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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Leather is very nice! My personal fave! For social situations, I also love Open Windows..... What reaction are you looking for?
  2. Well, I have the sampler coming......and, I also ordered a full bottle of "Dad" for my man because he fell in love with it.....and I ordered myself a full bottle of unscented Sexpionage.....I just couldn't resist!
  3. Dolly

    NOX 2009

    You and I seem to have pretty similar likes and dislikes as far as scents, and I think that if it reacts on your skin the way it does on mine, you will LOVE it!
  4. And, I was just getting ready to replenish my unscented phero supply.......SO, this is perfect timing.....
  5. O ! M ! G ! I am dying here! So glad you did 10 men's scents......my man has a friend/co-worker who is wanting to dabble in pheros and new scents to entice his wife.....he had a look at the site and had no idea what to buy.....I told my man to tell him to definitely get the sampler so he can try them all.....
  6. I don't get overly bitchy with Dominance (I love it actually), but I have always done ok with -none.....I love Leather too......I use Dom normally in work situations, mostly when I am going to be dealing with obstinate male clients.... I lean more toward Leather when I am dealing with clients who are not too obstinate (but still need to be slapped around every now and then...lol), and in just basic day to day situations.....it is one of my "go-to" blends......definitely!
  7. OK, so I just tried something and it turned out pretty nice....I layered a little OCCO purple on top of the Naughty on the Nile.....surprisingly enough, it smells pretty good! Pretty dirty, but pretty good!
  8. Re-visiting this one today, and every time I do, it reminds me why I have several bottles.....very woodsy, smokey, incensey.....love it! If any of you are sandalwood fans, you must try this one!
  9. Well, the pheros served me well....hehe......and, he survived the evening.....he loved the scent, too.....
  10. Tonight, I am wearing this one with Brown Sugar LAM....hehe....I'm gonna get some ACTION tonight!
  11. AWWWWW thank you sweetie...... Cougar is great for self-effects on me, as well.....
  12. OK.....Cougar spray.....it rocks. Seriously. Saturday, my man and I took 3 kids (11, 12, and almost 14) to the parish fair.....I was wearing the Unscented Cougar spray that I scented with Nasty Habits.....I wore a few swipes of Nasty Habits in oil (cops added) underneath, because we were going to be outside in 90 degree heat, and I knew the spray would burn off..... ANYWHOOOOO......before we leave the house, my man telling me how good I smelled.....I'm feeling good....surprisingly good, considering we had a car full of pre-teen hormonal monsters in tow.....I was wearing a T shirt and jeans, flaming red hair in a braid....very little makeup..... I had men on the fairgrounds turning around to look....standing next to me, when they would get in a downdraft, smiling, winking, acting goofy.....it just tickles me..... There was an older man at the food stand when I was ordering an onion blossom for us to take home.....it was hilarious....they make them fresh, so you order one and then have to stand around and wait.....there was a woman in front of me, and she ordered, I ordered, and then we were hanging out waiting....the lady who ordered before me stepped a couple of feet away to talk to her friends while she was waiting......I was still just standing there......a couple of minutes later, the man turns back around, looks at me and says...."Wanna dance?" Big smile.....then he looks at me, looks over at her, winks at me and says....."I have moved you up to #1 in the orders. You get the first onion that comes up." He calls back to the girl who was frying them and says...."The first onion that comes up goes to the REALLY red-head over here." I was giggling....too funny. I always get special treatment with Cougar......it is one of the best popularity blends there is!
  13. I think I am probably going to have to get a bottle of this for my man..... He doesn't like wearing his LP oils to work very often, but he does have a lot of commercial men's spray colognes that he wears....this morning, he asked me what he should wear, and I grabbed the sample of Dad and he said he didn't remember wearing it before.....I told him it was just clean and fresh, and after application, he decided that he really liked it......he liked it a lot, in fact.....
  14. This, I can attest to as well......NO ISSUES with LP alcohol-based sprays!
  15. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here! Drugstore perfumes generally smelled like crap on me as well......not to mention the fact that many set off allergic reactions on my hyper-sensitive skin.....none of the ones here ever have! Pop in often, have a seat, and chat with us! OH, and enjoy all of the wonderful smellies!!
  16. Dolly


