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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    Tingle Tangle

    This goes on all fruity sweet-like, like marichino cherries! Cherry and pink sugar!?! YUM! Then it became floral to my nose. The musk and amber? It eventually settled into this soft light scent. I didn't really read the chocolate, but I got the lemon, not a zesty kind of lemon, just a hint of something tart. Mostly after dry down I got the white musk. I think that may be one note I amp in a lot of different fragrances Through dry down, it smells clean and lightly floral to me. Very pretty
  2. Oooo! First on I liked this! There's that chewy, rich, dark something I love - the patch I want to guess... The benzoin was obvious in the vial but not as much on. The blackberry is giving it a sweetness, like a sticky jam rather than juicy. It's not exactly foodie, even though there's a spiciness to it. It's actually quite addicting to huff! You know, know that I'm huffing, maybe it's the benzoin that if kind of "lifting" everything? Almost like menthol, without actually being anything like it, lol. I'm curious if I'll be alone in my sensory perception on this one... The current, I think, is new to my nose and has my fascination. While I am really enjoying this, I don't know that it's a fragrance I will wear often. I will definitely cherish my vial. This one lasts and lasts and a little goes a long way...and throw? Yeah, this has that too!
  3. NuTrix

    Petal Pusher

    First on the strawberry leaps out on application with this one! Tangy sweet, jolly rancher tart, strawberry! The floral note, though not pointy at all, is disagreeing with my third eye. How odd It starts out tart and then settles out creamy. As it dried down I got the cocoa butter and eventually the marshmallow. It dries down to a soft creamy candied floral - light on the candy The strawberry loses that prominent jolly rancher twang while wet and just lends a candied sweetness to the whole. The cocoa and marshmallow give it a creamy, more than foodie, feel. The floral stays through everything and I'm not sure what I'll make of it. I'll have to give it a good proper slather to know how it goes. If we can get along, this one could be a real winner!
  4. Wow! This is just a beautiful floral! Not pointy, not soapy but still clean, fresh and light. Now. I'm always going on about how I'm not into the floral thing BUT this is SO sheer and SO third eye friendly to me. This doesn't scream fresh laundry or even, really, freshly showered. It doesn't scream at all! It's an airy, soft, pillowy invitation. Totally ultra femme to me. It IS a romantic fragrance to me. I first thought -daytime scent. But then the longer I had it on the more I thought you can wear it anytime you want. It's just so light and pretty, the longer it's on, the more it melds to the skin and just seems like it's part of me. Even the man approved with a, "If it were stronger it would be too much but that's fine." He cringed at Wine and Dead Roses, for comparison I don't know...I'm actually considering a FB! I'm wondering if this could cover CB? I would LOVE to pair them! WIN!
  5. This one is very rose to my nose while wet and, I think, the musk? It started of a bit strong and pointy After dry down I get the leather and cabernet notes. I'm not recognizing the cocoa absolute at all and I think I'm associating the wood notes closely with the cabernet, lol, I love red wine! The rose is too much for me - not that it's unpleasant, just not for me. It's not the perfume's fault. I think the only rose I've gone FB with was the one in Agent XXX. But this is an unmistakable rose perfume and for those who like it, this may well be a love. It's a very curious and intricate scent. The leather and wood come out more pronounced after about a half hour. I never noticed the cocoa Intriguing fragrance though
  6. Tresting this one... First on, it's strong. Slap you in the face and wake you up - "Oh, am I going to knock people over with this one?" strong. But that was only while wet. It quickly settled to clean and very powdery. Then its next brief stage is ALL powder. I was like, "yikes", he's going to creep out and at that point the man decided "Bleck!" But I reminded him to wait - we ARE talking about LPs here after all. So the super powder stage passes in 5-10 minutes. I can pick out the leather note - I think because it's a favorite, not because it's really prominent. The spice is a reeeeally nice touch. It eventually, (about a half hour?), settles into itself. It's decidedly masculine to me. It's clean, not like shower clean but linen?, no, cotton, soft comfy cotton clean. It becomes much more close to the skin and just really smells pleasant. You wouldn't mistake it for clean clothes or laundry smell because the oak moss does settle and share the stage - after a while, about a half hour-ish? I don't get grapefruit at all, or am not recognizing it? There IS something that that could be the grapefruit/bergamot that my nose is reading as "bright"? While the man has conceded that it is indeed NOT "bleck", it isn't for him. It's a bit too soft, too clean and doesn't fit him. But as a fragrance over all, once it's settled in, it's really nice Sadly, we haven't tested enough to see what the phero blend does I'll just have to keep watching for the next phero fragrance with SS4M
  7. Hmm. So I've had the Jan NRs for a few days now and had some surprise likes! I need to make up my mind though so I can order anything I "need" along with my hubbies goodies. Me not usually being a floral type girl, really like Two Lips and a Kiss. I don't know if I'd wear a floral scent often enough to justify a FB but I am seriously considering it - which is kind of exciting since I haven't got much in the way of floral perfumes The other one that surprised me was Bawdy Babe, only because my brain couldn't put all the notes together lol. Inspire Desire is on my list of possibilities too....Decisions, decisions.....
  8. Donsie! That sounds impressive! I wish you the will power to hold out My husband is asking for another FB spray of Voracious and has surprised me by asking for a FB spray of Mark's Girl Nip as well For Dark Desires, he has decided he's not fond of the oils. I can convert a Dark Desires with one of LPs conversion spray kits, but I REALLY want the bottle labeled so I'll probably just buy the spray and keep the oils as back up bottles How exciting! 3 items specifically just for him!
  9. Oh :-/ oops. I just always figured I'd order and then whenever they were ready, they'd ship - however long that would take. I never much worried about whether it would be right away or a couple weeks. Just kind of saying, "I totally want the next sampler set whenever it's ready to go."
  10. NuTrix

