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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. COOL....hope it works out for you! Come on over to the dark side.....muahahaha..... Seriously, my OCCO/LP Black in spray is FAB.....and the LP BLack had TWO boosters of BI and I added extra EoW....so, it is a decidedly naughty mix, loaded with cops....this is the one that made my man pin me against the wall, and I wore it out in public that day (and around his MOTHER even), with no bleed-through.....just DON'T DON'T DON'T spray it in your hair!!!
  2. Hey Laurie! So glad you came back!! Treasured Hearts is really fabulous when you have to deal with other women.....it has a nice vibe on men too, but the reaction on women is really good. Also, I second the Tranquility Potion......me, my fiancee, and 4 kids in a van for over 16 hours, and I'm a believer! As far as the list of ingredients goes.....eh.....I am kind of a stickler about the ingredients in MOST products. HOWEVER, with competition the way it is in the phero industry, I can understand why not all of Dr. Stone's ingredients are disclosed. AND, I have been using Dr Stone's products for a lot of years.....longer than the other place, and I trust him. Plain and simple.
  3. You should try the OCCO Black Shield, Shelly.....truly.....it smells like black licorice backed by resins.....very nice.....same with sugared darkness......it is sweetened by the nag champa. Also, consider Red....cinnamon blends cover cops well.....fruity ones do also.....I find that heavy fruits, cinnamon, amber, vanilla.....all do well as cops covers.....you could probably take an OCCO and amp it with BI.....oooooh now thats a thought! OCCO blends are cop cover to the max.....should hide any and everything in BI.....
  4. I'd get BI if you want to get ravished.....SERIOUSLY. With BI, you will get laid (and very well)....trust me on this. Most (ok, almost ALL) of my LP's are spiked with BI.....you CAN find some that won't allow bleed through....but it can't be something light like Egg.... I made a spray out of one of my BI unscented bottles, AND, have made sprays out of a couple of my BI boosted scents (a couple of them were double-boosted and I added extra EoW).....if you get a BI X2 spray, it CAN be covered, but I would get the ladies to pre-scent it for you.....something deep like LP Black or LP Red, or one of the OCCO scents that cover well.....like the Black Shield. Anything light and you will stink to high heaven.
  5. Well, the ladies already sell these products at such deep discounts that it just would not be feasible.....BUT, we do get sniffees of most of the PE's......why don't you split some bottles of the pheros with other members? There are normally some of the ladies who are willing to go halfsies (or set up a decant circle) with you....just post on the trading post and see!
  6. Yeah, I know what you mean.....I'm not too into gourmands myself....once in awhile, I go for one, but not as a general rule. But, that name is just too cute!
  7. Probably not, because I *THINK* they are unscented phero blends.....
  8. As Mara said....one smart cookie!!! I can't wait to try Leather! Sounds right up my alley!
  9. OH WOW. This mix turned out SO NICE! My sweetie showed up yesterday after I had spritzed about 4 sprays of this blend on various parts of my neck, chest, and torso.....the blend was about 6-7 mls spicy brown LAM and about 3-4 mls Naughty on the Nile..... He showed up and I was talking to my mother on the phone.....she wanted to say hi to him, and while he was chatting with her, he stopped in the middle of a sentence and said "Your daughter smells REALLY GOOD!MMMMMMM.....YUM!" This blend had him rockin' and rollin' all night! We were waiting for a certain game to come on TV, and he went to take a shower.....after he finished getting cleaned up, he peeks his head around the door into the living room, and said, "There is a naked man here who is going to go get in your bed!" Nice prelude to the game!! This blend will be used often, I am sure!
  10. Yeah, definitely let it sit.....when I add EoW to a perfume, I always let it sit at least 24 hrs before using it.
  11. Treasured Hearts does eaxctly what it is supposed to....women are friendly, and it creates a "nesting" type of vibe in men.....it's good stuff! I am never without it in my arsenal!!
  12. What real data are ya wanting, hun? The unscented OW 2X smelled like hairspray after drydown....I could live with it, but didn't really care for it.....last weekend, I scented my bottle with Constant Craving, and the hits were off the chart when we went on the brewery tour and to the little pub to watch some football.....I used 3 sprays to the hair of OW 2X scented with about 3/4 of a bottle of Constant Craving..... As we were standing in line at the tasting, there was an older woman standing in line behind me, who started talking, laughing, telling us her whole life story.....where her kids live, where she goes on vacation, EVERYTHING. I thought she would never shush. We had the hotel shuttle drive us to the brewery, and we were planning to take the bus from the brewery to the pub.....well, as we were planning to leave, we were standing there chatting to a couple whom we DID NOT KNOW.......within 10 min, we were all laughing and talking like we had been friends for years.....then they offered to give my sweetie and I a ride so we wouldn't have to take the bus. OH, and at the end of the night, I could still smell it in my hair.....this was about 7 hours later....happy vibes still going on.....also, after we got back to the hotel, my man opened up and told me some VERY personal issues and concerns he's been having.....I can only attribute this to the pheros....
  13. Great report Geena! Yeah, Cougar is some good stuff....that is why I have a bottle of the spray on order now.....hope it gets here soon so I can play!! Wait till you try the scented Cougar that will be re-released soon....grapefuit and musks (and I think amber?)....sweet and SEXXAAAYYY...... You did hit the nail on the head with the difference between BI and Cougar.....BI is very sexual, while Cougar is a more "sparkly" vibe.....I love them both!!
  14. I think a lot of ladies will be snatching that one up! Me included! The ladies had better churn out BIG VATS of it!!
  15. Hi to all of our new members!! Always a joy to see new peeps come and visit with us! We can get a little crazy in here, but feel free to jump in to some discussions, try some FABULOUS smellies, and tell us all what you think!!
  16. I wasn't trying to rein you in.....I was answering Lynne's question.....I want to see what happens when you add a BI 2X to a boosted scent with OCCO.....that sounds like something DOLLY would do!!
  17. GO FOR IT, GIRL! Be sure to keep us posted, though! We want details!!
  18. I just LOVE BI.....seriously. I think that BI at regular strength in a spray should be enough for you in the setting you describe.....does he respond to the BI in oil or the CPS? Or with a BI boosted scent? If he does, then 1X should be plenty in a spray where your hubby is your target....you could add some OCCO to it to get some extra sexual "punch", if you need it.....
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA....Shelly, you are right on that one! Sometimes, it is totally warranted!
  20. I mixed mine from a double-boosted bottle of LP Black with some OCCO.....there again, I didn't use the whole bottle of either scent......about 5 mls or so of the Black, so it probably comes out to ROUGHLY 1X.....there was no BI in my alcohol....it was just straight..... A 2X BI with a boosted scent and OCCO would probably KILL.....and that is not necessarily a bad thing....hehe....
  21. For testing purposes this weekend (we have Saturday night alone together), I have made a spray blend of one of my other fave layered combos.....spicy brown LAM with Naughty on the Nile.....I am in so much TROUBLE this weekend!!
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