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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. It is almost over! I am in the home stretch, so to speak!
  2. Yes, I normally buy my sprays direct from Mara......BUT, the SS4W that I had was one I got in a trade, and that was when it was only available in roll-on.....so, I used one of her DIY kits that is pre-loaded with alcohol. Dumped in the SS4W....shook it up, and it worked like a charm!
  3. I am hoping it sticks around.....it is a gem! But, just in case......I'll race ya!
  4. So now that I don't have to ration out my last bit of SS4W that I converted to spray, I decided to use some today.....very funny situation happened! I applied as my scent some LP Black layered with OCCO Black....two spritzes of SS4W to my hair. I had a client coming over who is a friend of mine (I have known him and his wife for years).....he is always friendly, always hugs hello and goodbye.....well, I have worn cops around him before, and never gotten any "oddball" reactions, so I felt OK with having the OCCO on......BUT I have never worn SS4W around him. So we were in new territory. Well, after being within about a 2 ft range of me, he was mesmerized! Smiling, giggling, starry-eyed.....BIG HUG when he left.....it was really pretty hilarious.....when I told my man, he said......"UhOh! You phero-ed him? Shame on you!" He gets a kick out of my phero escapades.....LOL.... So glad this is available again....love this stuff.....
  5. Well, for that type of event, I would leave out the cops.....but SS4W if you have it would be very good, because it gives you that sexy "star quality"......I think I would either go with that or leather.....leather will give you that strong, self-assured vibe......
  6. How many times can I say I love this one? I was wearing my spray of this today for my own mood.....and it works on me every time......my man came home (who has had a hellish couple of weeks), and he has been grinning like an idiot since he got within range......LOL.....I love this blend!
  7. Yeah, I have hoarded some of the Black.....I have a couple bottles of White too.....BUT it is not because I am afraid of them selling out (since Mara says they will always be available)......it is because I don't ever want to run out, even for a day or two!
  8. OK, so I ordered more.....will be so HAPPY to have this for vacation at the beach in May! I didn't have any for last year's trip.....I love playtime out and about with Super Sexy!
  9. Replenishing a bunch of my phero stash this month.....a couple weeks ago, it was OCCO Black and White and LAM Original scent, this week it is Unscented Leather, SS4W, and Open Windows......love them all.....
  10. Ditto! Great review.....that reminds me.....my supply of SS4W is dwindling.....I need to go shopping!! Oh credit card....where are you?
  11. Also, you should account for the fact that some people are die-hard skeptics. They will try things, but will be dying for them to turn out to not work. Thus, they will not. Pheros are still relatively "new" to the general public, and should be tried with an open mind. Also, some people are non-responders.....they do not get self-effects. EVER.
  12. It is really going to differ based on the temp and humidity where you live, how your body heats up, etc. I live in Louisiana, and I like the 40/60 blends for summer because they don't "burn off" in the heat and humidity quite as quickly as the pure alcohol blends. The sprays do diffuse quite a bit more than the oil or silicone blends, so it really just depends on your own personal preferences.
  13. I'd get them both! LOL Seriously, they are both great......
  14. Oh, I know what you mean......I truly value my "alone time".....my second husband wanted to be velcro-ed to me 24/7, and that chaps my behind.....I expressed this to my current love very early on in our relationship, and he "gets it"......he isn't upset or offended at all by my need to occasionally be by myself to decompress, as it were...... There are men out there who understand.......
  15. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and the matching hat! Exactly what Mara said.....be aware of those signals. If they start mounting, run like hell.....
  16. Dolly

    Open Sesame

    Open Sesame Let our aromatic magic open the way for your success! It is posited that the use of sesame in the spoken “key” for the magical lock of the treasure cave as featured in the tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” stems from the seeds’ tendency to burst forth from their pods when dried. And anyone who needs a scented invocation to welcome a rush of opportunity into their lives would do well to liberally slather this sweet success potion. With a scent similar to sesame candy, we’ve blended sesame, poppy seed, pecan and a delicious brulee with a touch of resin, wood and spice for commanding treasures beyond measure! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: SESAME SEED ~ Money, lust, life force. POPPY SEED ~ Fertility, prosperity, love. Deepens feelings, instills calmness. Imagination, pleasure, wealth, success. PECAN ~ Money, employment. SECRET INGREDIENTS ~ Fertility, potency, prosperity; lightens emotional burdens. Protection, empathy, faithfulness, friendship, aphrodisiac, energy, creativity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, this was another one I am trying today.....for scent purposes mostly (will test the intent later). I like this actually.....it reminds me of a lighter version of Turkish Delight.....lighter, and not quite as sweet. Yet still along the same lines. I like this one.....think I might need a bottle......
  17. Dolly

    Naked Twilight

    Naked Twilight The deeply sexy scent of warm skin ready for the pleasures of the night...rich coconut cream caresses musky ambergris and opium against an ornate backdrop of three types of amber, one lightly kissed with spice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: COCONUT ~ Purification, receptivity, protection. AMBERGRIS ~ Increases personal power, heightens sexual responses, dreaming. OPIUM ~ Fertility, prosperity, love. Deepens feelings, instills calmness. Imagination, pleasure, wealth, success. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, I guess I am the first to this party? This scent was one of my first tries from my sampler, and OH MY. It is deep and rich and sensual.....yet not "thick" smelling, if you know what I mean. It lays close to the skin and is very very sexy. This is one that will make people want to get closer to see if it is you that is smelling so good. I may have to have a bottle of this one.....very nicely done!!
  18. OH YES, I ALWAYS apply SS4W to my hair......and on my head too......LOL
  19. Yes, that is a VERY important part of a relationship.....one of the most important, IMO..... Yes, Rosegirl, I learned a long time ago NOT to get involved in the bad moods, as long as it is not directed AT ME......when you take stuff personally that is not directed at you, all you do is cause yourself a lot of anguish. NOW.....I am running a little low, and need more OW.....WHERE is that credit card?
  20. I really have to say that I am still loving my OW spray! My man came home in a FOUL mood today.....it is warranted.....he has been going through some "stuff" lately, with his kids and his job, and other things that I won't go into for privacy reasons. ANYWHOOOOO.......while he was showering, I sneaked into the bedroom and sprayed with my OW spray that is lightly scented with Constant Cravings.....within 15 min of his exit from the bathroom, his mood had lifted quite a bit.....not PERFECT, but MUCH IMPROVED! He was actually smiling and joking a little bit.....I'll take it! I need another bottle....getting low......
  21. Crushing all over OCCO White! Loving it! And layered with LAM original.....WHEW! Talk about off the charts reaction! WOWZA! Surprised I can walk today.....LOL
  22. I like a combo of True Confessions and Treasured Hearts.....helps you open up and feel comfortable in doing so.....
  23. I am one of the ones who wears pheros almost on a daily basis, and have never experienced ill effects. But then again, I also swap around which ones I am wearing based on what I am trying to accomplish.
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