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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. WELL.....I have to have a bottle of Mercury Retronaught, fo sho! And, you re-brewed NOX....OMG! One of my fave relaxing scents!!
  2. I know what you mean. I have acquired an unreasonably difficult client over the past month.....he is of Arabic descent, and is very VERY "harsh" with women (for lack of a better word). When I wear Dominance, he turns into a puppy, and does what he's told.
  3. AH, Shelly, you and I have the same attitude, too! I think we were separated at birth! BUT, I love me some Dominance!
  4. Hey SG! Hope you get better soon, sweets! I fought the flu for two solid weeks, and thought I had it beat, but it seems to be kickin' back on me! You take care, and feel better soon! Ya'll don't work too hard.....it won't kill us to wait!!
  5. Oh no, I didn't think that at all! When I calrify, that is the ONLY time I use sulfates.....sorry, I should have been more clear! But I don't get a whole lot of buildup either. You can use baking soda and water to clarify, but that is very drying, for me anyways! And, always after clarifying, I use a VERY moisturizing conditioner! My hair is straight and fine, so losing my curl is not an issue.....and I never use oil as a leave in.....I just oil it heavily before bed and wash it out the next morning......I use either shampoo bars or do a conditioner-only wash, and all of the oil comes out just fine.
  6. OH yes, absolutely! I oil at least twice weekly (a heavy overnight oiling), and I do a deep conditioning treatment at LEAST once a month! I just can't say enough about oiling.....my hair is very fine and fragile, and it is said that coconut oil will penetrate the hair shaft and help reduce protein loss....it has really improved the condition of my hair!!
  7. I dropped sulfates too.....I do use silicones, because I ran an experiment and decided that my hair needs them for protection. But, I clarify about once every 4-6 weeks, if I see signs of buildup. I use Hydrience haircolor, which is the only one that doesn't trash my hair (and I have used a LOT).....I also now use coconut oil as a pre-dye treatment, and it helps minimize the dryness..... Sorry for the off topic post!
  8. Yes, the red that I love so much must come from a bottle.....my hair is extremely porous naturally, and the coloring does not help! Thankfully, having porous hair helps my coconut oil absorb even better, which has helped the condition of my hair immensely!!
  9. OH, sweetie! You are FAR from numptyish, and you know it! I read faster than my brain can compute.....I was just asking for clarification in case any of the other members here have the same affliction!
  10. I am sure Ail can give a more scientific explanation.....I am not sure WHY cops cling to hair, but they do! I have waist-length hair, and have had that problem, myself.....I have even had strands near my face get Essence Oil on them when I was applying to my neck, and I could smell it for days! I don't like using clarifying shampoo very often, but I do keep a bottle on hand JUST IN CASE! I think some of the ladies here do add LPs to their hair care products.....I am pretty sure the perfume oils are silicone free....except for the unscented pheros which are in a base of CPS....
  11. Thanks hun! It wasn't you being mis-leading.....it was my brain, I think.....too many things flying through that little cramped space in my head all at one time....LOL! I am sure that when your new blend is made available, it will be stellar, as all the others are!! HUGS!!
  12. I am QUITE SURE that we will enjoy your new blend when it does launch, Ail.....let me just clarify for anyone who read your post the way I did the first time I read it (I think I had a brain cramp.....had to re-read a couple times).....it is just your NEW, as yet unreleased blend that will not be available until 2010......the other alcohol-based ones should be available sooner than that.....am I right? Thank you for all you do, my dear friend....I appreciate all of your testing of ratios and such, for those of us who don't have the smarts you do! I prefer to just test the final product, as many of my mad scientist mixes years ago were utter failures! LOL......my strengths lie in other areas!
  13. DARN IT! You just reminded me that I NEED Treasured Hearts, too! I think that one will be great in spray!
  14. I have only tested the Woozy and the Open Windows (both 2X) in spray form. Open Windows, in my hair, after drydown, still has a scent that I can detect. But, it isn't offensive.....smells kind of like I applied a little too much hairspray or something.....keep in mind this is the 2X, though....the "regular" stength probably wouldn't have much scent after drydown. I think that if I get Cougar, I am gonna ask the ladies to add a light scent that will blend well with other LPs......maybe like Constant Craving or something...... From what I understand, all of the normal unscented pheros will be offered in spray.....AND I think Mara said the OCCO line also. She said LAM/BAM would most likely NOT be, because the scents are so light to begin with, they may not hold up well to the dilution. I prefer the Open Windows to Woozy......Woozy is fun, and happy.......but OW is MORE (if that makes sense). It is a truly uplifting and feel-good vibe.
  15. I'm sure they will be out soon! You're very welcome.....I love to test for you ladies! That way, you can have an "idea" (though everybody is different) of what these can do, before you lay your money down.....hope my reports help!! I just want MORE though......I seriously want to try Dominance, Focus, and maybe Cougar in alcohol......
  16. Well, I gave this one another "run", but in a totally different setting. I have this one client, who always acts "down", no matter whether I am talking to her on the phone or in person. She says it is just that taxes leave her confused and angry, and she doesn't want to pay the back taxes that have accrued against her. I have been dealing with her issues for several months, and I don't think I have ever seen her smile.....until yesterday, that is. She was coming over to sign some of her paperwork, and before she got here, I had sprayed two good blasts of Open Windows 2X.....one in my hair, and one to my chest. I was wearing no other pehros, as my scent was one of my un-boosted ones (Sugared Darkness). So, she came in and was acting like she normally does, was signing her paperwork, and then she started chatting.....A LOT. Totally out of character for her. Then, as she is relaying a story about her son, she starts giggling. She looks at me and says....."I don't know what is up with me. It is raining and nasty outside, and I am doing my taxes, but I am in a really good mood for some reason!" This stuff works.....I like it better than Shine (which USED to be one of my faves)......
  17. I am SOOOOO ADDICTED to the scent of OCCO Black.....DAMN! It blends with my skin chemistry perfectly and blooms just when it needs to.....please ladies, don't ever stop making this scent!! I love LP Black, but Black Shield is like LP Black without the sticky sweet vanilla undertone......it is just dark, black, and UTTERLY SEXY.
  18. Yeah, it is especially economical for me that way, since BI is my phero of choice most days....the ones that I don't normally boost with (simply because I use them only for specific purposes or occasions) would be Dominance, Treasured Hearts, True Confessions.....I do keep a bottle or so of the unscented BI and straight Essence Oil on hand, just for occassions when I am wearing an un-boosted scent and need my phero fix.....lol.....
  19. I wore it to bed last night, and could still smell a hint of it this morning......
  20. I have a bottle on my trading post.....I like it, but it is a little too maple-y for my tastes....
  21. I do both, depending on the situation......TONS of my scents are boosted with BI, so I can just grab and go.....BUT, if I have a non-boosted fragrance or whatever, I also have an arsenal of unscented pheros for that too.
  22. Well, I got a partial bottle in a trade, and now that I smell it on me, I had to get another bottle in the clearance! It has deepened and become richer and smoother....I like!!
  23. It was so long ago that I don't remember the exact ratios....but I do remember that it was equal amounts of alpha and beta nol, tons of TAL and cops....maybe try some LAM and BAM for you nols and cops, and then add the TAL.....
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