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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Welcome! Good to "see" you here too ND! Hope you come to enjoy LPMP as much as the rest of us
  2. I think I'm obsessed by the honey note in this BECAUSE it doesn't go all powdery on me. Just sweet delicious HONEY, gooey sweet and delicious honey. It's not the only note and everything is fantastic together, but this just jumps out at me because it doesn't become powder. Not sure why such a seemingly small thing makes me ecstatic, but it does
  3. NuTrix


    This one is a DOUBLE win! Not only do I adore it, it has the man beasts' seal of approval as well! He actually followed me through the house to find out if it was me and then told me how much he liked this one. I'm beginning to see a slight pattern. He likes Titillating Temptress, LP Latte and now Gloria - OH! And A Wake made it as well, but I only have the trial vial of that one, but still - though he's not a coffee drinker, there's a definite pattern of fragrance that he's undeniably drawn to.... This is SO delicious. Buttery vanilla caramel coffee with that touch of zing/bite from the alcohol notes - fantastic!
  4. It was Dolphindolls2 (I'm pretty sure) that inspired me to bump it up. I tried what I thought would surely be OD territory. I don't notice too many self effects with PP, but when I bumped it up I hoped I might I did get a mood lift but I mainly had to gage how it was effecting others. This blend garners attention from other people like, r.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s. I figured bumping it up like that might give me a headache, but it didn't, oddly. We're talking fog here, something between 5-9 sprays at x1 strength of experimentation. 5-7 seems to be the happy, blatant hits, place for me. That's a lot of sprays! (But Cougar Potion seems to be the same for me. 2 sprays at x3 strength on that one is just right.) Once you find that sweet spot though - you'll have a lot of fun!
  5. This one is always a sure fire phero, like Cougar Potion only this ones a touch naughtier...just a touch. I still like to combo the SS4W & Cuddle Bunny out of work (I think the Est & cops are heavier when I go that route, which seems to work great for me socially) but BANG! is like guaranteeing a VERY good day - for EVERYBODY!
  6. Oooooo - what an interesting idea, I will have to try them together I DID break down and get that full bottle. I just couldn't resist. When I need a boost of summer in all this grey gloomy winter weather, this is a real pick me up! It's so summery and beachy to me - love!
  7. Since you smashed the party last year, maybe they all heard so much gushing about you after that party that they were, like Dolly said - jealous/threatened. Let them have their cliques - their loss lovely lady
  8. I procured 2 FBs. 1 for him and the other for myself He has surprised me again, pleasantly, by NOT being adverse to the scent! I loved this one at first sniff, and even wore it, quite lavishly, yesterday to work. Yes, like many, I too worked New Year's eve day. If this upcoming year is more gracious than the last, perhaps the planning for the end of the year can be more advantageous...back to the review! So. While I very much like this fragrance, it is NOT a me scent It is VERY masculine to me and I will probably not wear it out and about. The wood note is very prominent with my chemistry for some reason, which smells marvelous but would never be, on me, mistaken for feminine or girly, lol! I decanted the trial vial over to a 5ml spray bottle and added some perfumer's alcohol to make a spray for my guy, at his request. I thought, trying something new, he'd prefer the oil but he said oils seem foreign to him and he prefers the spray. He's worn it several times (of his own free will!) and each time made a show of it so that I could be tickled by his new found diversity of scents It's VERY nice on him. It's not a clobber you over the head fragrance. Every time he's worn it, it's drawn me in to him to get a better whiff. Trying to describe a scent on him is tricky because I'M not the one wearing it and don't know all the nuances of change it's going through on him. When I ask him to describe it I get 1 word - IF I'm lucky Hahaha! But I'm going to keep trying to get those 1 words out of him until I can string a sentence together In the mean time, he smells GREAT in this!lol!
  9. Time has not, unfortunately, allowed for me to be "Heart Throbbed" as I've only been, most often, fortunate enough to smell the scent in passing as we have usually both been preparing to leave the house. I was lucky enough to catch a head cold for Christmas that is now finally in it's last hurrah - new LPs and a head cold, how unfair! He did wear this Christmas day, as a surprise for me, but the flurry of activity really prevented me from discerning anything out of the ordinary. I AM, however, excited to report that he likes it! When he first applies, it's all clean and brisk, a nice just stepped out of the shower scent. I wasn't terribly in love with it myself, as fresh light scents are nice, imo, but they are only that, nice. BUT once it settles into it's dry down it becomes something wholly different. Something deliciously wonderful! We are spending most of today with each other and I have requested him to wear this - he didn't flinch or grimace - just an easy, "Alright." So I will get to find out more if it's the Heart Throb causing my infatuation or if the scent really IS that divine - or maybe, as with much of LP's magic, it's a bit of both ^_~ Will be back to report!
  10. The equivalent to 9 sprays IS A LOT but 6 are smothered under all of my layers until I get to work/home. Normally I'm just traipsing about in 6 (2 x3 sprays). I use even more of the Pop Potion to get good results! These are the only 2 I hugely fog in so far. Hmm. I don't amp anything in the scented CP, so I'm guilty of slathering that too
  11. Don't laugh. This actually works...
  12. Because I found myself using 5 & 6 sprays, I ordered my next bottle in x3. Now I use 2 sprays, and even occasionally (now that it's colder) will spray my coat or scarves with an extra one. It was just a more economical choice for me mainly, being as I used so many sprays, it just made sense to go higher. It took me a couple times to remember to take it easy the first few times I wore it though! Cougar is my fail safe. This blend ALWAYS shines - totally worth the investment if you feel the same imho
  13. Last evening, straight from the frigid post box, it smelled "clean" like shower clean, like "have I smelled something similar to this that he's used before?" He said it reminded him of something too, that it was a blue colored bar, but that's the most description I could wriggle out of him last night. Fast forward to this morning I put a bit on my wrist, and while it's seems very potent in the vial it wears very much lighter. Even the man was pleasantly surprised, said it wasn't bad, that it smelled to him like "shower fresh", like "a clean scent". It was they WAY he said it wasn't bad that I'm excited about It means he' try it It morphs quickly through dry down to something amazing. The woods(?) and the bite of the herb notes all settle in to this smooth amazingness that is no longer showery fresh but isn't foodie either, but it IS delicious and close to the skin so that one might be fooled into thinking their guy may just smell this good naturally...Mmmmmm (maybe that's the We will properly test it tomorrow night or Friday (not sure Christmas day and family would be the right environment for this phero? HAHAHA!). BUT I AM TOTALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING HEART THROBBED! SQUEEEEEAL! I'm decanting the sample in to a small 5 ml spray, at his request (apparently he's weird about the idea of oils???) So I will report back as experimentation allows!
  14. Thank you. It looks like such an interesting arrangement of notes. Pepper and leather, grapefruit and oakmoss...also I want to know what a scent that "just smells right" smells like
  15. Me too cutie.pie! I find the earth notes interesting to smell, but not as much to smell on me as a scent. I love the things they invoke emotionally or in a scent memory way. They're wonderful in the oil warmer, or to make into a spray mist for throws and pillows to change thing up a bit around the house
  16. How does the grapefruit note fit into this over all? Does it lend to the whole with the bergomot to give a noticable citrus type note or can they be picked out individually? Now that you've all had it for a bit, how is it settling in, if at all?
  17. I wore it again yesterday just to see if it was consistent for me. It's only been twice, so saying it's definitively consistent would be a bit too soon, but it has proven to be a good combo for me these last 2 days. Such a big dose of b-nol can sometimes make me overly introspective but I didn't have that these last 2 days. It has to be the selfies that a large dose of cops brings...maybe it's just balancing it out for me
  18. NuTrix

