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Posts posted by May

  1. Actually, EoW turns fruity on me, not flowery.... ;) ....after it dries down on me, I have never had a problem with EOW, even when wearing 10-12 drops of it, or even mixed 50-50 with perfume oil.


    I was commenting about the dicussion we were having regarding the fact that I can wear a TON of Dirty Sexy, and it isn't strong at all.....AND I usually end up re-applying it during the day, as a matter of fact. You seemed a bit surprised at that...... :blink: One way or another, I'm still an oddball..... ;)



    Oh, and keep on making the resinous scents.....gallons and gallons of them! LOVE THEM.....


    Eow does both on me... fruity cheese :lol:





  2. I bought two bottles of phero girl, i really like it how it was but if you amp it up I would get another sample vial becuase I would be curious to smell the difference.


    I just liked the idea of having two quite different honey recipes. To be honest my interest wasn't really in the pheros, more in the fragrance - I fancied having a one bottle of a brighter and one of a darker honey to mood match.


    The phero girl also "stuck" on me really well. It's brighter but lasts longer than the honeycomb on me. And the honeycomb lasts really well too!


    I'm game for anything though!



  3. Oh wow, I think I am going to love this one......


    I haven't tried Dirty Sexy, but you know how I like my perfumes... as Dolly knows I like them to have a throw on a par with an Olympic shot-putter hopped up on steroids.


    More seriously I like them to surround me, enter the room a little before me, and leave after I have gone.


    So, compared to say... Robin and Marian or Sabra or Artemis. Is it a whisper, a muted voice, or ?





  4. Interesting, Chai! Well, you have MY respect, that's for sure. :)


    I want a recommendation too. Is there any pheros that can grant one serenity and patience? (I just got off the phone with my mother!!!!!!!!!)




    I read that and laughed till I choked...

    I know that feeling... Guess what I was going before coming online here?




  5. I ordered a full bottle, based simply on the description.....I figured that I would adore it, if it is anything like Dirty Sexy......



    How strong is it Scourger? I'm hoping it's madly unsubtle and very bold! :)



  6. Snort :)


    Tell me about it, I got to much a-none on me once and turned into the horny B$tch from hell. I backed my poor husband into a corner LOL. To much can certainly make women





    I think I am a total freak. A-none can give me erotic dreams. But it was a-none (5 sprays) plus a few other business, tough-cookie blends that I used to wear for showdowns with my boss. It didn't make me crankier or hornier but it scared the hell out of him and others. No fights or anything he just cowered in his chair and everyone else kept their distance.



  7. What was that song, from Jekyll and Hyde the Musical?


    "And men are mad about my afternoon teas,

    they're quite informal, I just do it to please.

    Those triple sandwiches are my favourite ones.

    I'm also very partial to buns!"



    Oh yes, hot buns... Yum!

    Depends on who the buns belong to of course. :)


    Sugared hot buns... now you're talking!



  8. Heh. My first draft had a timeline of all the colors.


    Pink, breakfast in bed --> White, upscale brunch -->Green, sex for lunch -->Original, afternoon tea cakes --> Gold, classy dinner -->Red, evening clubbing --> Black, sweaty club at Midnight


    But doing the different kinds of comparisons made more sense, review-wise.


    Sex and toasted tea-cakes....


    *whimper* two of my favorite yummiest things! :)





  9. In the bottle: this is definitely an LP, with that signature heavy vanilla, and sweetness.


    On, wet: Mmm. a thread of fresh greenery. It's as if the original Phero Boy crept inside LP Original. Fresh, but also strongly feminine, and very food/sex.


    Drydown: That fresh green does fade into a very light, fresh musk, as Mara has mentioned. The fresh cut greenery is gone, but still lightens this blend a little, making it fall somewhere between LP Original and LP White, as far as intensity goes. As for sexiness... if LP Pink is breakfast in bed, and LP Black is a sweaty night club, Green is sex on your lunch break.



    What does that make LP Red? :)


    Seriously, I thnk I will have to put this one on my "must-try" list. Thanks for the review! :)



  10. Wow, just wow.


    In the bottle: sparkling, light, woody floral.


