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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I'm going to remain optimistic The Voracious, which he wore on weekends we were going to be together - and even then, only when I asked - he is now wearing weekdays and even to WORK - almost daily! He has been "coming around" to LPMP even more, generally with compliments about the fragrances and HOW much better than everyone else's (meaning commercial) and how unique they are. I SO want to come back with the victory dance on Dark Desires! Would you consider this an all day, day or night scent? I mean, really, if it's as fantastic as you describe - will it matter? But I'd like to know what those of you who've tried it think. Luna - is your description from the vial, from wearing on yourself or from what you thought of it on your fella? I'm curious about your herbal comments and what notes your picking out, is the juniper prominent?
  2. NuTrix


    Mmmmm! Wearing this today and IT IS SO YUMMY! It's interesting because the coffee note is obviously noticeable, but seriously, the other notes gather around so beautifully that this is just DELICIOUS. It's the perfect scent for cold mornings or warm night caps - holy moly - just fantastic!
  3. That's EXACTLY what I thought too ^_~ If nothing else...I'll sneak up behind him after his shower and put a line down his back (since it's in oil)...then it won't be under his nose and it will still be effective in close proximity...to ME I'm plotting theories, but hopefully it won't be a hard sell
  4. Ok QG & HappyGoSkillfully - I'm keeping you on my list of future contacts. I DID re-request a sample of DD. But I also ordered a FB - unsniffed - in the HOPES that my fickle man will at least not hate this If he absolutely is a bugger about it and I don't love it enough to keep it for myself I will look to the 2 of you for a loving home. This "looks" fantastic and complex and has a great MANY notes that I LOVE. I ordered the oil, thinking that it won't be as in his face as a spray. I know how distracted I am about wearing an irksome scent (or rather someone ELSE wearing it, lol) but I also know how WONDERFUL a great scent is to wear as well. I have had him change his mind about things when he's complimented on a fragrance as well (he's just such a stubborn fellow....) so I will need to plan for us to be out and about for the trial
  5. Ok, took a chance... For forum freebies I asked for Dark Desires and Beautiful Dreamer - BUT I also went ahead and ordered a FB of Dark Desires unsniffed and will HOPE man beast approves. I also got 2 FBs of Mark's Girl Nip....1 for me & 1 for him And of course FBs of Pink Elf and Gloria. I REALLY hope he likes DD!
  6. LoveStruck - I've worn it across my collarbone and on my neck...and all I've ever gotten are responses about how VERY good I smell - from men AND women!
  7. MMMMMMmmmmmmm. Wore this again today and OHMYGOSHYUM! I even raved to hubby who "meh"ed it. But meh isn't I hate you wearing it so I indulged and backed in her glory today. Sugary honey, vanilla-y patch, amber-y musky deliciousness...it takes so little, it has GREAT throw and it's just AMAZING! I may not be inclined to wear it every day but GADS I enjoy it to the bazillionth degree when I do!
  8. Wha?! Not my fault! I did ask for it, it's even on the invoice Just a packing oops, and since it was a forum freebie it just seems right to ask for it again in my next order rather than make a fuss Don't worry - I'll get my mitts on it!
  9. Have you decided? Without knowing your intent it's impossible to offer an effective opinion, but in general, the TMI and the Sand Box! Was I close?
  10. I like it at 3, but prefer it at 4. It just depends on how I want to be effected but noticed it's results with both. I got the oil too, but have been using it to top off and make more spray. Will have to tinker with it and find out what works. Post any findings DD!
  11. NuTrix

    Pink Elf

    I made this confession in the "what are we ordering" thread. I had originally dismissed this one. I saw "pink berries" and thought, "Nope." What I didn't see was pink berry SUGAR. Not just berries. SUGAR. PINK berry SUGAR. While berries can go sketchy on me on occasion, my skin seems to enjoy most things sugar. But I actually thought, upon first perusing, that the berry portion would, yes, ruin, the gingerbread goodness of this rather than behaving as a way of creating gingerbread with deliciously pink iced frosting! So imagine my , surprise? delight? SHOCK, even, when I opened the vial and applied and got - HEAVENLY GOODNESS. Complete and utter iced gingerbread delectability! I want to sit down with a plate of these beauties and spend the day nomming...but I am perfectly happy slathering this and envisioning the same - only calorie free Mara. Forgive me. You are a goddess of confection delights!
  12. Very surprised by Pink Elf. Ihave a confession. I really thought the berries would ruin the gingerbread - which I love. I read berries in the description, not relating it closely enough to pink sugar it seems. Pink sugar? Yes. = Love. But apparently all I saw was berries and thought, meh, this one won't be for me. But it turned out all iced gingerbread delight and on my wish list it went! I also REALLLLLLY like Mark's Girl nip. I'm looking at a spray (for my guy) and an oil (just for me ) I'm on the fence with Eve of Darkness but I'm pretty sure I need Gloria...
  13. NuTrix

