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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Welcome! Look forward to chatting with you!! You'll be a full-blown addict in no time!!
  2. Dolly

    Blessed Sacrament

    OK, so I have decided to re-visit some of my older samples, and this is one I turned to.....I can't understand WHY I never did get a full bottle of this one..... Heady incense, but creamier than sugared Frankincense and Myrrh.....I love this one.....rich and soothing.....ok, I need a bottle..... Staying power? Oh yeah, absolutely.......
  3. OK, one more vacation phero post..... Unscented Dominance.....I tell you what, I love the original scented version, but I like the unscented even more.....the self-effects on me are AMAZING. I am already ballsy, and tell it like it is......I don't normally back down......BUT it takes a lot to get me angry. Well, when I was visiting my family, it became apparent that one of the workers who was doing some siding work was ripping my mom and grandmother off. That is NOT happening! Well, I happened to be wearing Dominance all day long, because I was anticipating having to deal with a cantankerous relative. I got that boy on the phone, reamed him a new one, and had him returning the money that my mom had paid him in advance. I had him offering to do the job for free!! I was standing there with the phone on my hand, saying......"When you're messing with me, you're messing with the WRONG bitch"......my grandma couldn't stop laughing..... When he came over to return the money, he wouldn't even get out of his car. He was gushing apologies....it was soooooooo funny! I need a great big vat of this......
  4. Darn, I want one of EACH!!! I love all of the new pin-ups......and the new logo is gorgeous!! Scorch does beautiful work!!
  5. Welcome Julia! So glad you found us and decided to pop in! Sit down and chat with us once in a while!!
  6. Truly good stuff in these blends, that's for sure!!
  7. Yeah, about two inches on each wrist, and then rub together. About an inch on each side of the neck, and smeared around.....so, that's 4 inches.....the remainder depends on how far down my cleavage I go......that could be another 2-6 inches.....so, the answer would probably be 6-10 inches total, depending on my mood and the occassion.....
  8. You're very welcome!! Enjoy!! And, let me know when you start running low!
  9. Oh, absolutely try it......there are so many notes that I could never wear.....until I came here, that is! I am so in agreement with scourger that, unless you know that M & D use the same manufacturer's ingredient that disagreed with you, give it a try.....
  10. Oh, and sometimes a swipe of Edge gel on the inner thighs will heat things up......
  11. OK, so excuse me if I have posted when a thread already exists..... Mara sent some of this along in my last pkg for my sweetie, and I slathered him in it on a couple of occassions during our vacation.....it is really really nice.....leather and vanilla were the most prominent notes on him.....but not a sweet vanilla.....it had a darker feel to it.....very manly, and very sexy. During the course of our trip, I had not only tried this on him, but also some Super and some Un....my mom wouldn't stop following him around sniffing him.....she loved the men's scents! Of course, it doesn't hurt that my man is HOT.....the scents just gave her a reason to bury her face in his neck, I think......
  12. Vacation story #3...... My sweetie and I decided to go out to a karaoke bar one evening. I put on a few dabs of Treasured Hearts, some Blatant Invitation, and covered it with Messalina. The reason I decided to add some Treasured Hearts is because my sweetie and I had gotten in a little "tiff" before we went out, and he acted like kind of a jerk. Well, we get to the place, and are having a couple of drinks. He gets up on stage and sings a song that he dedicated to me......it's one of those that basically says "I'm sorry".....I think that was partly due to the Treasured Hearts......he was so sweet and so nice for the whole evening. Plus, due to the Blatant Invitation, he couldn't keep his hands off of me.... Here is a report on the pheros with a stranger too.......I got a call while we were sitting in the bar, and I stepped outside to answer it. As I walked past these two guys, they both turned and watched me.....when I came back in, one of them stopped me. I asked him what he needed, and he just stood there with a big DIHL look on his face. He says...."Uh....I forgot." I was literally cracking up when I walked to the table, and my sweetie couldn't figure out why I couldn't stop giggling. Such fun!!
