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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Interestingly, when I wear LP Black, I read the sweet notes. I know the patch is there and find it incredibly complimentary/grounding but others seem to read it as incense because I've gotten that, "What smells like incense?", or, "candle?", comment before. I haven't ever read LP B as dirty or even dark really...fascinating...mysterious...veiled...inviting... To Dolly's point, I have a friend who loathes patchouli. I wonder if I were to ask here if she reads it as dirty, would she say yes, just because she feels so intensely about it as a note? I would never have gotten anything from LP B that I would have said I read as dirty, and I've not ever really believed I was a great fan of patchouli. I just seemed to fall under "like it", or, "don't like it" in a fragrance. LP Black and Pink have turned out to be my 2 favorites - OH! And LP Latte...for as long as it lasts...
  2. I find my guy irresistible in Voracious, magnetic is a good word description. Hunter & Homme are 2 other favs. I could only dream that my guy would have been more open minded to wear the samples he's been afforded. *sighs* You're going to be a walking target for moon eyes... and heavy breathing
  3. Holy Moly! You had me worried for a moment! I've never had that happen...I barely smell any cops while it's wet, and once it's dried down, nada. BBM is very yummy and layerable! Hope you LOVE!
  4. This! ^^^ Eucalyptus is such a strong note, I'm dying to see what magic Mara has done with it to make it play nice with its friends!
  5. BWAHAHAAAAA! Gurl! I hadn't thought of it like that, but I think neither Maybe it would exude "comfortable lay"? B2 I had in Un and I've not had that one or the new brew B2.2 make me sleepy. I could see a possibility of bonding/intimacy with the addition of cops. I think it would depend a lot on the target and how they respond to androstadienone. I should think as long as there's attraction, it could certainly go in a sexual direction, hmm, maybe a calm, inviting ho?
  6. Hmm, at least some part of me is smart and observant Now, if I could just get the rest of me to catch on...
  7. Is this a DHEAS heavy/forward blend? (am I allowed to ask or is that trade secret stuff?) I want to think, yes? I like it a lot and am looking forward to having it in my collection! Like Rose, I'm really happy with it as is but if the masters of mystery tweak it and only make it better?!?!? I guess that would only mean more future purchases This could be my focus potion.
  8. I would like to back up some of what QG is saying. I like this scent, not because it's a me scent so much as I like how it makes me "feel". The scent IS comforting. The addition of the B2.2 is a nice subtle addition to that comfortable feeling. It gives me, as a woman, a relaxed and unguarded feel. I m sure that fellas can find a way to use that to advantage...
  9. I used up my entire sample of Totem: Beaver to find out that I quite liked the effects of SWS. Beaver just wasn't a fragrance I liked enough to go FB on. So I've been waiting and watching and desiring a fragrance with SWS to come out that I would dig and nab them every time one is available. T:B and Mean Business aren't anything alike to my nose. T:B is more foodie and MB is more clean linen. Completely un-alike to me. MB is like picking up fresh dry cleaning, where everything is pressed and clean smelling I don't think it stands out as much as T:B just because someone would easily think that the scent was coming from well cared for clothes or a fresh, clean scented body wash perhaps.
  10. I know this is looks like lavender and vanilla, and I DO get those, but this wears very lovely and powdery on me. A very soft, clean scent. Incredibly pleasant and soothing. Though I didn't get a FB, I will use my sample up. This isn't a "me" scent that I would wear out and about just because I mostly gravitate toward foodie scents but it really is a very lovely, pillow-y soft fragrance and I can see why so many adore it
  11. I'm giving this one a go for my guy when it arrives. I LOVE PM myself and am still hoping for fragrances my guy will at least be willing to try..So want this to be one of them....*fingers crossed*
  12. I'm going to try this one on the man when the sample arrives. QG - I trust your reviews, and honestly, your tastes as well. You have shared some wonderful things that, as a woman, I have gone gah-gah over. I WISH my guy appreciated scent as much as you - and other men - do. The thing that kills me is I've made some men's samples into little "comfort me for bed sprays" and he's turned around and liked them well enough then >. This one SOUNDS irresistible and I SO want to be bombed by Heart Throb!
  13. OH MY! OH MY! Gloria...I think I might NEED that one...I have a yummy feeling in my tummy about the Land of Nog....Lost Luggage...can't put my head around those notes, thinking it will be something refreshing and light? Pink Elf...a gingerbread with pink sugars? Will it be gingery and/or pink berry? How exciting it will be to find out! Warm Jammies...loving the notes but may need it just because the label is so unbelievably adorable... Wondering if, with the almond note, there will be a hint of cherry to Land of Nog. My nose tends to read cherry for almond. It will be a curious combo... They ALL look fantastic! Can't wait to try them all!
  14. Went with Dec sampler, - whenever it's ready Mega Watt in oil and samples of Dark Desires w/HT and Mark's Girl Nip w/PM for my fella
  15. I just placed an order for this in the oil base. I like it as is and am TOTALLY excited for it to come now!
  16. I know I'll be getting the sampler for Dec. and I think I'll have to add a Mega Watt to that too I'm really liking the way this one behaves on me! I usually lean toward oils, but I've tested the spray and already know how it plays on me....GADS, decisions, decisions!
  17. I know that mine will last, because a little bit goes a loooong way...but it won't last forever...so I just try not to think too hard about it I'm in lust with the musk in this and LOVE the wood and gun powder notes...Well, ok, the whole darn thing is GORGEOUS. I just think I got lucky when I stopped sitting on my hands about this one and finally got that FB. Adding cops just seemed natural for this one. I almost fell out of my skin when Dom Noire came out. I think I had a mental misrepresentation of how I thought the Dominance blend would behave until I learned more about what androstenone did for me phero wise. I think the Dominance potion is definitely part of the attraction to S&V for me, only initially, I didn't understand that. I sat on my sample for what was AGAES, and then almost right after I plunged on the FB it sold out! >.something about it just drew me. I have to wonder if that is how other people must feel when I wear it Now I'm just grateful for what I have
  18. Cutie.pie may be on to something. I've read, too, that some women have a sensitivity to Est and that it can sometimes make them weepy or overly emotional. Have you been playing with the dose?