    Eve of Darkness

    Well, I've had it on me and hubby and I like it on either of us! While it definitely smells fantastic on him, he will never wear it, he didn't like it right off the bat But he left it on long enough to go an hour into dry down at my request before washing it off so that I could see what it was like after the wet stage. I think it's dark and gorgeous, but it would definitely be a "for me" scent so I will hang onto my sample and keep playing until I can decide FB or not. I have a couple others I want to re-try before I make my next order to decide
  14. Congratulations Maroon! There's something very positive to be said for being a pixie of pleasantries! People are just more productive when they aren't brooding - and being a great employee is icing on top
  15. This one will have to wait. I got Secret Sweetness instead of Dark Desires. But they were my forum freebies so I'm not complaining. I will happily take the SS. I will ask for DD again in my next order. They DID send me Mark's Girl Nip, so I will play with that one in the interim. I'll be back when that happens (I just got the sampler for Dec, so it won't be THAT long LOL!)
  16. OK! Proper review of this one! It's a keeper to me I have applied it to the man and he has stated that "It's not bad." Which may or may not indicate that he will wear it. I think It smells REALLLY great on him and may just buy a bottle regardless. I KNOW if I pull this one out from my stash and request him to wear it, that he has shown enough interest that he would likely humor me on occasion, and possibly even come around to asking for it once he starts getting compliments - which I KNOW will come. Ok. So WHAT is it I love in this? WELL. Everything is incredible together for starters, but to pick it out - The sandalwood cocoa a., vanilla/Tonka first and most noticeable while wet, then quickly noticing the wood note...Mmmmmm...and one of my favorites, the tobacco. And then, is it the amber and patch giving it that something "chewy"? I say that often it seems about patch when I like it in something. It grounds and, in my mind, makes a scent "sticky" and wonderful. This is just a nommable scent and it would be (and IS) fantastic on a man. I'm totally getting this for me. But I'll get it in spray in the hopes to get it on him. I'm even thinking 1 spray, 1 oil (oil for me only...to hoard....because, hey, I've ALWAYS loved Perfect Match...) So, YES. This one is fantastic!
  17. NuTrix

    Lost Luggage

    SC was too "clean" a scent for me I like cucumber as a note very much and the floral choice seems to be pleasant to my 3rd eye (sometimes those clean florals can be stabby - I'm talking about you CB....of which I can only wear the slightest dabs... While I don't see me getting a FB of this, I very much like it! To me it's a nice clean, just stepped out of the shower, soft skin type clean scent. I like the honey in this too and maybe it's the amber, instead of a musk, that is also appealing to me as well? It's very nice and not stabby to me at all. What a pleasant surprise!
  18. NuTrix

    Snowman Poop

    LOL! How irresistible must it be to stuff a stocking with, or give as a gift , droppings and poop - that people will LOVE!?!
  19. Definitely get the "clean", "green" thing. I pick out the grapefruit too - I like the grapefruit While this isn't a me scent, it IS very nice. It isn't a slap you in the face clean/green either. It's subtle and light...if I were to lean away from my foodie scents to a clean one, this would definitely be an option and I'll save my sample for those rare occasions
  20. NuTrix

    Elfin Plum

    WOW. I had kinda dismissed this one and bumped it off my radar. It's REALLY nice! It's wearing on me very sheer and light, like a soft gossamer veil. It's light and clean, not soapy clean, refreshing clean, and bright somehow - maybe the fig? This is a REAL surprise like for me, considering I'm such a foodie lover. I think this would pair very well with CB! ETA: I know I said it's wearing light a sheer and then said it would pair great with CB By light and sheer, I don't mean weak or barely there so much as not clobbering you over the head with a "HEY NOTICE ME!" It's soft and sweet, perfect vibe for CB
  21. NuTrix

    Land of Nog

    AH HA! It's the ALMOND! Why on earth couldn't I place that?! Foiled again by almond does my skin amp it so? In the vial I got more notes but on, my skin went nuts with the almond and the nutmeg, it's a creamy almond and nutmeg So to my nose it's coming across as creamy cherried nutmeg. I wanted to LOVE this one but I'm going to have to pass. This won't ever be a "me" scent
  22. First on I was sure it wasn't going to work for me. It was very tootsie roll and weird plastic berry while wet. Once it dried down it was VERY nice. There's definitely a Christmas scent memory here somewhere My chemistry is still threatening to push this in a plastic direction though. I think what I'll do is set it aside and try it again in a couple days. I don't think I recall any LP chocolate note going plastic on me so maybe it just needs some extra time to acclimate?
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