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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    I agree....this is a very nicely done scent.....I like it, as well....
  2. Welcome to all the new members!! We are all addicts here, and we are quite sure you will be too, after you try your first LP scents......it is like the crack of the perfume world..... NO KIDDING.....one try and you're hooked.....there are scents here to satisfy all tastes....light, floral, dark, sultry, foody, and now pheromones!! I urge you all.....try a couple of samples that you might think may not be in your "preference zone".....and ALWAYS try at least ONCE the little freebie vials that the lovely Mara and Danna send you.....ALL OF THEM......I was a perfume "snob" of sorts....only certain notes had traditionally worked for me, so I never ventured out of that "zone".....BUT, I started trying everything that I was sent, at least once, and took some recommendations based on reviews, and now I am using scents with notes that I had NEVER thought I would be able to use......not all will work for you.....BUT some will definitely be a pleasant surprise...... WELCOME AGAIN.....and enjoy your new purchases!!
  3. Oh, I am getting a bottle of Scandalous.....I have a swap deal with Chai.....she is so SWEET to share! In my next order, I AM getting a trial of LP green....I'n not too big on really green scents, but from the reviews, it doesn't sound like this one is actually THAT green.....just a touch of green-ness would be cool..... And, green is my favorite color.....
  4. Yeah May, your perfume is about as subtle as my hair color (intense dark red.....it almost glows when I get in the sun).....
  5. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA......May, you crack me up.......
  6. I mixed it in a separate roller top bottle.....I added it in a 1/10 ratio.....about 5 ml of Dark Seductions to 1/2 ml Cougar concentrate......this isn't the Cougar that comes already diluted and in the roller top bottle.....this is the undiluted phero juice, or what the lovely ladies would add to a fragrance for you. I would assume that you could use the diluted unscented Cougar in a 1/1 ratio with a fragrance, either layered, or mixed.
  7. No, I think that's a GOOD joke......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA LOVE IT!!!!
  8. I think I'm going to have to get me a trial size of this one.....
  9. So, it all works out in the end.....and, it will give YOU a chance to do some further testing on the blends, and see what type of reactions you get, so that you may be able to further guide them in their phero choices....
  10. Just a note.....it WASN'T the Cougar grapefruit-scented potion that I used.....it was the unscented concentrate.....
  11. OK, so last night, I wore the Cougar concentrate mixed with Dark Seductions to a big, annual company dinner that my fiancee's company puts on every year. We got all dressed up (something I do very rarely), and I slathered Dark Seductions all over me..... My sweetie walked in when I was applying it, and was just standing there smelling the air....."DAMN, that stuff is sexy!", he says......HE HAD NO IDEA THAT IT HAD PHEROS IN IT...... OK, so the first reaction was from his 10 year old son......this is a kid who is normally a little standoffish with me (not all the time, but as a general rule).....He saw me walk out all dressed up, looked up at me, and said nothing. Just went on about what he was doing. I walked past him, and he sat there for a minute......all of a sudden his head snapped up and he looked over at me and said......"You look REALLY nice. VERY pretty." With this big grin...... OK, let's fully set the stage......I am NOT a raving beauty (not a dog though)......I am more of a plain jane.....not a big head-turner.....the only thing that really stands out is the bright red hair and the double D's (they were a bit covered up last night, though.......as a matter of "decorum"). And, I am about 40 pounds overweight right now, so.......you get the idea..... So, we get to the function, and the banquet room had not opened yet.....but, a number of employees were in the bar of the hotel. My darlin' was introducing me to most of them......here is a matter to note.....last year when I attended with him, they were friendly, and some of them shook my hand as they greeted me, seemingly a bit uninterested, but being polite. This year, they were practically lining up to meet me, big smiles, lots of direct eye contact, and holding my hand a bit too long after shaking it, if you know what I mean. In the bar, we were talking to one of my fiancee's co-workers (a good friend of his, actually), who is recently single (he and his wife just separated after a very bad couple of years). He and I have jokingly flirted back and forth before, and my man gets a kick out of his friend's reactions, so he eggs it on. So, my finacee leaned really close and sniffed me, and said......I can still smell it.....big grin..... Then he tells his buddy...."Here, you need to smell her perfume." This guy leaned in, smelled my neck, and then just kept on standing there, sniffing.......All he could say was....mmmmm.....MMMMMM......mmmmm.....MMMMM.....my honey told him that he had renamed it from "Dark Seductions" to "Instant Erection", and his buddy agreed with that assessment of it. Then, the friend grabs another of their co-workers....."Come here, you have got to smell her." So, here I stand, with my hair pulled back from my neck, with all of these men standing around sniffing me......I was ready to start laughing my butt off.....it was hilarious. One of them took a big long sniff, looked at me, got this big "deer in the headlights" expression on his face.....then he looked at my honey and said....."You better keep an eye on her.....one of us might kidnap her." He said this with a very serious expression on his face too.....he wasn't joking. The funny part was that as the night wore on, his friend was trying to avoid making eye contact with me. This was unusual, because his buddy and I have gotten a little risque with each other in the past.....but last night, it was different. He was seated directly across the table from me, and when he did look up at me once, I just smiled at him, and he said....."You need to stop it." We were mingling after dinner, and my man said, "Go over and casually (but discreetly) grab his butt, just to see what he does." So, I did.... He looks at me with this startled look, then just leans a little closer, and obviously took another big sniff.....my man had walked over by this time, and his friend looks at him and says....."Man, you need to watch out, or I'm going to steal your girlfriend." This was said with a dead serious expression......no grin, no laugh.....dead seriousness. Ladies, I think you have a winner here.......this phero blend is strong, powerful, sexy, and says......"I'm hot, and you want to get near me." I love it......
  12. Well, Chai, I totally understand your hesitation. BUT, since they are adults (and still your babies.....and always will be), I think use of the phero blends would be ok, as long as you have cautioned them against indiscriminant use. Also, you need to explain to them that copulin use in public can elicit unwanted advances from men....strangers, and they must be prepared for that and know how to handle it. Cougar, if I understand, has only a small amount of copulins, but PG had ONLY cops in it, and Dominance has three times that of the original PG (that is A LOT). I would suggest that they use the copulin-containing blends in public with EXTREME caution.
  13. Dolly

