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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Or in a world where sincerity in caring can be hard to come by, and with your own increased awareness, maybe a bit of sadness that it would be a nicer world if people could be that way on their own more often without the influence of super phero powers?
  2. OHMYGOSHYES! 1ml would oil your whole body and send us well into OD territory That or on a windy day we'd Gotcha! someone in a neighboring state
  3. OCCO SLF: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6621 Literal translation, "smells like f**k" or "f**king"
  4. Inches in stripes is pretty well how I measure...not sure the exact amount in drops. I'm too lazy to measure that out each time I'm loaded with pipettes. I've experimented with it and it's crazy how much a drop covers...which is why I think I self encourage my own slathering, hehe.
  5. It's like something just clicked for him....I'm taking advantage while I can....it could be years before he requests anything else...It could take him that long to get through theses anyway Apparently he doesn't need dozens of fragrances like I do...Plus, the only permanent one is Voracious...need to encourage him while he's interested
  6. OK. This order was mostly for my guy FBs Voracious in oil, to re-fill his nearly empty spray! Mark's Girl Nip - Spray Dark Desires - Spray For me - a back up of Pink Elf - ZOMG...loving that SO much right now!!! Forum freebies Tonka Musk Dirty Old Man - saw it's relation to SC and HAVE to try it on him - HOW did I miss this before???!!! I've been on the fence for a FB of Tonka Musk and want to try it again... ETA: This is MONUMENTAL! I am making an order that is MOSTLY for man beast! We have broken through the LP barrier! Squeeeee!
  7. NuTrix

    Elfin Plum

    I had got a FB of this by accident, (mix up between Pink Elf and Elfin Plum ) I can totally see how that could happen! I was worried with my foodie scent tendencies that it would be wasted on me, but it is such a pleasant, not stabby to me floral, clean and yet not soapy, fragrance that it seems a full bottle has come into my hands for a reason. I don't HAVE to wear foodie fragrances ALL the time I think I was MEANT to have this to combine with CB. I found I could only wear the scented CB in minute amounts because it was WAY too over powering for me in anything but tiny dabs. I've been waiting for the right "clean" scent for me because I really like the complimentary nature that a lovely feminine clean floral with CB conveys. I think THIS must be that fragrance for me It stays really close to my skin, it LASTS for - like - EVER, and it's GORGEOUS. I will decant some and see if my thoughts about it handling CB are correct.
  8. It's really fun to wear these blends and report about all the fun things that take place - it's a little more work to go in and dig up how I think the molecules are interacting with one another and performing for me as an individual. It's encouraging to see similar effects for others I have a GREAT many things in oil, and almost none of them in dropper form, so while I know what is the sweet spot for me, because they aren't actual "drops", I can't definitively say what my dose is the way I can with sprays. I just REALLY love the oils. Maybe I should consider getting dropper tops for them? I just love how travel friendly everything is in those little 10ml bottles. No spilling, discrete....but really, the oils last so long I rarely re-apply even though I carry them with me "just in case" It seemed to take me forever to figure out the best dose to effect my guy. I think with him just being a generally less expressive person than me, the reaction was more subtle. This is a favorite, and I like it for work too
  9. There you are! I was curious what you would think of it I don't find it as, hmm, dark(?) as Totem Bat but I was only guessing you might like it very much It's interesting how others are calling out ripe fruit because that's what I was pinning the green feeling to - as in fruit that wasn't quite ripe yet. I think it's my unfamiliarity with the banyan note.
  10. LOL! A half day of floaty, smiley work sounds like the perfect work day to me
  11. I find the ONLY similarity to be the earth, specifically, and what I now understand is possibly the banyan fruit. They evoke different memories and images. There is something crisp and light about this one, while Bat does make me think of cellars, unfinished basements or caverns. I LOVED Summer Belle, which was melons, grass and earth. But I eventually rehomed it because the earth just wanted to have too much of center stage, even after dry down. For me, it really is the earth note that just doesn't want to behave with me. I will always sample though! With Mara, you just never know what will become a love and surprise you!
  12. Totem: Bat, another scent that was very earth forward on me, didn't work for me either WHERE is miss Blackcat? I'm thinking she will love this
  13. Slathered this for full effect and while the earth eventually settles it stayed too much in the forefront for me to enjoy How odd. I would think I would enjoy earthy scents more? Well, maybe it's not that I DON'T enjoy them so much as I'd rather smell them than smell like them? It may well be like Halo shared, I notice it most because it's disagreeable to me Poor little earth note...I love you in my garden
  14. Linen! I keep forgetting about Linen! I want SO many....SO many..... Sugared Melons is a juicy, sweet, "PLEASE remind me of summer cuz I'm SO done with this cold weather already" fragrance I thought I would LOVE Honeydew, and I DO, but I was surprised to prefer this one. Mmmm, juicy goodness...
  15. I'm a fan of Nox! Devilish Thoughts doesn't seem as berry sweet first on like Nox and the patch is prominent to me right away in this one - or I'm just beginning to recognize notes better now? Since you explained the sweetness of the Benzion, I think I understand the fragrance a bit more, the difference of the "kind" of sweet each one is side by side. It seems I'm a real sucker for blackberry
  16. Then it just is that it is I just can't get beyong the earthiness - really earthy. I'm going to put on a goodly amount tonight, see if it just needs a proper slather to bloom...
  17. NuTrix


