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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Don't rush! We aren't going anywhere!!!! I think we all need to pitch in to get ya'll a group of worker elves as a Christmas present this year!
  2. I have also found out something else.....cops enhance the possibility of a "repeat performance"....I have gotten pawed and clothes ripped off in the middle of the night, a mere few hours after drifting off to sleep in the afterglow.....seriously, and my man is almost 51 yrs old (he will be in just a few weeks)......
  3. First of all, WELCOME to the forum!! Secondly, so sorry that happened to you! What a jerk! ALL of the blends that I have tried here have worked......it is just that they will all work in different ways and on different people. For instance, my man does not respond well to Est in high doses unless it is tempered with something more dominant.....but I didn't know that until I tried.....Sexology on him is kind of a waste, because his reactions are sort of hit and miss.....sometimes he reacts well, and sometimes....er, not so much...... SS4W is FAB, and if you don't have any of it yet, I would suggest getting some....can't go wrong with that one! Looks like most of the blends you have are sexual ones, and not sure if that is the message you want to send, or if you just want the WOW factor. For WOW factor, I whip out my SS4W.....it rocks. My second go-to blend is Leather. More dominant, and actually the blend that I wear most often.....it is totally congruent with my personality..... You will need to play with the blends and see which ones work best for you and in which scenarios....
  4. I say give it a try! It's some good stuff! And, if it doesn't work for you, I am sure one of us Leathery-gals will take it off your hands on the trading post!
  5. I would try a bit more.....you just may not have hit your sweet spot yet.....I really enjoy Cougar.....makes me feel "sparkly".....
  6. Great reports there!!! Sounds like some good effects.... I would call the reactions to Lace hits of a sort.....but to me, it sounds as if you are more in tune with Leather.....the more alpha blend. I am, myself. Lace never did do much for me, and I feel kind of "not myself" when I wear it. Like I am "fronting" in a way. Leather puts me in my element in a big way.....much more like the "genuine" me.....you should try Dominance.....I love it as well. Very alpha. Leather is like Dominance that has been softened a bit.....I use Dom when I deal with persnickety male clients.....and my ex-asshead (ex-husband) as well.....puts them in their place.....
  7. Welcome welcome WELCOME!!! Glad to see another new face around here! As for the phero blends, everyone's dosage will be different.....start with a little and work your way up.....in many cases, with these blends, "less is more". You will have to experiment to see what works for you. And, we are here if you need help while experimenting! Looks like you have a very nice batch coming your way, from work blends to playtime blends, and everything in between.....enjoy!!!
  8. Open Windows is KILLER! Running a close second would be Treasured Hearts.....
  9. That is the way it is supposed to be darlin'! If it dries down to where you can't smell the cops, it's all good! I have tested with plain cops, NO COVER.....in public....at my local, small-town market.....yes, it was scary......and although it smells a little "off", and some women scrinched their noses at me, I still had men following me around like puppies.....seriously.....cops turn to a kind of weird scent on my skin, like ALMOST over-ripe fruit....but not bad.....just odd.....KWIM? So, in most varieties of LAM, I get the cops wet....dry-down, NOTHING....NADA....ZERO. Just a light, lovely scent. Mara is a genious!
  10. RAGE? DEFINITELY. One of the main reasons I divorced him.....and he was IN the throes of it....at that point, he is normally almost unstoppable.... I love Dominance....seriously.....I have decided that I CANNOT be without it when dealing with the ex.....turns him into a big puppy.....getting ready to seriously build my Dom stash.....
  11. OK, new Dominance Story! Yesterday, I was wearing the original scented Dominance (that my lovely friend Ail gifted to me! )......I had applied some yesterday morning, and slathered quite liberally in the afternoon.....hehe ......WELL, my ex.....who my son is currently living with.....lives right around the corner. Calls me in the evening, telling me I need to get over there NOW. So, I was already pissed off and rocking the attitude when I left my house. NOW, I get out of my car, and hear my ex yelling.....his girlfriend was standing outside to get away from it apparently......my son had told a couple of lies, and got caught. Big time busted. So, I walk in, and his Dad starts telling me what happened.....almost yelling at ME. I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at him as if to say...."WTF? Why are you talking to ME like that?" Now this is a guy who is way bigger than me......has over a foot of height and about 80 pounds on me.....their back door was standing open, because the weather has cooled off since the tropical storm last weekend (THANK GOODNESS), and everybody has had windows and doors open to catch the breezes.....ANYWHOOOO......I am standing there, with the open door about 2-3 feet behind me.....nice big breeze comes in and wafts over me, towards my ex. He stops dead in his tracks. Says...."I'm sorry. I'm not directing this at YOU." Standing in my downdraft, he almost immediately calmed down. Things came down a level, not nearly as tense....issue resolved with the son......ex actually THANKED me before I left. I was like The Dom does it again! Either scented or unscented, it works every time! I love love love that stuff!
  12. If you want it to get out there and affect the masses, use spray.....to affect those in your "personal bubble", use oil or silicone......
  13. Pheros cannot make someone feel something they don't. They can only tip the scales in your favor if his thoughts are already going in that direction. They cannot alter free will. So, if he is not at all attracted to you, the pheros should not make him respond. While I have done it, public places are not necessarily the best venue for testing copulin blends. They send out very strong sexual signals to males, and some MAY respond by ignoring you rather than acting on their impulses in a public setting.
  14. Well, I have a Cougar blend that was the UNscented Cougar, scented with another perfume, so you could get some unscented Cougar.....BUT you may also do what I do when there is a scent that my man didn't particularly like.....just give it a little time, and then apply some Cougar about 30 min or more before you are due to see him.....then, when he smells it, the memory won't be fresh in his mind.
  15. My first husband was like that......that bugs the crap out of me.
  16. I almost NEVER let my man smell a new scent before drydown. NEVER. These scents cannot be properly judged until they are fully dry. Even though he was still having that reaction later, reaction to scent is often a strong one, and once they get a reaction in their mind, if it is severe enough, it can color their future experiences with it..... And, on my skin, when wet, the grapefruit can be pretty strong......almost overpowering.....but once it dries down, it is lovely.....and so much more than just grapefruit.....
  17. LP Black and OCCO Black are FABULOUS layered.....one of my most favorite combos!
  18. Welcome! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! And here is a Saturday Night Banana for you! ======>>
  19. Hey hun.....I am a big Dominance fan....just LOVE IT for work, because I often deal with persnickety male clients. Dominance puts them in their place. It is kind of aggressive, but so am I.....LOL.....so, it fits me perfectly. My man says....."With that Dominance blend, it is like you.....but on steroids!" SWS is good though. It is good for dealing with people when you want a "softer" but still in charge vibe. I have found it especially helpful if I am dealing with an already aggressive WOMAN. Sometimes the Dom can make an aggressive female want to get in a pissing contest with me.....it is like it puts ME in the zone, and then puts them there as well.....that can get ugly. SWS is like....."I am in charge. You know that, and you are happy for me to take the lead, because I know what I am doing." I like SWS.....good blend!
  20. Dolly

