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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I just ordered my bottle of Cougar spray in REGULAR strength.....goodness knows, I need no more horniness! Not going NEAR the 2X! Stay tuned for full reports!!
  2. I love love love my OW 2X spray! I lightly scented mine with Constant Craving......it blends so well with everything! I am really enjoying the vibe this one brings!!
  3. Great report Shelly! Hell, have yourself some fun.....you deserve it! I made my own BI laced/OCCO/LP Black perfume spray.....it is luscious, and does turn heads! I just make sure that the honey-pie is with me when I wear it! I wouldn't want to have to drop-kick anybody!
  4. Sorcerer is great.....I love it on my man! Super for men....OMFG......precisely why I have 3 bottles AT MY HOUSE.....he was allowed to take some of his Bad Boy and Dominance for Men home with him (he loves Dom for work)......will Super leave my presence? NO WAY! He is already a little hottie, and is constantly getting hit on.....I don't want him to have to beat the women off of him with a stick!
  5. Dolly

    Top Five

    OK, here are my most recent Top 5.... 1. LP Black 2. OCCO Black Shield 3. LP Black WITH OCCO Black (do we notice a theme here?) 4. Constant Craving 5. Hathor
  6. I was beginning to wonder if we would make it out the door!
  7. I don't think it was quite 10 mls total......I would ESTIMATE about 7-8 mls total perfume oil.....I know it is a little less than what the ladies recommend, but in general, I don't like my perfumes as strong as some ladies do.....
  8. OK ladies.....for my trip over the past weekend, I made one of my favorite layered blends, in one of the pre-loaded alcohol bottles that the ladies are selling..... I took the alcohol bottle, added a few mls of LP Black (which is double-boosted with BI), and a few mls of OCCO Black Shield.....OH MY....what an absolutely DELICIOUS blend! I sprayed this puppy on about 20 min before I arrived at my sweeties house last Thursday for our departure. I was promptly PINNED against the wall! I mean, seriously pinned.....full body contact, deep kissing, almost not getting out of the house on time.....my man was a little horny toad all day long!
  9. OMG....that would kill any man within range, no matter what their age!!
  10. That's absolutely right, Shelly! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.....if this one isn't the RIGHT one, you will know....and if that is the case, just keep on steppin' until you DO find THE ONE. I think I did this time (after three divorces, and too many near-misses that I called off just in time, I am hoping I am right)!!
  11. WHEW! That's a lot of cops! And high diffusion! Be careful!!
  12. Missed it......I have been absent a lot lately trying to get a bunch of work stuff cleared away.....OH and finish the soap....before I leave for vacation on Thursday!
  13. Yeah, and I just used 3/4 of a bottle to scent my Open Windows alcohol spray....oh, but it is lovely!
  14. OH, I agree! LOVE this one.....hoarded like 4 bottles of it....can't seem to get enough! I am still pulling for a Dirty Sexy re-brew also!!
  15. Oh Djac....so sorry for everything you are going through....please know that I am here for you if you need me....you know how to find me girl!! I sent your happy package.....I hope that it arrived safely and that you are enjoying your goodies....I hope they provide you some measure of joy in the midst of everything else you are dealing with..... HUGS to you!!
  16. Let me say this..... I "settled" for three marriages to the wrong people (SOOOOO WRONG), because I had convinced myself that the fairy tale relationship was just that....a fairy tale. After the third divorce, I made a pact with myself.....that unless someone came along who met the qualities on my must-have list, I would remain single and in dating mode.....I had decided that if the fairy tale didn't exist, then I would rather be alone. Then, I met my current man.....he meets every one of my "must-haves"....and he has some other qualities that I never realized that I wanted, but that make life that much sweeter. I am very gun-shy when it comes to marriage, but he made me think very seriously about it. We already have the comittment in our relationship, but we also realize that in some ways, a legal marriage can be beneficial. HOWEVER, we have also discussed that if it does happen, there will be pre-nuptial agreements.....on both sides. So, for those of you who are romantics.....YES, it can happen.....am I saying that everyone who has a loving comitted relationship should be legally married? NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Marriage is not for everyone.....for me? Not really sure yet....we are "engaged", but it is still going to be a long winding road to the altar....a lot can happen between now and then.....
  17. Now THAT is graphic.....but I understand totally!
  18. I felt that way after my third divorce (which was final many moons ago)......that is why I was single for a WHILE after that one.....I had men trying to get me to move in with them or marry them, and I always called it off.....this one has actually made me consider it, though.....my Mom asked me how I could consider doing it again after all I have been through.....I told her I must be really really smart, or really really stupid....I haven't figured out which one yet!
  19. Exactly! If you ROCK it, you're a cougar.....if you don't, you're a just a pussycat....
  20. Swimming with Sharks I have worn in PCMP and I think Money Honey has it in there....it gives off a smart, competent vibe, without being over-the-top Dominant....it would probably work very nicely. BI DOES have Est in it......as a rule, I am not big on heavy Est blends.....I like the originally scented sexology, but I don't wear it often.....BI seems to have just the right amount of Est in it for me....makes my man want to take care of me JUST ENOUGH....I can't stand a clingy, want to do EVERYTHING for you man.....
  21. Blatant Invitation IS quite sexual, but not ALL SEX. I'd actually wear it WITH with a dash of Treasured Hearts.....I have gotten some good results with that....throw some extra OCCO in there, and you have one combo he won't be able to resist. You can wear OW for the business meeting, but I would pair it with a dash of Dominance.....you want them to be happy, but want them to KNOW that you are in control, right?
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