    On wet: Oh my. This was meant to be worn. (If it smells too light, or too delicate in the bottle, don't let that put you off. Try it on!) The floral is hard to pin down, it has the roundness of roses, the sweetness of honesuckle, and an uplifting citrus note. The other notes keep this from being a feminine floral, making it remeniscent of an old fashioned cologne recipe, but so much more vivacious. It has a, je ne sais quoi, which immediately conjures up one of my favorite bars. (No, it isn't just the label and description, there's a scent memory here too.)


    Drydown: Spicy, rich, still slightly floral, slightly citrus. Elegant, and a little bit wild. (On me, the red musk blooms more as time passes, but the scent is still wearable. Yay!)


    I really love this! It's flirty, fun, and captures the best of yester-year.


    Heck, if the website is that amazing... what's the bar like?? :)



  11. Ok. I'm not going wildly into detail because this is the internet and this is one of the most public threads here. :)


    Here is some of the detail. I recently met up with a male friend and some of his pals.


    I was wearing Dominance and Babe in combo. My friend introduced me to someone and we ended up sitting opposite each other - and I was not going to complain about that.


    Fairly early into the conversation, we somehow ended up talking about er.. fetish clubs - (don't forget I was wearing dominance) - and he flirted, and I flirted and er... it's all going pretty well at the moment. Still early days though. :)


    Do I put it down to the Dominance? Well, it got his attention moving in the right direction and I think emboldened me enough to capitalise on that. :)


    I NEED big bottles of this. (Plural)



  12. Quick reshuffle


    1) Pherogirl Dominance - love that rose!

    2) Sugared Babe

    3) Sabra's Secret

    4) Sugared Honeycomb

    5) Artemis


    Of course, this will doubtless change when the next batch arrives! :(



  13. As far as Dominance.....I love it more every time I wear it......


    My man, the first time I used it, said it wasn't one of his favorites, but that he didn't dislike it......but now, when I wear it and walk past him, he says......"Mmmmmmm, Dominance....." I think he is liking it better, even though his two favorites are STILL Dark Seductions and Dirty Sexy......he says he can't wait to smell Nasty Habits on me.....I agree, because from the description, that one is going to be one of those that are right up my alley.......


    I wore dominance layered with Babe out to the party last night... I really like that combo

    I had quite a funny experience and got some great hits - all of which I put down to the dominance.





  14. Can someone review this for me? I can't find a thread for it.


    Hey Linnea


    I did have some of this but I never reviewed it. When I got it, I could smell the cocoa and several notes in the vial, but as soon as I applied it, my dodgy skin chemistry ate some notes and I got something very, very different with zero cocoa and just quite strange.


    So I obviously couldn't review it. It would have been a pretty misleading review if I had tried. I still have some, and would try the cotton wool trick with it for you (I didn't know that trick when I had the CS) but the sample vial is currently packed.


    If nobody else can help out I will have a go when I've moved and unpacked, but I'm sure some kind soul will review it before then. :)



  15. May, I would love to hear about your comparison. Unfortunately, I missed out on PB but fell in love with the description. My Beloved absolutely loves Robin and Marian, though, and I *really* enjoyed wearing it for him this weekend :)


    Well, I've got both on - and had both on for a couple of hours.

    They are very similar - you can easily tell they share ingredients but there are some differences. With the caveat that my skin can "eat" some notes and that I am not a perfumier and able to pick out every note here is my best stab at explaining it.


    R & M has a slightly sharper or crisper edge to the back and at the heart of it. It's a little crisper than the Bastet. I know this contains florals, but I can't pick them out - that might just be my chemistry though - But both Rand M and PB seem to share a very similar "backbone".


    PB is more rounded, cohesive and deeper. It has none of that sharp crispness. But this might be due to maturation in the bottle since brewing.


    I think the best way to describe it is that while they are very similar in many ways PB seems more complex and mutli-layered. R and M is like a rich, yummy 10-year-old brandy but PB is like a 15-year-old brandy - more complex, deeper, a little smoother (more roundy) and with some differently developed notes.


    This probably doesn't make much sense - suffice it to say - they are both similar but both different. However, if you like one - I think there is a very, very good chance you will like the other.



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