    Rapturous Reverie

    This one really reminds me of another one that I like a lot....Spirit Bottle.....it has that same smoky sultriness to it.....
  21. Dolly

    Rapturous Reverie

    Slathered myself with part of my dwindling sample, along with a healthy dose of Open Windows for the "blue funk mood"....
  22. Dolly

    Rapturous Reverie

    I can still smell it this morning.....I think today will be a replay!
  23. Dolly

    Rapturous Reverie

    OK, so I had to beg borrow and steal from my already tight budget, but I managed to pick up 2 bottles of this one.....wearing some of my dwindling sample today.....LOVE THIS! It is just sooooooooo ME!
  24. EXACTLY that! The testosterone spike that is caused by EoW does not always create a reaction in males, if it is in a non-sexual setting. Sometimes, it does happen.....don't get me wrong about that! BUT, when you are in a professional office setting or a setting with lots of children around, men are likely NOT going react blatantly. Society has taught them that a sexual response is inappropriate and frowned upon at those times..... That said.....it is quite possible that you are not using enough. You will need to tweak the amount you are using until you find your correct dosage, as everybody needs a different amount to get it to work for them. My thoughts..... Try testing in a more appropriate setting, first of all. You will be better able to gauge the reactions you get. Secondly, when you apply the EoW, kind of rub it in. If it lays on top of the skin and stays wet, it will NOT cover. It needs to COMPLETELY dry down. Secondly, a light alcohol-based perfume is not going to be your best choice in a cover scent. The alcohol will burn off and leave the EoW smell behind. There are a lot of variables that you will need to get a handle on before you start trying to cover EoW straight up with a light neroli in alcohol. Fruity scents work well to cover, so do musk, amber, vanilla, honey.....resins in general do well. I would highly suggest trying some of Mara's pre-scented copulin blends. It makes things a lot easier. I also boost a lot of my LP scents with EoW to make application a little quicker. I do not do very many "foodies" either....two of my faves are OCCO Black and LAM/BAM Sandalwood and Resins. They are both wonderful. OCCO Black is a heavier scent and the LAM/BAM line is very light. Another word about "bleed through".....sometimes if the perfume I am wearing is too light, I will get bleed through as well. This is where it seems like the perfume covers at first, but later in the day, I will get wafts of something that smells a little "off".....that just happens sometimes..... Once you get all the variables down, even if you are getting a slightly strange odor at times, men will not think it is a bad scent.....women MAY. Men might think it smells bad, if it is a male family member (I have had this happen), or if it is in a totally inappropriate setting.....there again, it is all about CONTEXT. They get confused.....for instance, a male family member may feel aroused by you subconciously, and can't figure out WHY they feel that way about a family member. Same with co-workers and people at family settings.
  25. Welcome to the family! I don't mind gourmand scents, but my man is not very fond of them, so I wear them very rarely. Fruity scents are ok with him, but full-on creamy, cakey scents and such don't do anything for him. That's ok with me, because my preferences have always been the deeper, darker scents anyway.....I am one who also has to be very careful with most florals, as my skin can do some horrific things to many of them. Anyway.....welcome! Hope to see you around more often!
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