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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. This one is so accurate it's ridiculous! It smells EXACTLY like the juiciest, freshest most delicious grapefruit, so much so my mouth started watering when I put it on! Interestingly as the day went on, it morphed into something darker and almost spicy in its sweetness. Definitely am going to need more of this! Possibly a spray, as others have mentioned.
  2. Wet, this almost made me cry, it was so delicious! Fresh wet juicy melon. For those who loved Summer Belle, this is a must-have. My only sadness is that relatively quickly after drydown it gets so soft and delicate it's barely there. But I just use that as an excuse to keep slathering. BTW, I tested this on one hand and Sugared Grasses on the other and the combo kind of blew my mind.
  3. This is exquisite. Exactly as described, like a pile of freshly mown spring grass. I love it on its own, but I think the layering possibilities are endless, and there is plenty of scope to go more masculine or feminine depending on what you pair with it.
  4. One sniff of this and my eyes rolled back in my head. Heady, soft yet strong, not the least bit piercing, sweet and sensuous. Pure win!
  5. I can't believe it took me this long to order this, since I am the one who asked for it originally! This is gorgeous -- I can't really add to what others have said, but for those of who love the clean scents, this is perfection. Crisp, fresh, with a bit of a fresh laundry air -- but only the finest most expensive laundry! I think this would go with any number of things. I would love to smell it on a guy, but I can also see combining it with florals for something deeply feminine. Thank you so much for this one, Mara!
  6. Oh, gods, this is HEAVENLY. Smooth and mellow but with so much texture I can't believe it's a "single" note! To me, this is a callback to the smoke note in Apparition, which I loved. I am getting fall, wood fires, crackling leaves -- this is gorgeous and I am definitely going to need a bigger bottle.
  7. Mara, however do you do it?!?! Another generous giftie of something I didn't think I would ever find! You are AMAZING!! And special thanks to John for being so patient and kind helping me straighten out my doofus invoice mistake. You guys are the best! The LP customer service beats everyone else!
  8. This is delicious! I've tried it a couple of times now.... it's a great fruity tropical musk, and I love the way the citrus notes pop and give it sparkle but the coconut makes it creamy. It reminds me a bit of Glamour Puss, not that the scents are similar, but that there are a few identifiable notes and then just this heavenly blend that is far too subtle and sophisticated for me to pick out many of the single notes. Oddly enough, I'm both thinking of a bottle and feeling hesitant for the same reason. I have been looking to get another LFM blend because that so helpful at my retail job. This scent puts me in such a relaxed happy mood, though, I'm not sure I could bear to have it on at work! I'll have to ponder. But this is just lovely.
  9. What a fabulous rationalization, SJM!!!! Thank you! Nothing beats the excitement, does it!
  10. Hmm, this is very soft and soothing. I was trying to remember the notes when I put this on this morning, and completely missed maple and tobacco. I get a smooth sandalwood/vanilla blend. I am not falling in love with the scent -- I'll be interested to see what effects I get from the phero. I think this would be a total win for office use or situations where I don't want to appear to be wearing perfume.
  11. Hey, Bella! I find LFM works best on the moving people along, having them act respectful and not cause any trouble, so I do love it for keeping things moving. Just thought I'd throw in there, for holiday season, last year I also got a lot of mileage out of my Garland and Lace spray (v. 4). I wonder if that might keep things upbeat and fun with the younger crowd? My experience with Levitation was that it made the interactions really fun but that customers tended to hang around for long chatty conversations after their transaction was done, which was OK in the slow season but not what I want when things are crazy busy! But of course you might get a different result, especially if it's a different demographic for customers. Good luck, and keep us posted! I keep meaning to try OW because of Eggers' reviews, and I'm curious to hear how it would work in a retail (as opposed to food service) setting.
  12. I am SO excited to have a bottle on hand! I've almost finished my sample and it is such a great sleep scent when work is crazy stressful! Now the only question is: will be I good and actually make gifts of bottles I ordered for my mom and sister, or do I simply admit that it's a Hoard?
  13. Mmm, this is lovely! It's clean and fresh but not soapy clean (that wouldn't be a problem for me, as I love the soapy ones, but just saying this is a bit different). It's tilted ever so slightly to the masculine of things for me, but if I had a situation that called for the SWS phero, I would definitely wear this. This is like being outside on a crisp fall day and being able to smell someone doing laundry in basement of the house you are standing to next to. The linen clean smell is riding on a tide of nature notes. In a weird way, this smells like a very civilized version of Unseelie to me. As if you stumbled onto the Fae during Wash Day.
