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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OH SOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!!! That was me last Sunday......after what was supposed to be two evenings spent at my darlin's house, resting.....RESTING? YEAH RIGHT! I could barely move on Sunday!
  2. And I am SO GLAD you are here!! I missed you when you were on your "vacation"!
  3. I have applied an unscented blend with the scent BESIDE it, and gotten good results that way too.... I can't say that the reactions have been DIFFERENT, just maybe stronger because the perfume oil wasn't slowing the diffusion.... Try the sprays Lor....trust me on this....
  4. Yes, those are DEFINITELY hits!! So glad you got it to work for you hun! No, I don't know everything about pheros.....I've just been at it for a LONG time! I am glad I could help!! Yes, cops are like that.....they work better if the men can smell them a bit.....my man helped me test the theory.....I didn't explain a lot about cops specifically (how they raise testosterone), but he has known for a while that I wear pheros....he wears them too occassionally.....I just never tell him WHEN I have applied them and when I haven't......anywhoooooo, for this particular test, I applied straight perfume on one side, and perfume with cops on the other side (I did not tell him which was which).....he sniffed each side and said he could smell the difference, and that one side (the side with cops) was definitely turning him on. Just last weekend, I walked up to him after having applied a blend with lots of cops (which had not dried down yet)and he told me...."You stink! But I LIKE it!" Men and women process the scent of cops in a totally different way. Have fun with the pheros and the wonderful smellies here! Don't forget to ask questions!!!!
  5. Add some cops and see what happens.....heheheheheheheeeeeeee
  6. Dolly


    Hey sweets....I hoarded this one like mad during one of the sales.....I could possibly be persuaded to turn one loose.....my email is in my profile....ping me and we'll chat!
  7. I have some mixed like that, too.....but not for "smelly" reasons.....with me, it is purely for convenience.....it does work well though!
  8. First of all, the smell of BI is from the pheromones, AND a lot of cops....no, rolling another perfume on top will not "contaminate" the other bottle.....PROVIDED that the BI is dried down before you apply the perfume on top.... Secondly, if you rolled the strip on the back of your hand and did not rub any other body part on it, it is going to take forever and a day to dry down.....apply to wrists (and rub together), to neck pulse points (rub in with wrist), or to cleavage and/or torso (and rub in with wrists)....rub it in, and let it dry down by itself before applying a cover scent. This applies whether we are talking about silicone or oil..... A word about the silicone base.....it is going to create a barrier and cause the pheros to lie on top of the skin, meaning you ARE going to smell them....especially the cops.....if you let them sufficiently dry down and cover them, you should not have an issue.....THAT SAID.....everybody is different, and some ladies do not like the "bleed through" that occassionally happens. Applying an oil-based scent over the pheros will slow the diffusion, that is all.....alcohol-based perfume over an oil-based or silicone-based phero will normally evaporate over time, leaving the pheros behind. Unscented phero blends.....particularly the stinky ones....take a while to get the hang of. The OCCO red shield and other scented blends are different because the lovely ladies have professionally blended scents that perfectly disguise the cops, so you cannot detect them. About your female friends.....females WILL smell cops, and probably will tell you that you smell bad. Females and males will react differently to the smell of cops....most women will find it anywhere from mildly distasteful to EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW, what is that STINK? Even male FRIENDS are not the best candidates to test a cop-containing product on.....you may get mixed reactions. They are your FRIENDS, and the spike in testosterone may range anywhere from arousing to confusing to irritating. CAUTION--DO NOT GET NEAR ANYBODY WHILE IT IS DRYING DOWN OR THAT SCENT WILL STICK IN THEIR MINDS! This is not a scientific fact, but an observation.....everytime I have let someone smell the pheros when wet, they get that scent stuck in their head, and they will still detect them when dry. Better to keep your application covert. You may decide that the unscented pheros are not for you.....you can get the oil or alcohol based scents boosted with the pheros to make things a little easier. And, if you decide not to keep the BI that you have, put it up on the trading post.....you may find a taker..... WELCOME TO THE BOARD!!
  9. I hear ya Becca! 5'1" here! I NEEEEEEEED it! Love this one!!
  10. OK, I need this in like gallon jugs! My sweetie has always responded well to BI and to Dominance on me.....Sexology has mixed reviews as far as he and I are concerned.....it seems that either too much Est messes with him, or it needs to be tempered with more Dominant pheros in order for me to get the good, consistent reactions from him. I wore Leather 2X unscented in alcohol this weekend....oh YES! I spritzed on 4 sprays before I got to his house.....one to chest, one to each side of the neck, one split between wrists.....added a few drops of EOW to the cleavage, and covered it all with Dark Seductions. OH MY GOODNESS! I was rockin' the Dominant vibe, and his reaction was almost like a "What can I do for you now, my Queen?" Seriously. Falling all over himself to do things for me, yet at the same time showing appreciation that I am strong and can take care of myself.....I am liking it.....need more......much much more!
  11. YEP, that HAS to be it! I will be road-testing Lace (and Leather, BTW) soon.....my bronchial infection is just clearing up so I can get back out in the public again.....will report back as soon as I have some road tests!
  12. OK, note to self.....do NOT wear this when I am working at home alone, and have not "been with" (if you know what I mean) my man for 4 weeks!! Due to his recent surgery, and my severe flu/respiratory condition, sex has been out of the question.....ANYWHOOOOOO......1. my libido with perimen is high, 2. I have been "without" for 4 wks, when I am used to being regularly "serviced", and 3. I used Cougar......OMG! I have been plagued with naughty thoughts ALL MORNING LONG! And I won't get to see him until tomorrow night.....he is in trouble when I get to his house!
  13. Shame on you Pony! You MUST try LP Black....seriously! I say that even though I enjoy and adore all of the new fragrances coming out every month, as long as Mara never stops making LP Black, I would be satisfied! That said, I always have loved Red and Black layered, because Red just never was quite dark enough to suit my tastes.....I know I will definitely be trying Passion & Desire.....
  14. Well, pink grapefruit is actually one of my favorite fruits, and this smells exactly like that, high and bright, with just an undercurrent of musk.....exactly how I remember scented Cougar.....I love it! Not something that I see myself wearing extremely often (like the original), but definitely something I need in the arsenal.....glad I got a bottle! ETA.....and by the way, I LOVE the new label!
  15. We understand, Sinister One! Glad I hoarded!!
  16. Dolly

