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Black Cat

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  1. Black Cat


    I had a similar experience, Luna! In the vial this made my eyes roll back in my head -- gorgeous rich coffee made richer and darker with the butter and cocoa notes. In drydown though, it started to go a little wonky on me. It's reminding me a bit of what happened to me with Nola -- some papery bitterness takes over. I am going to tuck the vial away and see if it likes me better in a couple of weeks... just glanced at the calendar and thought, oh, right, hormones! But this is gorgeous on its own, and if I can find a way to have it smell on my skin as it does in the vial, I will be getting a bottle. In the meantime, I might try it my clothes or pillow case.
  2. Black Cat

    Land of Nog

    I'm fascinated reading everyone's varying experiences, and need to add my own. I slathered this on first, because I adore Garland and Lace but would love a non-phero'd eggnog scent. Sugared Eggnog has not loved me so far, though I need to test that one again. Anyway, this is delightful but I don't really get the eggnog -- instead it goes on with a big blast of almond, very marzipan-y! As it dries, it gets softer and subtler. It reminds me of both Because the Night and Petit For Your Thoughts. Definitely festive and delicious, but I will continue on the quest for eggnog...
  3. Argh!!!! Holiday postal slow down is killing me.... package made it to state distribution center early yesterday morning, so I thought I'd have it by the afternoon, but it still isn't scanned for being sent out for delivery. Come on, USPS!!!! Snowman's Poop at stake here! ETA: They're here!!!!!!!
  4. Yes, I'm having the same association! So eager to sniff that one! Yay, TheBirkeys, will be on the lookout for your report!
  5. I put this on last night and was a little alarmed because I got a wonky medicinal note.... but then I inhaled and the combination of Mara's magical notes and the Balm Bomb did their magic: I felt every muscle in my body relax, and within 15 minutes I was asleep. Even if my cycle makes this less of a delicious scent experience for a couple of days a month, I don't care, the effects are soooooooo wonderful.
  6. I'm late to this party, but I just wanted to chime in with saying that I find Empathy Potion VERY powerful, and I wonder if, as others have mentioned, perhaps he became defensive in response to its effects? I wore this to work one day and ended up with a student in such serious meltdown it sparked a chain of emails to deans, counselors, etc -- if anything is going on, Empathy Potion can blow the doors off, and I wonder if he felt some kind of dissonance at being pulled into such an intimate emotional space in a work setting? For myself, I made a decision never to wear it at work again. I use it in therapy or in very close personal relationships when the setting is private and protected. I think others have made excellent suggestions. I will add that I have had great results using PM in the work place -- it seems to be a much "safer" and less demanding kind of connection than Empathy provides. But perhaps going with elevating the mood rather than focusing on bonding would be a better strategy. Good luck, and keep us posted!
  7. And here we are again already -- SAMPLER IN THE MAIL!!!!! I am so excited for my winter smellies!
  8. I don't know why I haven't reviewed this one yet, when I've tried a few times. The scent is delicious -- up there with some of the best dirty sexy honeys LP has to offer! I am someone who (so far, perhaps this will change) just hasn't been able to feel the love with LP Black, but this one is very different for me, not resin heavy at all. I love the texture. It feels thick and chewy, while at the same time there are some delicate nuances to it. So the scent is definitely a win for me, although at this point I have so many honeys I am not sure I need another, however delicious. That brings me to the phero. I will say up front that Dom is simply not a phero I have ever been drawn to. I don't notice selfies from this, and I haven't tried it yet around people. I am almost feeling like I should get a bottle just to have it in the arsenal, should the day ever arrive when I feel the need for the Dom effect. We'll see!
  9. Just chiming in again to talk about how amazing this one is, and to add that as it ages, I feel like the throw is getting stronger. I needed to be very low-key on scent today because it was a series of one on one meetings in a tiny little room, but before that I was going to a setting that was quite different, where I felt I needed the protective intent and bonding of Sanctuary. I put the tiniest little pair of strips, maybe one inch or less each, on my cleavage. I got a beautiful quiet cloud of scent that lasted all day. Plus the good vibes I needed. Love this one!