  19. The Angelina reference was in response to adding a bit of shmexy to what is, for me, a perfectly innocent mix. You'll be the sparkle and shine of the room regardless I should think! ^_~
  20. Wore this before bed last night and got lots of brown sugar and honey with chewy undertones of patch! HOLY MOLY! I could've eaten myself up!
  21. Snow plows to the rescue! Should I be happy that I "got" to go to work Thanksgiving eve? Anywho - I tested today at 1 spray less than I started out yesterday. - 2 to chest, 1 split between wrists. I was on the road within 10 minutes of application so I was paying more attention to the sloppy roads more than the self effects Though I did seem to be more calm and, what?, self assured instead of fretting about whether or not I was going to slide of the road...so yeah, that was good. That 1 less spray seemed to make a difference in the kind of energy level I rolled out with. It felt more even rather than an initial "burst". Again I was not terribly concerned about break but took one mainly for distraction than necessity and, even then, I took the time away from the department to run an errand for the department while I was away I also had that same, "Where did the time go?", feeling at the end of the night as it just seemed to fly by - the way I would want work to go actually...on any night... I felt sparkly and wanted to interact with my co-workers and it was reciprocated. Not that we don't normally, but today I noticed I wanted to interact more and initiated several conversations and felt, hmm, playful? But not in a way that distracted me from my tasks so much as just having some fun along the way. Very curious. Well. You know what? I guess I'll just have to test it some more.... ^_~
  22. WOW! Not sure why, but I thought the pheromas were for Nov & Dec...What an AWESOME surprise! Off to find out more about this revered Ashes to Dust....
  23. Ok, I'm back aaaaaaaand....yes, I quite like this! Focus Potion was a bit of a dud for me but this, this is something I can work with. The first thing I noticed was the mood boost. I was compelled to be chatty with hubby before leaving for work - about work - which was odd, because usually I don't prefer to talk about work unless I'm there. I was a bit mad (crazy) due to the work environment a couple months back and it took a bit to find my grounding again and now that I have it I can see the same madness more clearly in others - and feel awful for them because I know how they feel. So it's been my personal goal to help my people keep their heads on and take things one crisis/hurdle at a time. SO. I had high hopes for this mix. Focus, clarity, seeing the forest for the trees and picking out the path of least resistance to the other side? This is what I was hoping this would help touch on, even if it wasn't a complete miracle. Going into work each day feels kind of like being prepared to catch the grenade that I know will be getting tossed over the wall and figuring out how to best control the explosion. Now, when my head is in a good place this kind of thing drives me and I actually enjoy the challenge. This is the place my head was in today with this blend. I sorted out assignments to my team and then got down to business on some things that it just seemed like the department was procrastinating about. As the hurdles came, I felt focused and easily seemed to decide the quickest and most efficient path forward and then acted on it. Draw back number 1 perhaps? I didn't bother taking a break for 6 & 1/2 hours. It just actually wasn't on my radar, but just to clarify, this is not unusual for me. I'm an intermittent faster and I had eaten a large meal before leaving for work that was more than sufficient to hold me over for the day. I took break mainly because I was dying of thirst and dehydration will slow me down. I WILL normally try to find time to take a break about 4 hours in, just to walk away for a bit, but if I don't it isn't something I worry about. Today was different in that I felt like I was just getting so much done that I wanted to keep the momentum going. The end of the night snuck up on me actually, and I was all like, "When did it become x o'clock?!" I did freshen up with 2 more sprays to the neck/chest 9 hours in which gave me another boost but minus any initial hyperness. (I think when I first applied before work while with hubby there was a bit of hyper, but more like a mood boost happy, nothing crazy over the top or anything. Just made me want to interact with him more and share some funny, if not ironic, things from work the night before). I didn't really get the opportunity that I was hoping for to see the effects on others as I wasn't close enough for long enough to effect anyone BUT! I'm VERY happy with how this is playing so far just for myself and I'm tempted to order a FB because I DO really like the blend as is. I don't really notice the androstenone individually interestingly. The DHEAS really hit me, with lights seeming unusually bright and I really focused on my surroundings in that I felt acutely aware of the goings on in the entire department and what was happening and where. While the bit of none likely helped with the focus, the DHEAS makes me pay attention to the details of things, visually, sound and people. DHEAS has always made me feel dialed into other people around me, as in more tolerant of them and more appreciative of them as individuals, making me want to be more of a help...which is probably at least part of why I took on some things that just help the department on all shifts, not just my own. Kind of like, "I bet if I kick this off it will help everyone...they just need someone to take the first plunge..." So the none may have just complimented that vibe to act on the things I was already feeling/thinking. The mood boost of the a-nol and the additional boost for motivation that comes from epi-rone was VERY complimentary. This is a fantastic little gem! I'm going to wear it again tomorrow to round out the week before holiday Edited to add: HOLY WHAT! Sorry about this being a novel! Also ETA: Looks like I may be snow bound today unless something changes I can test on hubby I suppose... Oh, and I wore a neutral scent cover (Wink at the Moon) yesterday AND didn't add any cops - I KNOW RIGHT!? I wanted to keep everything as singly to MEGA WATT as possible.
  24. I've been decanting mine into a spray and must confess, I fog more than a little bit....
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