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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Some of the ladies here have been doing the BLAM thing for a while.....it works! There are times that I prefer to wear one or the other (LAM or BAM), depending on the situation......but other times I just BLAM it!
  2. Both Cougar with cops and SS4W with cops are BIG WINNERS! The OCCO line works great for that!
  3. I prefer to leave the formulations to the experts. What you are looking for could probably be accomplished with SS4W and/or Cougar with some cops..... I would leave the mixing to the people who know what they are doing.....
  4. Cops + Cougar is an awesome combo.....I have a Cougar spray that I boosted with cops and scented with Nasty Habits.....it is DA BOMB! I think that with Cougar and cops, you will give off that sparkly vibe that says "you know that you want me......and I know that you know that you want me" .....LOL
  5. I agree with Ravenwing.....If you want to add a splash of cops, I think that would be ok.....but just a smidge.....A-nol and B-nol in addition to the Cougar in Fuschia would probably be a bit much.....
  6. This one just gets better as it ages (just like ME)......I should see about getting it done as a new PE, but maybe have some musk added to it......
  7. It depends on how fast you want it to diffuse or get out there......if you apply the oil on top of the spray, it will slow diffusion. Alcohol on top will make it diffuse faster.....
  8. I just posted in the oldest LPs thread....I would also love to have a re-brew of Mermaids of Atlantis.....
  9. Yeah, I know! I have about 4.5 bottles of Dirty Sexy and 2.5 bottles of Nasty Habits left, and a pheroed spray bottle of each (DS is mixed with Blatant Invitation + cops and NH is mixed with Cougar + cops).....I love them layered, too! So, I am in "rationing mode".....wearing Dirty Sexy today, as a special treat to myself!!
  10. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a rebrew of Dirty Sexy, but I know that will never happen......
  11. Dolly


    Wearing this one today, and happy to report that it has aged beautifully......it is smooth and rich, and full smelling. Absolutely lovely. Glad I still have 2 bottles.....one boosted and one straight-up! And I see that there are still a few bottles available everybody!
  12. Don't give up so soon.....there are literally HUNDREDS of different vanillas.....I would say that Mara probably has most of them.....
  13. Oh I do wear BI in public quite a bit, IF my man is there......but Sexpionage, NO WAY!
  14. Amen to that! And, it can turn animalistic as well....biting, clawing, clothes ripping, furniture breaking......not one for public wear!!!!
  15. Welcome to the forum Tanya! Looks like you've picked out a bunch of good ones! If any are sold out, you can always check out the trading post for good deals! Jump in and chat with us.....make yourself at home, and enjoy!!
  16. I think I would go with Perfect Match at first and see where that takes you.....if you KNOW there is attraction there, you could top it with OCCO.....that's what I'd do! OH, AND WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!!
  17. Hmmmmm....very interesting.....learn something new every day!
  18. Yeah, some men like to dabble with the female pheros, but I am not sure WHAT wearing Est would do for a man. For instance, some wear a little bit of cops, thinking that it gives the aura of having "been with" another woman, thus making him appear (pheromonally-speaking) like a player.....I just think that is nasty.....if I perceive someone to be a player, I run the other way.....but that is just me personally. Now, since Est is in the urine of pregnant women, that would lead to the curious question of what pheromonal message would that send, if a man wore it?
  19. Uhoh, it's the perfume ninja! LOLOLOLOL
  20. *Jumps out from the corner and snatches Luna's bottle, so she has to go back for more* <giggle> Seriously, I DO love this one......it is cherry, but NOT cherry....ok, I know that doesn't make sense.....BUT, that is really the only way I can describe it! I really REALLY want a bottle of this.....IF I can find that damn wallet!!
  21. Well, I would THINK that would cause some phero-signature confusion in your targets, as Est is only produced by pregnant women....
  22. Dolly

    Rapturous Reverie

    Oh yes, I DO!!!!
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