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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I'll be applying more this evening after my shower to see how my man reacts to it.....he has been in a bit of a blue funk since we returned from vacation.....Open Windows helps, but it never can hurt to shake things up a little bit and try something new.....
  2. I never did try the Ambrosia's Roses......but this scent is nice. Although after about 20 min, it turns into a VERY powdery floral on me. Not necessarily a "bad" thing.....just not really MY thing.....
  3. On me this is....in a word.....FRESH! Very nicely done......fresh florals and a bit of almost-fruitiness blending together....I like this.....light and pretty and not overpowering.....like when you are outside in the spring and catch just a whiff of freshness wafting with the breeze.....I may need a bottle of this too!
  4. Dolly

    Rapturous Reverie

    OK, so here is the "resin ho" chiming in! This one is one that I NEEEEEEED a full bottle of, for sure! My skin loves resins, and this resin scent is no exception! It bloomed beautifully on me....absolutely TO DIE FOR! Woodsy and deep, with just a touch of sweetness.....LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!
  5. I am testing about 5 scents today, and this one is definitely right on with the intent......a fresh baby, nuzzled up against you.....very pretty and soft....I like it! ETA: This one is now all vanilla with a touch of lavender.....very sweet.....
  6. I have some of the new SWS in silicone roll-on, and decided I would wear it today. Meeting with a male client who has been considering switching accountants, so I needed to seem level-headed and competent without being overbearing or extremely dominant. Meeting went very well.....he calmly explained his issues and concerns, and I honestly addressed each one of them. By the time he left my office, he was happy, thanked me for listening to him speak his piece, and told me he would be sticking with me.....he said it was largely due to our meeting today. As for self-effects, this one made me FEEL calm, yet in control of the situation...... So, YAY!!!! Will be testing this one more thoroughly in the upcoming weeks.
  7. Same to you Lynnie! My man and I have been messing around all weekend, so today it is WORK....Yuk! But, that is the world of self-employment for you! I am going to order LP Original with my next big order, I think....and I have never tried it WITH the LE version, but now I will!
  8. I wore my sample of this the other day, and I have to say that it is VERY different from the LPLE/BI. The LPLE amps the apricot so much that it turns the character of the perfume into a fruit fest.....which is not a bad thing, don't get me wrong! My LPLE/BI is one of my man's absolute faves..... I think now though that I need a bottle or two of LP Original....will need to decant it into a roller bottle though, because my bottles never stay at home on my dresser! They go everywhere with me!
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA Shel, you are a woman after my own heart! I have done some testing runs like that......simply in the name of "science".......fun, isn't it?
  10. Yes, a number of us had found in the past that adding some -none to a mix would take sex to a "new level", more on the animalistic side of things.....that is why Sexpionage was created.....which ALSO has an assload of cops, btw..... -none is a very easy one to OD on.....I wouldn't want to go there......it can get really ugly!
  11. Yes, unless specified, it is usually Alpha -None. I would not suggest adding any additional androstenone to the blends.....it is primarily a male phero, and if a woman is wearing too much, the man in her life could get very aggressive. ASK ME HOW I KNOW! I was playing with a blend that was mostly -none (from another company), and if I wore too much, my man, who is usually happy, patient, and polite to strangers became cranky and wanted to pick a fight with EVERYBODY. Seriously. If you have some blends here that are working, USE THEM. Get some of the unscented pheros, and play with those. I would suggest, however, that you NOT start adding single pheros on top of these blends, especially as a beginner. The -none in the womens' blends here serve two main purposes....in Dominance, BI, etc, you get the air of "alpha woman"......in Sexpionage, with the cops as well, you get animalistic sexual experiences....clothes ripping, etc.... Trust me, there is plenty of -none there. More is not better. It is just MORE. Just sayin'.
  12. Mara.....you're killing me and my pocketbook here.....you know that, don't you?
  13. No problem sweetie! The cops aren't stinky the way Mara fixes them up! But there have been people who smelled cops the first time straight and got these types of expressions on their faces.... For that reason, there are many ladies here who won't buy the straight Essence Oil, but prefer to let Mara make them yummy first!