    Was wearing this tonight and my husband asks, "What smells like chocolate?" He likes it, but chocolate? That's all he got? How did he NOT get he coffee note? He was going off the "scent trail" I left through the house though so??? The coffee note is the first delicious note I notice when I put it on YUM! Still, it's man approved so - yay!
  18. NuTrix

    Pink Elf

    Every time I wear this my husband asks me if I'm wearing the "cheese cake one" He love it LOL! Which is great because I can feel free to slather with abandon! How his nose gets cheese cake? I have no idea. But he likes it and that's what matters to me I was wearing Orangzipan the other day and someone said it smelled like flavored coffee or tea - this was a man. I always wonder how others come to the scent conclusions that they do....interesting.
  19. NuTrix

    Inspire Desire

    BWAHAHAAAA! How did I miss this? Duh?! Pink berry sugars...I need to pay better attention....
  20. NuTrix

    Petal Pusher

    Agreed! I believe I'm reading the cocoa butter and marshmallow s creamy...what are those candies? Creamsavers or something? Tart strawberry and cream? The cocoa butter isn't heavy or overpowering at all. This as a spray is a FANTASTIC idea! Except I'd probably BLOW though it WAY to quickly
  21. This is...is...? Floral? Herbal? Earthy? What is this!? It's more of a state of "feeling" for me rather than an explanation of o fragrance... It' "feels" very grounded. Like the quiet moments when your heart is just tired from aching and you find that quiet place in the storm of emotion - if that makes any sense? It actually made me cry, the emotion of it was so poignant. Been working through some unexpected troubles and the quiet moments of emotional exhaustion have been an all too familiar feeling and it reminded me of that quietness right away. It actually is very comforting in that regard. It's coming across scent wise to me as a bit medicinal, but just barely. As it dries down I can pick out the oakmoss a little but mostly I get the jasmine and lavender on the bed of everything else. I had originally thought that I may not wear this as a fragrance, but I can certainly see using it for intent. Then as it dried down it just got more lovely, soft and powdery and I'm finding I really like it quite a bit
  22. Oooo! This one surprised me! I looked at the notes and was all like, HUH? In the vial I was, Meh. On however.... I'm having trouble finding words. There's a sweetness, but not necessarily foodie. It's the honey, I think, and maybe the banana is giving it a creamy something to the sweet rather than an in my face banana. I totally pick out the civet, not that it's prominent, I can just identify that it's there. It's always very distinct to me for some reason. There's just a hint of powdery honey, most golden and sweet... The rose and orchid seem to come across as a soft lovely floral, not exactly one or the other, maybe the orchid a bit more forward on me. I'm not really getting the ginger or the cinnamon. That I'm not amping, or even reading, the cinnamon is wonderfully curious! This is a surprise like It's really soft, and though it touts to be bawdy, it's very soft and airy. Aaaaand, no hint of cops whatsoever after dry down! I usually pick out maple right away in something but I didn't in this. I'll revisit with a proper slather and see how things settle out. That's the most curious thing about fresh brews - how wonderfully will they morph over time?! I get the SLF reference while it's wet, but it's something completely different to me after dry down. Floral, golden, creamy honey goodness....
  23. I wanted to love this but first on I was like, eh? Something seemed kind of bite-y. It settles after dry down and my skin almost eats it all! What I'm left with is something soft and pillowy, and also, barely there. The tea note stands out on me, and the violet. I think I'll leave this one sit a little while and come back to it.... - Update: The bite-y...isn't anymore. After a couple of days to settle, the fragrance seems more, creamy? This seems more feminine to me than Bosom Bows III (the only Girl/Girl or G2 fragrance I have - hmm, from the description, I have G2 and never had the chance to experience the original Girl/Girl) This is a calm, comforting scent. Light and soft. Like androstenol mentioned, you need to get really close after the dry down stage to smell it, and even then, it's quiet and soft and could easily be mistaken for "just you." The violet stays the star of the show, and seems happy to rest on the pillow of everything else. I'm a BIG fan of violet too, so I may have a bias opinion I think it's a beautiful fragrance
  24. From a distance, out of the vial, first off, I got a hint of apple but then the earth jumps out. I'm not particularly fond of that note as I seem to amp it. (When you amp something does that mean your chemistry really likes it or is trying to reject it? It happens with cinnamon and some honeys too...) But testing needs to continue, because just because it smell one way in the vial... There's something pointy going on, not stabby. It's happened with fig before so maybe it's that? I never read the maple in this one either - GADS - I hope I'm not going scent blind to it! It's one of my favoritest notes EVER! But I didn't register it in Bawdy Babe either, curious... I only noticed the apple while it was wet and I'm beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with my sniffer as I didn't really notice the grapefruit either??? As a fragrance over all, without picking up individual notes - this is like nothing I've ever smelled before. It is almost unisex to my nose. Maybe I'm associating the earth and wood to "masculine"? It actually "feels" very grounded (again, the association with earth?) and feels more to me like a Teddy BB or B2.2 fragrance. Cougar is an interesting pairing. I don't know ladies - I'm curious to see more reviews...I see you love it Miss StacyK I will let this sit a while and re-visit.
  25. NuTrix

    Inspire Desire

    This starts out wet all yummy and tangerine! Like hearts, I thought immediately of Atomic Mandarin! Must be the vanilla/orange combo! Then out comes the honey. A golden sweet honey I don't know if it's the power of suggestion, but there's something decidedly pink about this too. If this were a cupcake, I would GOBBLE it up! It dries down to a soft orange confection. I can't believe I wasn't sure if I would like this The honey give it a little something bright in all the sweetness. This is one the cupcake lovers with go mental for
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