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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. They all look fab! I think I will be getting full bottles of Open Sesame and Naked Twilight, for sure!
  2. I personally wouldn't chance it with any of them. Cops really need your skin in order to drydown properly and mature. By applying to hair, they can't do that. And, if your hair is extra porous, it absorbs the cops BIG TIME. Like I said.....on me, the perfume came out, the cops DID NOT. I smelled like a big coochy-head......I would get a slight whiff whenever my hair would be flipping around.....NOT ATTRACTIVE! And, NOT something I want to repeat!
  3. Just as an FYI.....in previous years.....I personally had some spray blends (scented) that had lots of cops.....washed my hair, the carrier scent came out, the cops stink DID NOT. Had to clarify with Prell 3 or 4 times......since then, I have NEVER put any cops blend, scented or unscented, in my hair!
  4. Totally agree on the PP vs OW.....I like PP, but OW ROCKS as a social lubricant! Love it! I have to disagree on the Leather/Dom situation though......I absolutely HAVE TO have them.....DOM for work......I absolutely have to appear confident and strong, and like I know what I am doing.....otherwise, I won't get the client. DOM does that, and makes my difficult male clients take notice. I have one who is normally obstinate, but DOM makes him sit on his hands like a little boy..... Leather is like a softer DOM for me. It is my daily go-to blend, and it never aggravates my PMS symptoms. It makes me feel like I am in control, yet 100% sexy.....love it.....
  5. Still loving OCCO White and Black layered! Had to go buy another bottle of each......just a minute ago! Need to have a good stash!
  6. I have lighter scents for when I am going to be around people who I know have sensitivities to perfumes.....it never can hurt to have a few of those. You may really like LP Original, as a lighter but totally gorgeous alternative. And, of course if you find that you like the light LAM scents, you can also get them phero-free in the No-Co line.....
  7. That is why you DON'T tell him! LOL My man didn't believe it either, until he tried some out, unknowingly......I told him it was just a new scent....didn't tell him what was in it.....
  8. I wear some scents for me and some scents for my man......pheros mostly for my man or others, when I need to "steer" the situation in a certain direction...... For instance LP Black is one of my faves, my man has an "off and on" reaction to it.....sometimes he likes it, sometimes not so much. BUT it is one of my staples, and I keep a nice stash of it on hand at all times.... As a general rule though, he and I like similar scents......LP Black doesn't go very foody on me.....I am not THAT into foody scents, and neither is he, so this is a good thing. I have personally taken some perfumes and blended a small amount into an unscented phero blend to create a lightly scented phero version.....your best bet would be to call and talk to Mara, and see what she can do for you......
  9. Ah, amber.....my friend Luna is 100% correct! I am a die-hard amber lover.....and amber can be sooooo many things and sooooo many varieties! I love me some amber!
  10. Yeah, you better go with the sampler! But also go ahead and get a big bottle of white AND black....trust me! And.....I know this is not the right thread.....but have you tried Velvet Moss? OMG
  11. My man loved the OCCO White as much as I did.....he said it brought back lots of good memories....and it really has some staying power! I could still smell it this morning!
  12. You be addicted just like the rest of us soon enough! Re: cops......the LAM and BAM have a good dose of cops, and aren't heavy smelling perfumes.....my faves are the vanilla & honey, sandalwood and resins, and spicy brown sugar. All are yummy and get results! That way, you'll be able to wear a good bit without knocking him over with perfume.....
  13. OK, I am ecstatic now! We all KNOW that I love love love OCCO Black.....and I also like OCCO Purple......well, today I got my first OCCO White.....OMG! Back before Ail coerced me into coming to LP (thank you Ail!), I used to wear some simple, mostly single note perfume oils (with pheros, of course), because I used to have bad skin reactions to most perfumes. ANYWHOO.....I had one supplier that I could trust the quality from, and I used to buy his amber, his honey musk, and one that was called "vanilla savon".....well, he has since gone out of business, so those particular oils cannot be located......I gave my mother the last of my vanilla savon (loaded with EoW (or as she calls it "that horny juice"))......just because she loved it so much. So, much to my surprise.....today, I got the OCCO White.....and it smells EXACTLY like my vanilla savon! I am sooooo happy! I can't stop smelling myself! My man is going to love this.....it smells exactly like the one I was wearing the night we met......including the EoW, as a matter of fact! I love all of my LPs, but I will tell you, I am soooooooo happy to know that this one is permanent! No matter what else sells out, as long as I can get the LP line (Black, Red, Orig), the OCCO line, and the LAMs......I am a happy camper scent-wise!
  14. I have worn stuff unscented without a cover scent, for testing purposes, and still gotten effects.....the purpose of the scent is mostly to make people want to get closer to get a sniff.....BUT copulins need to be covered, or you will get people looking at you like this..... LAM/BAM are VERY effective, even though lightly scented. They have a good dose of cops, and the cover scents are JUST ENOUGH to do the job...... I would suggest NOT going with straight EoW right off the bat! It is a bit more difficult to get the hang of, it is stinky, and sometimes covering can be a challenge. You could end up running more people off than you attract. If your man is sensitive to scent, you especially won't want to go there yet. TRUST ME! Get some of the copulin blends.....more PheroGirl, LAM/BAM, or OCCO. It sounds like the lighter scented ones would probably be the better ones for your situation though. DPG is the oil base used for some of the pheros......
  15. OCCO scents are VERY strong. LAM/BAM are a good bet if your husband doesn't like strong perfumes. Yes, if I remember correctly, BAM has more cops than LAM.
  16. Some women get frisky when they wear cops, some don't......I just feel totally sexy when I wear them. Don't get discouraged if your man doesn't respond right away.....sometimes it takes a little while.....you may need to use more.....or less, depending on your personal chemistry and his.....takes some trial and error......
  17. Dolly

    Velvet Moss

    Yeah, it reminds me a lot of DDS.....except that it has a dark "greenish" note in the background.....and the scent is a bit "lighter" overall......at least on me......
  18. I posted about it in the Velvet Moss thread....here is what I said.... So, last night, I decided to be a very naughty girl, and I applied some Sexpionage spray to my neck, let it dry down, and then covered with Velvet Moss. This scent is not an in-your-face, loud-screaming violet scent......it is a soft, lush scent that you FEEL as much as smell....does that make sense? My man was giving me a hug, and had his face all up in my neck, and he started going "MMMMMMMM, what are you wearing? Is that new? Is it one of Mara's?" I told him the basics, and he says...." I like that! You need more. Definitely." With the help of the Sexpionage, OH MY. It was a clothes-ripping, wall-needing-spackle-in-the-morning good time! So, I ordered two bottles a few minutes ago...... As Luna says.....IT WORKS!!!!
  19. Exactly.....slower is best! And do let it sit for a few days, because EoW often "blooms" in scents.....
  20. Well, looks like you got a good batch to start with! Open Windows and Popularity Potion are great social blends....Super Sexy works in that regard as well....Super Sexy will also work in getting the men to notice you......just give them a try.....I don't think you'll be disappointed at all......
  21. Well, MX135 was not made here, but was made by another phero supplier. Maybe you could tell us what type of vibe you are looking for......then maybe we can help you better.......
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