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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I am sure it will depend on how much Est is in the Leather.....he reacts well to the amount that is in BI.....sometimes the Est in Sexology is too much though.....I have gotten good and not so good reactions from him.....
  2. OMG! I wore my alcohol-based, sexed-up Sorceress mix yesterday......DING DING DING DING!!!! This is a winner! I got within range of my man, and he was salivating all over me......he loves a woman with a dominant phero signature....always has! We went to buy two new tires for my car, and as we were standing there, one of the mchanics said, "I smell incense." I said, "It's just my perfume." He says....."Wow. I like that. Smells REALLY good." So I knew that the dominance pheros were getting out there too. No issues with the guys ripping us off, fudging on the price they had quoted me on the phone, or anything. They were all very good little boys. Just like they should have been. My man? ALL OVER ME. ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT. I could not keep him off of me....not that I really WANTED to, but at some point during the night, I needed to rest! I need more alcohol-based DOM. Lots and LOTS of it!
  3. There was some discussion about this at some other point, I think.....BUT.....if I'm not mistaken, there are some ladies in their twenties here who DO use Cougar and enjoy it.....I'd say give it a shot....if it doesn't work for you, you WILL be able to get rid of it in a swap......lots of people would be willing to take it off your hands!
  4. OH, I know EXACTLY what you mean about perimen.....it is hellish on me! My libido is almost out of control......
  5. And, you will Shelly......when the time is right!
  6. Yeah, I wouldn't do sexology for a party....I'd go with OW and Cougar....you can add OCCO for cops if you want.....do NOT put the OCCO in your hair, though! Never never never put cops in the hair!!!
  7. OH goodness! We are dangerous on this board, huh? LOL
  8. Yeah, that's what I was wondering.....sometimes they settle out after drydown....
  9. I agree with Shelly.....Open Windows puts me in a happy, friendly place.....Cougar gives me a sparkly "I'm hot" vibe.....Sexology is more sexual to me than Cougar....I can't say that I have ever worn the three together, but would love to hear what happens when you do!!
  10. I think it's the pheros....that's what I am blaming it on..... :emot3:
  11. OK, so I received my bottle of Cougar spray in regular strength.....I scented it with Nasty Habits....YOWZA! Today, I took my son to the optometrist, wearing 4 sprays.....one split between the wrists, one to each side of the neck, one to chest.....the employees of the doctor's office were all women, and not much new going on there. Afterwards, however, we went to WalMart to buy my son a watch....his birthday is coming up and this was what he requested. In WalMart, men were turning around to take another look.....smiling, DIHL expressions, like puppy dogs following us. It was really quite humorous. Now, let's expand on this and elaborate....usually, I get a lot of looks, especially when my dye job is fresh and my hair is almost nuclear red (speaking of which, I found a product that is supposed to make the red redder and make it hold better.....will be posting about this later in the off-topic section). But, I have learned to tell if they are just looking at me because my color is intense or if they are thinking I am just too hot to take their eyes off of....these were looks of sheer appreciation.....DEFINITELY the Cougar....had to be, seeing as how I was in jeans and a baggy turtleneck sweater, hair combed (INTENSE RED), but really not much makeup to speak of, and a 10 year-old in tow. If I would have asked, I think one or two of them would have jumped in the car with me. And this was ALL DAY LONG. I just love the sparkly vibe Cougar gives....it is like popularity in a bottle, but HOT popularity.....get my meaning? Oh, and off topic, I just love this little guy..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA
  12. Great report Shelly.....I am getting ready to post at some point this evening (as soon as I have time) about my day out with Cougar spray scented with Nasty Habits.....good day, if I say so myself.....
  13. Yeah, some people are responders (as far as self-effects), and some are not..... Good report, though....keep 'em coming! That's what beta testing is all about with these sprays! That way, the ladies will know what works and what doesn't....
  14. I can't help you with that specific question..... HOWEVER, ther are certain notes that you can look for that will cover it....ambers, musks, cinnamon, honey, and also fruits......all excellent covers...
  15. Yeah, it was a re-brew.....went quick....and I was an idiot.....I sold off my second bottle, and then had seller's remorse, wishing I HADN'T.....I never got to try the original.....
  16. I SOOOOOOOO love the Sorceress....I am going to be so BAD this weekend.....I am "flipping the script" on my man just a bit.....he is "used to" my signature being either LAM/BAM or BI......every now and then I will throw in some SS or Dom, but not often..... He and I are moving our Thanksgiving dinner from Thursday to Saturday due to scheduling issues, and will most likely be ALL ALONE....hehe....I have taken a pre-loaded alcohol bottle, added 4 samples of Sorceress, a ml or two of unscented Dominance, and then *about* 45 drops of Essence Oil (more or less....probably more).....Muahahahahahahahahaaaaa.....obviously this bottle will never be used with my accounting clients, as I have just turned it into a seriously sexual mix.....but I have 2 bottels with just straight Dom for work purposes, so it's all good......this one is for "funzies"....
  17. I've had the bossy alphas.....been there done that (too many times).....prefer one who knows WHEN to be bossy....which is normally after I drop the whip....
  18. I think you'd be having HIM crawl.....
  19. I know what you mean! Depends on which side of the bed (or whose bed) you wake up on!
  20. Well, I have one lonely little bottle, boosted with Super Sexy for Women....I am so rationing my bottle!
  21. I would personally LOOOOOVE to have another re-brew of Native Soil......PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEEZZZZZEEEEE!!!!
  22. I tried this one over the weekend.....my sweetie and I both enjoyed it....I agree with Luna, it isn't a JUICY peach....I think that is tempered by the cream.....the spiciness is just light and subtle in the background....full bottle coming on this one!
  23. I think so too....those scents are specifically designed to cover the cops.....
  24. HAHAHAHAHAAAA....I thought it was intentional, and that the P stood for "potential"......
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