    Top Five

    Most recently: Pink Elf Totem: Goat Scotchies Dom Noire Mark's Girl Nip
  11. Oh My! CeristLou! AND it's so versatile! You can wear it with anything, even use it as a cover for your Uns
  12. When you get the spray, you can spray on your clothes, or take a bit of the oil and but a bit in the tips of your hair and see if either of the prolong he scent?
  13. Still one of my most favorite LPs! It is always a mystery to me, even though I wear it often and should be more than used to it, that in all of the fresh baked goodness, I distinctly smell the raisin. My brain LOVES this fragrance...and it tingle my taste buds too. Zero calorie delight!
  14. This is coming with my Jan sampler and back up bottle of Dark Desires - (YES! He liked it enough that I got a BACK UP!) Wasn't brave enough to go FB on Blue, but looking forward to the sample!
  15. Ordered the January sampler, a back up bottle of Dark Desires for the man and a sample of Blue for Men w/SS4M It's FUN to be buying for HIM too
  16. Holy Moly! LOVE! I wants Tingle Tangle, Love is Love and inspire desire - but I'm getting the full sampler too cuz I gotz to have 'em all!
  17. I am polarized to him when he wears Voracious, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm liking Heart Throb for it's own reasons
  18. Well. How about that! Between this and Mark's Girl Nip, he prefers this! Not that that's a bad thing. I'm the one who is really fond of Girl Nip on him. Dark Desires smells really great too. It does this fantastic morph on dry down that becomes just, amazing. He's been going back and forth between this and his fav, Voracious. I haven't had the "phero conversation" with him yet. I'm just letting him wear them to figure out if he likes the scent. I'm actually going with this right now: I figure if he thinks it's whooey and his demeanor is usually stand-offish (he has angry resting face) then he isn't giving off a come hither vibe. Any positive attention would actually be GOOD for him And like above mentioned, he IS wearing Voracious soooooo.... Plus, looking at the blend, this should be a good social even if you aren't going for a score. His description: The smell reminds him of something that his dad wore. But he said that's not a bad thing, lol (If I smell something that reminds me of something my mom wore, it makes ME cringe...lol) He said it's manly. Masculine. It's strong first on but settles down quickly. And - drum roll - we would wear this. And he has - of his own free will - practically the whole new year holiday weekend Phero related things that I have noticed: Him: Mood boost. Without even being aware, walks taller, acts alpha/manly - compliments his already "Me Tarzan, you Jane" attitude He's VERY handsy with me, looks at me like dessert... He's more intimate vocally, which I didn't expect, but looking at the molecule list it makes sense now. More interactive socially with others. Me: He smells delicious, so of course I'm all up close and trying to get more of that... Makes me, giddy(?), flirtatious and definitely open to any advances. Sadly, I haven't really looked closely at the molecules until this posting and everything makes so much more sense now LOL. I was thinking this is a tear off your clothes, resistance is futile, animalistic sex that you WILL enjoy is about to ensue type of blend... Now, don't get me wrong, the sex has been GREAT, welcome and often just not as ravishing as I thought with the description of Heart Throb. It could be because we're married and "know" each other sexually so well already, and results may vary for people who are just hooking up or are still fairly new to one another...? BUT anyway, the sex IS good and I am VERY happy that he has chosen to adopt this blend as a favorite. I'm daydreaming about what full strength could do....I must purchase at least 1 back up bottle...
  19. NuTrix


