!
  17. In that case it is possible that it was used it out of context as I see no one hot in my room and I am a bit too hung over for any sort of diving. maybe this one?
  18. Yes I have been shirking in my LP posting responsibilities!!! I have been popping and giggling a lot though I don't know what that tongue thing means but I see the emoticons have switched about!!
  19. LOLOL! I am not getting involved with this but had to laugh at SISTERHOOD OF THE LALA GALUBA PANTS. eta: I mean GULABA COUGAR PANTS.
  20. Hi Janey! Welcome aboard! Yes what Eggers said...it is your job the make sure he knows the intention of the pheros is coming from YOU!!! Cuddle Bunny and Gotcha are two of my favorites...and since you seem very outgoing and confident I think you did right by ordering BI also. I believe that will also fit your personality. Sounds like you are having some fun already and LP's will amp it up! Let us know what happens after you get your order.
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