    Nasty Habits

    Definitely not "virginal" on me......down and dirty, all the way.......so, maybe a dirty virgin.....
  14. Oh, I absolutely ADORE Dominance, and I think that the pheros in it (includig the amount of EoW) are just PERFECT in amount. KUDOS to you ladies!! The stinkiness does initially scare some people......BUT, if the scent is right, it can be disguised easily, if not totally hidden.
  15. I recently received a sample of LP original in one of my packages.....you should try it, as it is truly lovely.....rich and creamy, and it lasted on my skin for a long, long time..... I have not yet tried LP green.....
  16. Oh yeah, it is just totally yummy, isn't it? Black is definitely one of my faves.....so is Red, though.....I have a hard time choosing......they actually smell good layered.....
  17. Hey Liz.....I remember J Geils! Yeah, the perfume and the pheros will blossom and heat aids diffusion (getting them out there)......I would think that while Cougar may be geared toward attracting a younger man, it would probably aid in attracting others as well (not JUST the younger ones).... Have fun!!
  18. The weather is going crazy here in Louisiana......it was warm and in the high 70's yesterday, then about 4:00pm the heavy rain started, and today when I woke up it was in the mid 40's......it's been very chilly and windy here all day today.......
  19. Oh yeah, it is definitely resiny.....it goes mild on me, but so does Dirty Sexy.....it just fades into a warm, sexy, wonderful skin scent.....I love it.......BOTH of them......sorry it did something unpleasant on you....
  20. Good post, May! Looking forward to the sequel..... I am going to be testing the Cougar additive paired with Dark Seductions at my sweetie's annual company dinner this Thurs night...... Oh, and BTW......if you are feeling really adventurous today, try Nasty Habits paired with Dirty Sexy.....YUM....
  21. Dolly

    Raqs Sharqi

    Yeah, I may need a full bottle of this myself.....I really like it.....
  22. This scent didn't really work for me.....too light for my tastes.....if I am going to wear something on the lighter side, it needs to have an underlying richness, like Mermaids..... Chai, I just sent an email to your personal email address.....
  23. Thats a similar effect that I had using the Cougar concentrate with a different scent (Mermaids). One of my tax clients (an old friend) wouldn't stop hugging me, and he just kept grinning this big goofy grin at me.....totally out of character for him......
  24. Well, this is particularly true of me, when I get a chance to be creative.....mine ARE babies......baby dolls, to be exact.....I love pouring them in porcelain as well as free-hand sculpting.....I just wish I had the time lately.....
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