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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I love how everybody is different! I am just the opposite. I am alpha to begin with, and Dominance puts me more in that element. People LOVE me when I wear Dom (and Leather as well). Lace makes me feel totally discombobulated (don't you love that word....LOL)......totally not a good thing. Plus, the high Est blends are so "iffy" with my man.....it can get ugly.
  2. Right after Cougar was released, there was a group of younger ladies here on the boards who swore by it.....I don't think it is PURELY for older women. That said, I am glad I was reminded how much I love the scent of this one (don't know why I never replenished my stock).....got a partial bottle in a trade, and then promptly went in and bought two more bottles. Love both the self-effects and the reactions from others with this one..... OH, and with extra cops....watch out! You may have trouble walking the next day.....
  3. Sometimes, a blend may just not be for you. Pheros do amplify, for sure. So, it may be that the Lace is just taking that side if you a little bit too far for comfort. I personally cannot do Lace....love the Leather though!
  4. The sleeping one is a dead ringer for one of mine.....
  5. My man just HAD TO ask me what SLF meant! When I told him, he said....."Ya'll are NASTY....but I LIKE IT!"
  6. You peeps never cease to amaze me! Congrats to you Katz, and great work on that label Invi! So sad I won't be able to snatch up a whole set, but I may have to at least snag a few!
  7. Welcome, Moon Bloom! You will find lots of lovely things to get addicted to here! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the great products here! And be sure to ask any questions....we will help out if we can!
  8. I will....she may not be able to be with us right now, but she said she loves all of us and will be back when she can!
  9. Posting this for my great friend and twin, Shelly B......she apologizes for not being able to be active right now.....but she LOVES the OCCO SLF as much as I do, and thinks that it should become a permanent part of the OCCO lineup.....AND I AGREE!
  10. I love the OCCO SLF......smells almost EXACTLY like the Honeyed Amber and Musk (that was a PE), after I added my own EoW to it......glad this one was brewed.....me likey!
  11. Absolutely! The OCCO scents are sheer genius for those of us who love some cops!!!
  12. I think all of us have done that at one time or another.....LOL
  13. Well, I HAD TO order the SLF OCCO.....LOLOLOLOLOL.....the original SLF scent.....the Honeyed Amber and Musk was NAUGHTY! I loved loved loved it!
  14. One of my man's faves on me is the Limited Edition Original that Mara did that has BI in it....I also loaded it with extra cops, and you can only smell them when wet. LP Red covers the cops EXCELLENTLY. Hard to detect even when wet.
  15. I get wonderful results with LP Original, Red, and Black....oh, and Passion and Desire too! Even with no pheros added, these scents turn heads.....pheros give the perfumes an extra "kick".....
  16. OK, so now you have made me spit my tea on my laptop! I swear this thing needs a raincoat! Or a big condom!
  17. Yeah, the oils here are quite a bit different from commercial colognes. You will find that, in general, they will last longer since they don't have alcohol. Now, some will disappear quickly, depending on your skin chemistry.....find a trusted friend, and ask if they can smell you, or if you're overpowering. That can be a guide.....
  18. Only when wet. In a couple of them, I can smell the cops when wet, and in a couple of them they are undetectable. Once they dry down, the cops smell is history.....
  19. I'm not Mara....I just play her on the forum....LOL....just kidding! Seriously though....BAM/LAM don't really need a cover scent if you are ok with a light perfume. If you want a stronger scent, the LAM and BAM line is very unobtrusive, and can be easily layered with a stronger perfume. As for what type of scents, I usually try to stick to the same scent family....like I wear LAM sandalwood resins underneath my resinous perfumes.....LAM original is a light honey/vanilla/sugar blend, and goes well with sweet scents.
  20. You're very welcome.....they are the most subtle scent-wise, but they do pack a PUNCH!
  21. Still loving this......glad it is not a loud floral on me.....my skin does very ugly things to some floral blends.....I have to be very very careful....... After drydown, this one is just.....PERFECT......
  22. Socials without cops are ok sans fragrance......cops? Well......let's just say cops without a cover is an experience! I agree with Beccah.....very much like vinegar when wet.....on my skin, it smells like over-ripe fruit when dry....I went without a cover merely for testing.......men were STILL following me around like puppies.....got lots of scrunched up, repulsed faces from women......that is what will often happen though.....and my man came home and stuck his nose right in my neck, huffing away. That was before he knew I wore pheros......he has gotten to where about half of the time he can detect cops in my perfumes, but he doesn't care because he knows what it leads to! When I put on one that has cops, he'll say...."Wow, that one has some ASS in it! But I like it!" LOL But most of my scents, if I have multiple bottles, have one bottle that is boosted with cops..... If you don't want to go with a full-on perfume at home, try LAM or BAM......they have a very light scent.....my man likes the original with vanilla, honey, and sugar.....he says it is "almost there" as far as scent is concerned.....almost like you used a scented soap or lotion. They are also very unobtrusive if you want to layer a stronger scent on top.....
  23. Treasured Hearts is FAB.....I will never be without it in my arsenal.....it does create the nesting lovey-dovey vibe in men, but is also great for dealing with same-sex people too.....I use it when I have to deal with family situations like reunions and such....works wonders. Doesn't make you the center of attention necessarily, but makes them all want to "share the love". I'd get a full-size of that one....truly indispensible!
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