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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. This one was a bit of a disappointment -- I tend to like my gingerbread fairly robust and it went on very soft and barely there for me. The scent was more purely ginger, and I was hoping for more spiciness. I will try again in a week in case it's my skin being off due to hormones or poor food choices.
  2. FIrst of all, I must preface this by saying I'm not entirely sure I know what fig smells like! That being said, this one is quite green on me, with a slight soapy tinge. It was one of those I had to sit with for a bit, simply because my nose was expecting cupcake and this didn't come off as cakey at all. Once I stopped expecting it to be something else, I began to enjoy it as a clean green scent.
  3. This one was a gorgeous lemon poundcake on me -- I got a the spongey texture and everything! It's a scent that evokes huge waves of nostalgia for me -- beautiful and very huffable.
  4. OMG this one is absolutely scrumptious! Warm buttery oatmeal cookies fresh out of the oven... and I'm with Androstenol, I think I smell raisins too! It's reminiscent of Totem: Goat but a softer, lighter vibe. I may need a full bottle to go with Animal Crackers and Warm and Toasty -- it's a delicious comforting scent!
  5. I was really excited for this one, since Lady V's Buttercream Rose is a staple of mine! This rose smells redder, if that makes sense. I also get the rose as a little more prominent and the foodie ingredients hanging back a bit. This almost has a liquid quality about it -- I'll be interested to see if it gets cakier as it settles.
  6. I'm having the exact same experience, StacyK! It's purely floral on me, straight out of the vial. And it really is perfection, as a pure floral. In drydown, I think I might be getting tiny wisps of vanilla, but I can't pick out any hint of brown sugar. I'll be interested to try again when it has settled a bit. But any magnolia lovers -- don't miss this one!
  7. This is utterly yummy -- to my nose, it's a cake version of Sugared Honeycomb. Bright warm deliciously sweet honey, but not the kind that is NSFW (or leaving the house).
  8. This one comes out of the vial very CHERRY! blast, and then quickly dries down to something soft, delicate, subtle and oh so sweet! I get only a hint of the frosting; this is the cakiest of fairy cakes that I have tried so far! I'll see how it wears over the course of the evening -- right now, even though it got soft much faster than the other 3 I have on, it is now lingering very nicely.
  9. I was very curious to see how this would compare to Lady V's Midnight Snack, since that one also has lavender and salted caramel... this one feels much more lavender forward to me. The caramel is hanging back, just providing grounding sweetness. The lavender is intriguing -- quite strong and I get the camphor, but it is tempered a bit by the sugars. I think I'll stick with MS, but this is quite tempting.
  10. This one goes on me as pure banana, then in the drydown I get warm sticky sweetness, almost like a dish of sliced bananas in milk and brown sugar. The cake-iness doesn't come forward as much on me in this one. Very tempted!
  11. This definitely has the strawberry jam and cotton candy accords! This is guaranteed to hit the spot if you have a sweet tooth. Ripe, rich and groan-inducing indulgence! A very delectable cupcake indeed.
  12. Androstenol and Bella, you ladies are killing me with these reviews!!!! Can't wait to get my hands on my sampler tomorrow.... thanks for whetting my appetite, so to speak!
  13. Supersquee shipping notice fairy cakes sampler on the way!!!!!!!! I think I might actually get it on my last day of the semester. Could there be a more perfect way to celebrate the start of summer break?!
  14. I got Summer Belle when Ms. Nutrix had her unbelievably generous sale last year! I know it's somewhere and I can't seem to lay hands on it. I think there was about 1/3 left....
  15. Right now: 1) Valerie's Misty Melon Patch 2) Jennifer's Farmhouse Afternoon 3) Spring's Jasmine Rain 4) Glamour Puss 5) Jennifer's Opal
  16. Oooh, as spring has suddenly hit full-blown here, I am reminded of how much I LOVED Summer Belle....
  17. OK, this is going to make sense to all of you: I refreshed my page on my way out the door to have a great dinner out and see the new Avengers movie and all I can think is: ARGH WHY AM I WASTING MY TIME ON THIS OTHER STUFF WHEN I COULD BE READING FAIRY CUPCAKE DESCRIPTIONS?!?? LP is the best! It will be fun treat when I get home. :-)
  18. Yay!!!!! Sampler ordered, cupcake fantasticness on the way, thank you thank you, Mara!!!!!
  19. Oh, wow, these look absolutely amazing!!! I love the concept and I love the array of choices. You'll be hearing from me on May 1st!!
  20. I think if you have tried both the scent and phero and know that they work for you, it's a good idea! FWIW, often what I do is get a fb oil and fb spray and split the phero boost between them. That way the spray gives the immediate diffusion and gets both scent and phero out there, but the oil is there to warm up and last over the longer haul.
  21. What she said!!! Road Opener and Mother Goddess on the way to tide me over while I figure out what else I need to stock up on!
  22. Well, had to grab Road Opener (spray was all that was left, and I'm actually really intrigued to try it in this form!) and two bottles of Mother Goddess. Which I knew I had no need for or interest in, but 1) the scent was so perfect and delicious, I would have gotten on that basis alone 2) all of a sudden the Universe seems to be handing me lots of opportunity for "mothering" those in my path -- friends, animals, students. So interesting!
  23. Congrats, Tink, WendyLynne, Mai and Donsie! Need to check... I'm not sure what I am now! ETA: Oh, FAB!!!! Love manticores!
  24. Lovestruck, my parents are in their mid-seventies and they insist that since they started using Beautiful Dreamer at bedtime, their sleep has improved hugely. I hope your mom has the same experience! Also, now that they have been introduced to B2 in Unisexy, they say that one is even better, FWIW.
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