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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Ohhh...ok. The cart is doing something weird anyway but it's probably because I am in a panic. I had no idea this LP was at such great risk. I will email...thank you!
  2. omg!! Duh! It's the same as before! Sorry...
  3. Hmmm...I have tried to figure this out myself but...how would you order a Topper spray scented with Dollys Hot and Sticky? Full strength perfume and phero...I figure I would order the Topper and write in the scent but then...pay for the perfume on artfire? But it is a little cheaper if you combine the two?
  4. I swear I hate to tell you this Liz because I want some and I don't know how many bottles are really left...but do you know you can get it on the artfire site? Maybe you know this...but just in case...
  5. ha! The panic is fun to witness only because I am not desperate for anything right now! I do have an order coming...yeepie but nothing I am clawing my eyes out for. I think they are backups. I cant even remember exactly. OH MY FB OF UN GOTCHA!!!! forgot that was coming.
  6. Another nice apple scent! It is indeed a very true apple as opposed to my all time favorite apple scent Amaranth and Marigold that is more of a candy sweet green apple. I get quite a bit of the herbal smell as it dries down. I will enjoy my sample but I still prefer A & M for my apple fix!
  7. Well it happened with Rocket fuel for me. But that was back when I first started LP'ing. The scent doesn't wear on my well and I was probably wearing the entire sample. But it did disturb me. Ex L asked if I had been smoking cloves actually. Someone said they thought I had been smoking when wearing Torrid S too. Which I still cannot figure out. Absolutley nothing resembles smoke in that to me. There are some pretty good smelling vanilla type cigars though. I remember years and years and years ago I was behind a lady on an escalator and I was breathing in a beautiful smoky vanilla smell...I thought it was cigar for some reason only because I had never smelled anything like that in a perfume. I asked what the smell was and it turned out it was indeed her perfume! I even told her I thought it was a cigar but I made it clear I didn't think it was offensive! I was so shocked because I had never smelled something so unique in perfume (obviously pre LP days) This was before everyone had a website too so I remember she sent me this little paper catalog of the perfumes. It was so cute. I never ordered any but I do wonder who that little company was now that I am into artisan perfume.
  8. I never smelled it but it seems so popular! I bet it makes a sly comeback one of these days!
  9. So sorry your date took a turn for the sick but what a cute review that was anyway! Glad you like the Honeyed LP scent as much as I do. I am not used to wearing honey based scents either but this bright honey along with the Love Potion base is to die for. Oh and the extra apricot! Better luck next weekend!
  10. Oh I forgot Coug 2012...welcome to you as well!!
  11. Hi ShayW! You have joined the fun at last! I'm loving the Honeyed LP, I'm sure you will too...along with about a hundred others! Clear off your dresser lady you will need the room for all the beautiful bottles coming your way!
  12. This is the very same comment I got from Cuddle Bunny!!! As far as why this phero hasn't gotten as much attention from me as CB..it was all about the scent. I never wore this because this scent just doesn't work on me and it is all this one came in for a long time. BUT now I have Indecent Exposure so you can be sure I will be wearing it a lot more and getting a better feel for the phero. I did get actual public displays of affection back in the day from HG while wearing Un Sexology which was absolutely unheard of so I do believe it is a powerful blend. eta: to actually write my comment.
  13. Yes thanks for the update Hearts! I love love love Coconut Breeze...
  14. There is still 8 left AC! You have to go through the gift shoppe link.
  15. That's right! and when I tried the un sample it stunk! I'm thinking lots with that one?
  16. Balls has Sexpionage in it...so they are not two separate blends...(you may already know that, I just wasn't sure the way it is listed) The only one that looks like is missing is Bang. Oh! And Gotcha has cops. I think they are light but maybe someone else can chime in on that for sure. eta: Cuddle Bunny has cops too.
  17. Thank you Molls, it was very stressful. Was not planing on ordering this soon. Just got nervous with those on my want list getting so low!
  18. The Honeyed LP thread put me in a panic so I ordered another one in spray that I've been teasing myself with. Had to do it...( I don't think I can live with the Sunfire regret again) ...but the real damage was when I checked Wheel of Fortune and saw only one available...had to get that. Then I checked Aloha P and saw only 5 available...had to get that for my tropical summer collection... Was planning on getting UN Gotcha when March NR's came out but I thought...that will go good with my new Aloha P...threw that in too. Pirate and the Maiden and Dollys will have to wait for next month. I had to get the ones at higher risk.
  19. Oh brother! I just panic ordered another one. I got this one in spray though.
  20. I put this on last night in hopes I would like it better than last year. That happens most of the time. Something I didn't like a year ago will suddenly become delicious and then of course it is GGG. sadly (or not since this is indeed GGG) it still doesn't work. It became very cloying and sickening sweet. The upside to those who like it is I think it has gotten stronger in the past year. I tried to cover it up with And I Feel Fine and it still overtook it! It also lasts FOREVER. This morning it is still GOING STRONG. So again, if you like it you are in luck there! The concept is not wrong for me though because I love the Lavender Marshmallow Hydrating Water!!
  21. Honeyed LP ...And I Feel Fine LP Red Steamy Daydreams LAM Pink Amber
  22. Well there is the answer to the "when did we have a favorite PE month"?! It was the month before I put in my first order...awe sweet newbie memories. I wish I could get my LPMP virginity back. I still get excited every month but nothing like when I was staying up all night reading every post ever written on my Blackberry because I had just moved into my little studio and didn't have internet yet. Those were the days...
  23. Yes, to me the fruit (especially raspberry I think) totally takes the rose down a notch to make this one wearable for me. I like rose in certain blends and this is one that works. It's such a joyful scent!
  24. Oooo. Now I like this idea. (not in Highland Fling but maybe something else.)
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