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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. I'm still sticking with my NO FULL BOTTLES until spring/summer scents. I have so many wintery scents its ridic. I'm antsy for the fruits. BUT. I can get samplers....right? I think those are my rules...I don't know. Well.. I can get some FB's of the hydrating waters maybe. Those aren't technically scents. Really. And those are all year round things. I think. So...yeah. I'll do whatever feels appropriate.
  2. I hope there are a lot of these!!! We are going to go through buckets of this stuff I can already tell...after shower...before bed...at the beach...at the pool...after the gym...these are going to be everywhere!!!
  3. Oh yes...trial set no doubt about it. DAMNIT! Good intentions, foiled again...
  4. OMGGGGG!!!!! THOSE GORGEOUS LABELS!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING WITH THIS???!!!!!! ETA: I told myself I wasn't ordering anything until spring/summer scents. That is clearly going to be impossible.
  5. OMG!!!! How much fun are all those samples??!!! You must be going crazy...They are all so good....
  6. Hi Chelle! You have definetely hit the jackpot here!!!!! You are going to be in heaven if you love trying new perfumes!!! And yes...whatcha got?!
  7. I'm dying to have a full scented perfume/phero spray but that can get pricey so I've got to make sure it is a perfume I won't get tired of. Right now I am thinking of a Dolly's Hot and Sticky boosted with Topper. I don't see how you can go wrong with that for summer. I suppose the scent is diluted a bit if you do it that way?
  8. Holy...WHAT THE HELL?! How did I skip over this one last year? THIS IS THE QUINTESSENTIAL SUMMER SCENT. HANDS DOWN. I love fruity scents in the summer (it's pretty much all I wear). Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb was pretty much my favorite all last summer. I still love the sweet melons of that one (and the way it covers Cuddle Bunny) but Oh My. I DIDNT REALIZE HOW MUCH I LOVED PINEAPPLE. This is my new favorite summer note. But this also has some sort of Fizzy feel to it. The grapefruit? This must be a different grapefruit than is in Scented Cougar Potion. I love everything about this beautiful summer cocktail of a scent! Even long after dry down when I thought the scent was gone I still got whiffs of something delicious and totally different than when it started and that must have been the honey. This is the best honey on me. Bring on summer please!!!!! I may get one with cops and one without OR one with cops in oil and one without in spray...because this seems like a nice summer spray. I will wear this with Lace and Topper....and probably Gotcha... I feel a little ripped off that I didn't try this sooner but...this will be summer 2013 scent memory for me I can already tell! Great job Dolly and Mara for capturing the perfect summer day!!
  9. Hey is this the thread? http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7711
  10. Now you've got me looking for that thread. It's driving me crazy...It wasn't too long ago it seems...
  11. Me too, it is not chocolate forward to me at all...the the ingredients blend so well to make something so mysterious! My bottle should be here today or tomorrow!!!! Yeehoo!
  12. I LOVE this one so much after it dries down. It is so EXOTIC to me. So much more than you would think at first. I've only worn it to bed so far but it is begging to be taken out!
  13. What about Gotcha! If there is any Fuzzy Wuzzy left I would try that if I was you. It's quite vanilla-y, it is not cop heavy and it gives a bonding comfortable vibe out. I agree with Raq that you should have different pheros to fit your ever changing moods but for a man who responds well to Cuddle Bunny...if you want to add something new...I would defintely say Gotcha. It's like CB but it seems more mood lifting...to me anyway. I love it and I am huge CB fan as well.
  14. Hi Octave! Yes, tell us your other LP favorites please!!
  15. I know...I appreciated Tranq potion too. I love it in Elixir of Silver and that one is still in stock if you are interested in that one!
  16. Hi SpriteL! Glad you came aboard the boards! Yes, what great timing to try out all these pheros... Your name is cute, your avi is mysterious and I look forward to your reviews and presence around here!!!
  17. Honestly, don't listen to me! Sometimes it smells like grapefruit and that's not in there either!
  18. They are all so different it is so hard to say! My favorite is Red though. Have you tried the LP variant sampler? You are into green scents though, right? I think Lucky in Love #7 has green notes? I'm no help!
  19. It really doesn't smell like any of the notes that are in it to me. Sometimes it smells like melon gum!! NO FLORAL AT ALL. Another trickster!!
  20. Ha ha! That amazes me. It is so strong on me at first. I haven't had Michael give me his opinion yet. That's because I keep wasting the 14 minutes it takes for the weed smell to go away before getting to his house. We are going to the beach for a few days and I am going to bring my sample so I'll see what he thinks then. I am not going to remind him which one it is (and he is such a pot head he will have forgotten already...LOL!!) so he won't be "searching" for the pot smell. He only smelled it after dry down and really liked it.
  21. Ok, so I couldn't decide so I got Indecent Ex in oil AND spray. And of course I got a bottle of my new crazy fave ...and I feel Fine...and samples of Soaked and Dolly's Hot and Sticky. Yes, already getting ready for summer scents! I wish I would have ordered a sample of Summer Belle now, I am craving melons already.
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