  13. And the funniest part is that I even have pictures to prove it......my cousin's daughter (who doesn't like anybody) hugging on me (that was from the Treasured Hearts)......my cousin's hubby wrapped around me......its really funny..... And, I tell you what......I am NEVER going to be without Blatant Invitation.....it is DA BOMB!! I do have more vacation stories too.....I just don't have the time to post them right now.....
  14. OK, second vacation phero story...... My mom decided that she wanted me and my fiancee to go out with her in the evening, to a little place near her house that has legal gambling. They have about 5 little machines that have video slots and poker. Well, I was slathered with a TON of Blatant Invitation, covered with Naughty Minx. First of all, my man was ALL OVER me.....more than usual. He chose not to play the machines, but instead was sitting beside me, whispering......"You're driving me crazy"......"You can't imagine what I'd like to be doing to you right NOW"......"You are so hot"..... He wasn't the only one, though.....when we first walked in, my mom spoke to a man who actually lived a few houses down the street from us when I was a kid. We didn't like each other when we were grwoing up. He not only says hi to me, but after he stands there for a few seconds, he gives me this BIG hug. Then he is standing there, talking to my mom, but couldn't take his eyes off of me. After he walked away, my man kept whispering....."He was checking you out.......BIG TIME." I love Blatant Invitation!
  15. OK, so last week I was out of state, visiting my family, during which time we had a party. So, the day of the festivities, I started out wearing treasured hearts layered with Dark Seductions. Everybody was loving me. They just couldn't get enough. As the day progressed, I slipped into the bathroom and applied a couple rolls of True Confessions, with another dab of Dark Seductions just to "freshen" the scent. Well, I was in the kitchen helping my mother, and everyone who came in the kitchen would start talking. I don't just mean chatter.....I mean TALKING. Like who at the party was doing WHAT and with WHO. I am talking about specifics. My mom was just flabbergasted at some of the stories that were coming out! So, this little escapade lasted until about 2 in the morning. At about 10:00, I decided to slip into the bathroom again. This time, it was blatant invitation, and another little dab of Dark Seductions. OK, that sent things right over the edge! My fiancee was there, but so was my high school prom date, who I haven't seen for over 20 years! He was very shy when we were in high school......well, this evening, he was NOT! He got me off to the side and started explaining to me that he had a big crush on me in high school and that he wish he had expressed it to me then. THEN, he says.....I wish your fiancee wasn't here.....I'd like to spend some time alone with you. Well, you can imagine....I kind of scurried away from that situation and back over to my fiancee's side. Well, my cousin's husband was alternating between being in the house and being out in the yard where our little bonfire and party were still going on. On one of his trips outside, he comes up to me (my man was standing there with his arm around me at the time), and he literally wraps himself around me and tells my cousin (his WIFE) to take a picture of him with "this hot woman". This is a man that I have never met until about 24 hours prior. Luckily, my man is not the jealous type.....and neither is my cousin, thank goodness. I have more stories! Will post some more in a little bit.....stay posted!
  16. I just ordered a bottle of this, unsniffed, because I just KNOW I am going to adore it.....I cannot wait!!
  17. Thanks for the welcome back!! I do have some stories to tell......you can believe that!!
  18. Good post! Blatant Invitation is DEFINITELY one of my new faves.....
  19. I've been out of town for a week, so I'm a little late, but welcome welcome everybody!!
  20. Hey djac, I have tried this one, and I like it. It really makes the ones around you "give you love" for lack of a better word. I wore it around a typically grumpy old man who is a client of mine, and within about 20 minutes of being exposed to treasured hearts, he was grinning and chuckling. Definitely worth a full bottle!
  21. BWAAHAHHAHHAAAAAA I had to order a full bottle of this one for two reasons....one, I love TAL......two, I LOVE the name!! Had to have it!! Hope I like it as well as everybody else who has tried it seems to!
  22. I usually do a couple of inches on each wrist, about an inch or so on both frontal neck pulses, and usually all the way from the hollow of my throat down my cleavage.....
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