  14. You may not get results the first couple of times.....it will take a while to get your dosage correct.....everyone's is different.....try using more (or less).....you will get the hang of it hun.....and we are here for you!! The LAM/BAM/OCCO lines are masterfully created by Mara so that they DON'T stink.....now straight cops? EEEEEEWWWWWWWW! Stinky cheeese! Mara has done such a good job at picking scents that cover it that they are nearly undetectable. I am accustomed to what they smell like, so I can detect them wet, but once dry, no cheese!
  15. Well, this result was TOTALLY UNEXPECTED for me.....I have used it a lot, but I will be using it a LOT more often now, for sure.....I have been plagued with headaches since my teenage years.....
  16. I have the old SWS in a bottle of Phero-Charged Money Potion, and then some of the new unscented SWS.....I see no difference in the effects of the two.....
  17. Testing it again today.....it seems to be working on the mid-afternoon headache again....I am liking this! I see a big vat purchase in my future!
  18. Haven't tried Sugared Patchouli.....but have OCCO White and WANT a bottle of Sugared F & M......the two are really not alike. White is Vanilla, and lots of it.....Sugared F & M is sugar and resins......incensey and smokey, but not heavy at all....very nice.....
  19. You're very welcome! I'd be happy to answer your questions sweetie! It may take a day or two because my man and I have all 3 kids (my son and his son and daughter) this weekend.....BUT, I will get to it as quick as I can.....
  20. OK, I had a very unexpected (and happy) result with this today! I slathered it this morning (along with Ann's Brown Sugared Black Amber), because my mood has been a little "blah" since I got back from vacation and had to get back to the grind.....so, early this morning, I applied, and it did help with the grumpies, and I went on about my business..... Well, just about 30 min ago, I noticed that one of my regular afternoon headaches was setting in (have been plagued with them since I was a teen), but I decided that before I took anything, I wanted to go refresh my pheros and scent.....I put the scent on first, and rolled the OW (in silicone) on top all over my wrists and chest....so I have been getting a big snuffle of it without having to huff it....wafting nicely.....within about 15 min, my headache is almost gone! OMG! This is great! I think I can actually get by without taking anything! This is absolutely amazing!!!!
  21. Yes, the heat helps the pheros diffuse (I live in South Louisiana, so I know about that summer heat).....the only problem you may have is that they may burn off too quickly and you will find the need to re-apply.....oils still diffuse, but just slower.....body heat and climate where you live are both factors.....so combine body heat with a warm climate, and you have pheros flying everywhere.....LOL I wear a lot of oils/silicones in the summer, and most of my cop-containing blends are oil or silicone.....I do have a couple of alcohol-based blends with cops, but I NORMALLY only wear those in public when my man is with me..... Yes, hair flipping does help diffuse pheros, but that is not something you normally want with cops, depending on the scenario....I usually DO put my social phero blends in alcohol.... Piggybacking off of my friend Calii's post about control.....pheros you want to get out there and diffuse, but many of us prefer to keep cops close to our bodies because they send out a STRONG sex signal, which you may not want to project across a room. Sometimes you may not be prepared for the reaction you will get. Cops will spike a man's testosterone, and some do not always handle that very well. I have included some links below, to some posts I made about pheros and cops, and an excellent one by my lovely friend Ail, which should answer some of your questions.... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3155 http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=557 http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=1196 As to clean-up, I keep a bottle of Prell shampoo on-hand.....it clarifies the hair like nobody's business, and will remove cops without too much issue. I have never had a problem with getting them out of clothes..... Welcome again, and feel free to ask any questions! If you have something that you would like to ask privately, you can also grab the email in my profile and ask me privately (just be aware that I only check that email addy a couple times a week, so it may not be immediate).....I have a NUMBER of years' experience with pheros, and am willing to help whenever I can!
  22. Hey Gaby, and welcome to the family! You are still young, so you are quite possibly still producing your own cops.....so, I would start out with 1-2 sprays, and work up from there. Check reactions of your target, to decide if you may need to use more....or less, depending on the situation.....every person's dosage is different though, so you will have to play with it a bit to figure it out. As far as application points.....pulse points in the neck, cleavage, torso.....anywhere that bodyheat will help diffuse the pheros..... WARNING! No cops in the hair! You will have a dickens of a time getting it out.....
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