  14. OMG, shipping notice! Next round of Sugareds and Beautiful Dreamer on the way!!
  15. Mmm, creamy sophisticated floral!! The wisteria in this is bringing up memories of Papal Purple, and the peony is causing a huge sensory flashback to childhood -- I can see pink petals with fresh dew on them when I sniff this! The butter/cream and sugar notes in no way make this foodie; they are about sweetness and texture. This feels really congruent with Gotcha! -- it's sensuous in way that seems subtle but also kind of knocks your socks off, albeit with an elegant flourish. I'm really eager to see what happens with this one over the next few hours.
  16. Just placed my order... though I realized I forgot to request my forum freebies, so I'll probably HAVE to figure out something else to buy so I can get those, right? The must-have Pheromas full bottle (OK, bottles!) was Beautiful Dreamer. I am liking everything I try, but I'm doing my best to only get bottles for things I absolutely love and everything else so far has been, "Hm, I'm really intrigued, I need to sit with this scent a few more times before I can make a decision). I also did my long-awaited next sugareds order! I have almost finished my 5 ml Sugared Coffee, so I got a 10 ml bottle of that. Then trying out 5 ml bottles of: Linen, Smoke, Coconut, Cocoa Butter, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Melons, Lily of the Valley, Almond, Pumpkin, Grapefruit Can't wait!!!
  17. NuTrix, I had a very similar response to this one! I was hoping to fall madly in love because... autumn in a bottle, plus I have recently gotten obsessed with ozone as a note. This is definitely as described, but it tips enough to the masculine side that I will have to ponder whether I want a bottle or not (I'd also be interested to think if there might a Sugared Layerable that would sweeten it just a little bit). It is VERY clean, and I think that might be keeping me on the fence as well. I think I was hoping for something a little darker and earthier. I just looked at the notes again and I am not getting either smoke or earth. That being said -- the water accord is lovely, and if you love clean green scents, this is perfection! It's bright but not sharp, and it would be perfect for office/professional use. I am pretty much scent free at my main job these days, because I am working one on one with people in a little room that just amps everything, and I have regretfully stopped wearing many things that I thought would be fine for work this fall. But I have this on today and it feels very safe. I've never worn anything with Open Windows before, and I'm curious to see the effects on me and others. ETA: It occurs to me: I have Sugared Earth and I just ordered Sugared Smoke, so maybe I'll try doctoring it with those!
  18. Hi Vlad, I don't have the Big Easy in my possession any longer, but my memory of that one is that it was more herbally and unisex. I tried this again last night and did not have such instant sleep, which was kind of a bummer, but also allowed me to experience the dry down for Beautiful Dreamer, and it was heavenly! It goes on a bit herbal but as it dries down that element disappears and the vanilla comes out more and makes it sweet and smooth. It gets prettier and prettier the longer I have it on.
  19. I'll be eager to hear your experience, Rose, and I'm definitely going to try this one again tonight!
  20. I tried this one out last night, and wow! Another lavender amazement. On me, it was one of the lavenders that goes a little bit herby/medicinal, but as it dried down it got softer and the vanilla and amber created a wonderful pillow-y effect. I've only tried Balm Bomb once before, in one of the spell potions... it's a little hard to judge the effect because I put this on shortly before turning out the lights and I was asleep almost instantly!! I have so many LP lavenders I told myself that I wouldn't need this one, but I think I might. I've had a rough couple of days and my sleep has been very disturbed (and I've been forgetting that my LPs can help with that!) -- this gave me my first sleeping through night and waking feeling refreshed in quite a bit.
  21. This is delicious! Crisp apple softened and made richer by the apricot. For me this is more fruity than floral -- the floral notes are coming through more as a texture, creating an effect that is soft and airy but not powdery. The honey is very subtle, and the amber grounds it to keep from the foodier side of things. Delicate and delicious! This is very congruent with the Cuddle Bunny phero -- as the description says, "girlish and adorable" but the kind of girlish and adorable that is its own superpower... seriously considering a bottle of this.
  22. IKR? Mine is out for delivery -- I am just speechless. This seems to defy the laws of time and space, but I have gotten used to LP miracles!
  23. Yay tink!!! I kept meaning to come back here and mention I thought there were still a few available.... I'm so glad you like it! And Cherise, nice to see you!
  24. I wish I had grabbed a back up bottle of this when it was on Artfire! (pounds forehead furiously with fist). NuTrix, I remain in awe of this creation. It's unlike any other LP I can think of, and it is an incredible combination of delicious scent and powerful intent. The more it ages the more the individual notes meld. My precious bottle is boosted with Perfect Match, which feels like the most congruent pairing, but I wish I had a virgin bottle to try out some others and see how it plays there. If you ever decide on a rebrew, let me know!
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