    Enjoy sweetie!
  17. Dolly

    Scarlet Leaf

    Yeah, skin chemistry is a bizarre thing! JoAnna and I have VERY SIMILAR chemistry (it's scary sometimes), but yours and mine are like polar opposites!
  18. Dolly

    Nibble Me This

    Nibble Me This It's that time of year, ripe for an evocative fragrance both men and women can enjoy: juicy crunchy red apples against an autumnal background of teak woods and fall leaves, oak resinoid and oak moss. Not too sweet, not too woodsy...it's just right for nibbling on a cold night by the fire...Mmm, tempting! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck, happiness, immortality, fortelling spells. TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance. OAK RESINOID & OAK LEAVES ~ A wood of masculine and projective energy. It symbolizes endurance, triumph, strength, power, prosperity, and heroism. OAK MOSS ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. Parental love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, I am testing today! I like this one too....on me, it is not heavy, and not really dark......but not bright either.....would definitely be good for a man or a woman.....apples and woods......mmmmmmm.......I may have to slather this one on my man and see how his chemistry reacts to it.....
  19. Dolly


    Verhext Men and women can be bewitching this Autumn with our vibrant layering of warm woods and fallen leaves, a trace of woodfire smoke, the piquant zing of a trio of spicy pepper EOs, sensuous dragon's blood resin and smoky patchouli infused with ripe fig. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: WARM WOODS & FALLEN LEAVES ~ Love, spreads an exotic aura, mystery, darkness. Enhances psychic powers, healing, divination, luck, protection. FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality. PEPPER ~ Protection, fidelity, dispels envy and evil, exorcism, breaks hexes. DRAGON'S BLOOD ~ Entices errant lovers to return, increases power of other ingredients. Love, protection, exorcism, potency. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming. SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This one is VERY interesting....wet, I was like "meh....ok".......but once it dried, WOW. Quite spicy......a little smoky and woody.....I definitely get the dragon's blood.....I don't get patchouli as such, but I am assuming that is what is creating the nice grounding backdrop......nicely done! OK, update......a few hours later, this one smells almost EXACTLY like Sorceress on me! So, those of you who are Sorceress lovers, nab this one while you can! It doesn't smell like it wet or on initial drydown, but after a while, I kept sniffing, saying...."This smells soooooo familiar!" It is just like Sorceress on me!
  20. Dolly

    Vampire Cabernet

    Vampire Cabernet Cabernet and Chardonnay made sensuous with honeycomb and wild cherry upon warm smooth sandalwood attar. Unique and sexy, rich and seductive...order one next time you’re looking for a night cap...or maybe just a bite? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: WINE ~ Intoxicant, used as an offering or appeasement for Gods, used in love spells, and celebratory spells. HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment. WILD CHERRY ~ Stimulates and attracts love, attracts mate. Cheerfulness, good humor, mood elevator, divination. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, so this is not quite as dark as I envisioned....it is more "bright" on me......HOWEVER, that said.....I could see myself wearing it.....the honey adds a nice sexy touch, and the sandalwood prevents the cherry and wine from trying to fight for the spotlight, becoming too fruity and loud.....I like it....after drydown, it is bright and dark at the same time.....if that makes sense?
  21. Dolly

    Scarlet Leaf

    Scarlet Leaf The season taken sensuous form: a trio of tart pomegranate drips scarlet upon deep rich cocoa absolute and Indian patchouli then winds down a path of warm slightly spiced autumn woods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magickal Meanings of Ingredients: POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility. COCOA ABSOLUTE ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love. WOODS ~ Love, spreads an exotic aura, mystery, darkness. Enhances psychic powers, healing, divination, luck, protection. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming. SPICE ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, this one has me sniffing away with total abandon! I love it......chocolatey (but not foody), woody (but not masculine), spice, and patchouli in the background.....I don't get much of the pomegranate per se, but there is a little tang of a fruity "bite" every now and then....I really am loving this.....
  22. Not normally a fan of pumpkin scents (pumpkin is one of the things that can occasionally amp to uncomfortable levels on me), but THIS.....I LIKE!!! The pumpkin is not overpowering at all....it is more of a creamy scent, with a little spice.....and I can DEFINITELY smell the LP base in the background.....absolutely lovely!! Updating......GOTTA HAVE A BOTTLE OF THIS!!!!!!
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