    I think it's citrus notes in general? Atomic Mandarin is like that and Moon Sugar Candy, LP Frais Citron...but sometimes the whole scent seems to wander off on me. Other people compliment me on it, so I know it can be smelled - but somehow to my nose it's vanished for a bit, then I seem to "re-realize" it I understand that citrus is usually a top note that burns off quickly, I just find it odd that the whole scent seems to disappear to my nose. There is something that's supposed to happen when you get used to a scent (like in a room you walk into) and then you can't smell it after 5 minutes or so. I just figured that must be what's happening to me But then there are fragrances like Scotchies, EGG, Unreasonable Pumpkin and just about, really, everything else that I can bask in the delight of all day long with no vanishing act. It's just WEIRD :-/
  20. NuTrix


    I get orange right away but quickly go "scent blind" to most of it and get whiffs here and there - thankfully - that are very delicious. Others around me smell it right away, I'm SO jealous, and when I DO pick it up it's nommilicious. I wonder what makes it go invisible to my nose like that...all in and out? Like fragrance peek-a-boo
  21. I have it in oil. I will slather a scented fragrance with abandon (well, within reason so as not to knock anyone over with the scent ) I'll usually throw some unscented on with it, a stipe to each wrist and 1 across my collarbone. I LOVE BANG! selfies I have decanted into little 5ml fragranced sprays, but found I just prefer the oil. For the unscented, my norm is 4 to 5 inch stripes. 1 up each wrist, 1 each side of neck and 1 long lollipop around my navel and up to between the girls...then smoosh about Sometimes I'll opt for a bit on the backs of my hands, but I usually smoosh the stripes on my neck with the backs of my hands and that's perfect. It's the approximate equivalent to 2-4 drops of oil depending on how long your stripes are.
  22. Welcome! Good to "see" you here too ND! Hope you come to enjoy LPMP as much as the rest of us
  23. I think I'm obsessed by the honey note in this BECAUSE it doesn't go all powdery on me. Just sweet delicious HONEY, gooey sweet and delicious honey. It's not the only note and everything is fantastic together, but this just jumps out at me because it doesn't become powder. Not sure why such a seemingly small thing makes me ecstatic, but it does
  24. NuTrix


    This one is a DOUBLE win! Not only do I adore it, it has the man beasts' seal of approval as well! He actually followed me through the house to find out if it was me and then told me how much he liked this one. I'm beginning to see a slight pattern. He likes Titillating Temptress, LP Latte and now Gloria - OH! And A Wake made it as well, but I only have the trial vial of that one, but still - though he's not a coffee drinker, there's a definite pattern of fragrance that he's undeniably drawn to.... This is SO delicious. Buttery vanilla caramel coffee with that touch of zing/bite from the alcohol notes - fantastic!
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