  10. Oooh, I've got Melons! Will try tonight!
  11. December sampler ordered! I see several potential full bottles, but the ones I am most hopeful for are also the ones I am most uncertain of! I am also gearing up for a couple of PEs for the new year, so need to be careful with the budget.
  12. Oh, wow, I was all philosophical when I came on the website this morning, not really expecting to see NRs since, um, it's still November, and now I find them here! YAY!!!!! Getting ready to settle in with my coffee and have some delicious reading! And then perhaps some ordering!
  13. My favorite bakery makes the most amazing almond croissants and this smells exactly like the filling tastes! A cherry tinge, rich and a little boozy. Just gorgeous.
  14. Oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow!!!! I'm on my first day of Thanksgiving break from work, and had no idea I would come downstairs to such a magical surprise!!! These look adorable and a couple of names are hinting at notes that I was so hoping would come around this December. And Ashes to Dust! So excited about that one. Thank you, lovely Potion Master!!
  15. This one is so accurate it's ridiculous! It smells EXACTLY like the juiciest, freshest most delicious grapefruit, so much so my mouth started watering when I put it on! Interestingly as the day went on, it morphed into something darker and almost spicy in its sweetness. Definitely am going to need more of this! Possibly a spray, as others have mentioned.
  16. Wet, this almost made me cry, it was so delicious! Fresh wet juicy melon. For those who loved Summer Belle, this is a must-have. My only sadness is that relatively quickly after drydown it gets so soft and delicate it's barely there. But I just use that as an excuse to keep slathering. BTW, I tested this on one hand and Sugared Grasses on the other and the combo kind of blew my mind.
  17. This is exquisite. Exactly as described, like a pile of freshly mown spring grass. I love it on its own, but I think the layering possibilities are endless, and there is plenty of scope to go more masculine or feminine depending on what you pair with it.
  18. One sniff of this and my eyes rolled back in my head. Heady, soft yet strong, not the least bit piercing, sweet and sensuous. Pure win!
  19. I can't believe it took me this long to order this, since I am the one who asked for it originally! This is gorgeous -- I can't really add to what others have said, but for those of who love the clean scents, this is perfection. Crisp, fresh, with a bit of a fresh laundry air -- but only the finest most expensive laundry! I think this would go with any number of things. I would love to smell it on a guy, but I can also see combining it with florals for something deeply feminine. Thank you so much for this one, Mara!
  20. Oh, gods, this is HEAVENLY. Smooth and mellow but with so much texture I can't believe it's a "single" note! To me, this is a callback to the smoke note in Apparition, which I loved. I am getting fall, wood fires, crackling leaves -- this is gorgeous and I am definitely going to need a bigger bottle.
  21. Mara, however do you do it?!?! Another generous giftie of something I didn't think I would ever find! You are AMAZING!! And special thanks to John for being so patient and kind helping me straighten out my doofus invoice mistake. You guys are the best! The LP customer service beats everyone else!
  22. This is delicious! I've tried it a couple of times now.... it's a great fruity tropical musk, and I love the way the citrus notes pop and give it sparkle but the coconut makes it creamy. It reminds me a bit of Glamour Puss, not that the scents are similar, but that there are a few identifiable notes and then just this heavenly blend that is far too subtle and sophisticated for me to pick out many of the single notes. Oddly enough, I'm both thinking of a bottle and feeling hesitant for the same reason. I have been looking to get another LFM blend because that so helpful at my retail job. This scent puts me in such a relaxed happy mood, though, I'm not sure I could bear to have it on at work! I'll have to ponder. But this is just lovely.
  23. What a fabulous rationalization, SJM!!!! Thank you! Nothing beats the excitement, does it!
  24. Hmm, this is very soft and soothing. I was trying to remember the notes when I put this on this morning, and completely missed maple and tobacco. I get a smooth sandalwood/vanilla blend. I am not falling in love with the scent -- I'll be interested to see what effects I get from the phero. I think this would be a total win for office use or situations where I don't want to appear to be wearing perfume.
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