    Vamp Cafe

    I am VERY glad I got a full bottle of this one....it is absolutely lovely! BUT, it is also very hard to describe! The coffee note practically disappeared on me, too....I get little "hints" of coffe every now and then...... And, I must say, it has amazing throw! Yesterday, I dabbed a SMALL amount on (due to one of the unruly roller balls, it was a very small amount), and picked up my son at school....as soon as he opened the car door, he said, "Mom, are you wearing a new perfume? I could smell it outside the car, as soon as I opened the door!" Even though it has excellent throw, it is not loud or overpowering.....love it!
  17. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA......ok, time to wipe the tea from my monitor.....YET AGAIN.....I think my laptop needs to wear a condom when I visit this forum......
  18. Could be cops overload sweetie....OCCO has a LOT of cops, plus, with the added diffusion AND boosted with BI.....some men just can't handle it.....some get more aggressive, and some "go the other way", if you know what I mean.....the Oil OCCO is slower diffusing, so it is not quite as hard-hitting....alcohol blends hit fast and hard.....it may be too much for him....
  19. Dolly

    Vamp Cafe

    I ordered a bottle of this one, unsniffed.....can't wait! I know it is going to be just WONDERFUL!
  20. Luna is ABSOLUTELY correct! There is bound to be the one mix out there that just hits him the right way....
  21. This is one of my faves....it is also very good as a spray.....my man loves it layered with LAM spicy brown sugar.....
  22. If it's in New Orleans, it *MAY* be do-able for me.....that is during tax season though....I'd rather do a post tax season bash....
  23. I'm right there with ya sweetie.....my naturals cops dried up LONG ago......
  24. Well, I love the alcohol blends......especially for the socials like Open Windows and Woozy Floozy.....also, Cougar is rockin' it as a popularity blend......if you want it more sexual, Shelly, add some EoW to it.....I am having fun trying the more sexual sprays when it is just my sweetie and I, just for the hell of it.....OCCO is great in that regard..... I just tried out my own Dominance spray (I made it with Sorceress), and I think a pre-made DOM spray is next on my wishlist.....kind of waffling about which cover to choose though..... Also, dying to try Leather (it will be in my next order, for sure).....sounds like a "me" blend for sure!
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