    Eve of Darkness

    ZOHMYGAWD! Eve of Darkness and LP Black are crazy good together...I mean, "I may have to order a FB now", amazing good! Brilliant Irish Eyes!
  19. NuTrix

    Eve of Darkness

    Ooooo...interesting - I will definitely give it a try tomorrow! Thanks for the tip!
  20. I'm going to wear that combo again today. The caramel musk with the pink sugar of he OCCO was a really surprisingly good combo on me scent wise! It wasn't especially foodie, mostly the musk with a hint of pink berry, not a scent I normally wear but one that had me "noticing myself" all day long
  21. What a wonderful tale!...Knight in shining array, ready to take on the great industrial dragon (transportation) on the behalf of the maiden who was thwarted of her drink - and clean coat mind you! And all the peasantry gathered round watching everything unfold A spectacular way to begin the day!
  22. Well, I DID wear T.M.I. to work today, the scented version, and quite liberally (it's 1/3 the strength after all) and also slathered on OCCO Pink. After reading your post, I'm going to go with: That's EXACTLY what happened! Except, Matt's name is actually Josh... A far as selfies though, I can share that I had a glorious day. Very happy, chatty and all around good day. What with all the entertainment you listed, how could it have been anything else!
  23. HAHAHA! True dat! Ok, we'll discuss the "potential" reactions to the imaginary pheromones in Dark Desires....just so he's aware ^_~ I've been trying! I still have all of those lovelies you shared. Like you mentioned, his nose IS coming around so I've been re-trying things here and there and actually getting more favorable responses, even if he's not 100% sold on all of them. He's very close minded. Not a dis, just a fact. New things and change come by him VERY slowly. What can I say? Opposites really do attract
  24. My guy LOVES rosemary. Wouldn't THAT be a pleasant surprise to lure him in with that little nugget of info! But yes, he and I wear things completely differently. I can't WAIT to try this out on him! Thank you Luna Um, YEAH. We're going to have to have another phero conversation He believes they're whoo-ey, but we'll have to make some rules for this one I've been hoping to find something he approves of with SS4M. OH RATZ! I meant to order a sample of Blue for Men and forgot! Next order...but yes, as for Dark Desires, We'll have to talk about not wearing it to work - What a distraction he would be!
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