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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. NuTrix

    Elfin Plum

    WOW. I had kinda dismissed this one and bumped it off my radar. It's REALLY nice! It's wearing on me very sheer and light, like a soft gossamer veil. It's light and clean, not soapy clean, refreshing clean, and bright somehow - maybe the fig? This is a REAL surprise like for me, considering I'm such a foodie lover. I think this would pair very well with CB! ETA: I know I said it's wearing light a sheer and then said it would pair great with CB By light and sheer, I don't mean weak or barely there so much as not clobbering you over the head with a "HEY NOTICE ME!" It's soft and sweet, perfect vibe for CB
  2. NuTrix

    Land of Nog

    AH HA! It's the ALMOND! Why on earth couldn't I place that?! Foiled again by almond does my skin amp it so? In the vial I got more notes but on, my skin went nuts with the almond and the nutmeg, it's a creamy almond and nutmeg So to my nose it's coming across as creamy cherried nutmeg. I wanted to LOVE this one but I'm going to have to pass. This won't ever be a "me" scent
  3. First on I was sure it wasn't going to work for me. It was very tootsie roll and weird plastic berry while wet. Once it dried down it was VERY nice. There's definitely a Christmas scent memory here somewhere My chemistry is still threatening to push this in a plastic direction though. I think what I'll do is set it aside and try it again in a couple days. I don't think I recall any LP chocolate note going plastic on me so maybe it just needs some extra time to acclimate?
  4. NuTrix

    Snowman Poop

    Smells good in the vial but on, the spruce note isn't working for me. I think the closest to a green scent I've like on me was more of an aquatic than truly green It's more to do with me than the fragrance. I guess I can't love them all
  5. NuTrix


    THANK GOODNESS! My skin has always seemed to play nicely with boozy notes Creamy coffee right out of the vial. On, coffee caramel-y mocha cream with a bite of something...the fermented alcohols I'm wagering. I'm only an hour in, but if this lasts like it does on tyvey that will seal the deal - but I think already that this will have to be a FB. I like that it isn't "just another coffee scent". There's so much going on that you can completely differentiate it from other yummies like Titillating Temptress, Black Cat Mojo & LP Latte YAY! Another coffee fragrance for me
  6. NuTrix

    Eve of Darkness

    First impression was,THIS smells WAY more complicated that the 4 notes listed conveys! I was on the fence with this one in the vial. Oh, I was completely intrigued, but thought the sample would be all I'd need. WELL. Once on my skin this is INSANELY good while wet. In the dry down I'm amping the clove a bit more than I would like, but we'll see how it continues to wear. I get the clove close up, but farther from my nose I get what I believe it's intended to be. I didn't realize it was unisex, but now that I have it on, think it would probably be incredibly complimentary on my guy. There's something resin-y like without being actually incense-y to me. Hmm. Still on the fence, but liking it
  7. NuTrix

    Pink Elf

    OH.MY.GOSH. Right out of the vial my eyes rolled back. But I thought, hmm, berry. Then I put it on and - ZOMYGAWD!!! This is a must have. I never would have thought to have been taken so immediately by a pink scent and looking at the notes, I didn't really have much of and expectation but this is delicious! It's all pink in the vile, but not the same on me. Oh, it's still pink but the little bit of tartness of the ginger and the creamy-dreamy butter cream that I'm such a sucker for...and it has to be the amber giving it that chewiness....FB for sure
  8. NuTrix

    Warm Jammies

    I SO very much like the oat note! I think the berry is throwing it off for me. Not that the combination is bad, not at all! I just think, for me, I would like the cookie without the jam It's a very nommable scent and reminds me of the Christmas cookies my mom would make with the divot in the center for flavored jam. My sample will receive appropriate love this season
  9. Maililyahn - I'm just curious if you've tried the new Mega Watt for work and if you have, what the differences BB & it have?
  10. I keep reading these wonderful reviews of BB in the Beautiful Dreamer thread. I like BD too, for the fragrance, but, honestly, looking back to when I've used BB, while it relaxes me, it more so puts me into a very good mood. Like during shark week, it may have done nothing for cramps, but it put me in a good mood so that they were a minor distraction in an over all good day I had always thought to use it to relax or to help me become sleepy, but have found that for me, it isn't a sleep aid at all. Relaxed and happy, but not sleepy. I guess the "relaxed" part can lead to sleepy and if I wear a "lighter" dose it is a calmer feel. At a higher concentration it just becomes "Awesome Social". And like Vladmyra mentions above, men DO become complimentary. I've noticed women too, to warm up to this blend. It's really much more versatile than I initially gave it credit for - Muhahaaaaa..... In a higher concentration it becomes down right "happy sauce". And on days where shark week has nothing to do with why you're wearing it? OH YEAH. Happy Sauce. The effects it has on guys is GREAT too. I think using it for bed time and shark week only is really missing out on the potential of the blend as something to keep in your everyday rotation. If you just want to have a Good Day, you need to wear this - and who doesn't want to have a good day? Really?
  11. I DID! I DID! And it should be here today or tomorrow...and I plan to slap it on his difficult, scent snobby self! I want to be "Heart Throbbed" and will do the above listed as an enticement to encourage what I hope will be a favorable response - to the scent too
  12. Welcome to your new second "home!" I thought of Perfect Match too right away for bonding, and agree with the others on H&S for family - or G2 (as was recommended to me by Halo ages ago) if it's the female side of the family that's prickly... "Enthusiast" is what I prefer.
  13. Welcome! Yay! I'm sure you'll enjoy this new hobby (hobby sounds better than addiction in writing and is much more easily justified... )
  14. Well THAT'S interesting! I will have to dig out my SF&M to see if I detect the similarity!
  15. YAY! What a beautiful sounding beginning to what looks like the budding of a great new favorite for you!
  16. Too Cute! Mine's in the mail on it's way - can't wait - Squeeeeee
  17. NuTrix

    Cauldron Cake

    Hmm. I had a similar reaction to something with pepper. Didn't quite burn the first time I wore it, but it was a bit uncomfortable. Then the next time, nothing Well! GOOD! Acclimation complete! Happy wearing!
  18. Hehe....depends....who's James? Maybe you can order both?
  19. Cutie.pie - the citrus yummy mandarin flits away quickly for me too. But I do SO love what's left. The same thin happens for me with Orangzipan. Maybe the orange type notes as to notes just aren't meant to stay around as long as lemon-y notes or grapefruit?
  20. NuTrix

    Cauldron Cake

    Awe! I know there's a warning that sometimes cinnamon can do that. Do you have it in oil or spray? You can always decant it into a spray so that you can spray it onto your blouse/shirt where your skin will be safe? Or maybe if you have it in oil, rub a bit into the tips of your hair?
  21. I cheated and added a bit of OCCO Pink, (in fairness I cop everyday so I don't know that I could blame that), but I was stopped unexpectedly today and surprised by unexpectd compliments of a snesual nature. Nothing creepy but definately not what I expected from this blend. I wonder if it's the fragrance? Maybe there's something in the water?
  22. I saw this...but too late. Several others had already inquired about it. I was too slow
  23. I've already blown through a bottle...which is still a surprise just because I have so many others to cycle through. People are starting to recognize it by name now when they smell it on me. How cool is that?!
  24. ^^^YES! If I had to pick out something naughty, I would probably think it was the honeycomb first But knowing how my friend feels about patch is making me wonder about perception...
  25. By moon eyes I mean something like that, yes...Staring after you, wide eyed, and a little glazed over, unable to hide their smoldering thoughts... So far my guy prefers sprays, but that is only, so he has told me, because that is what he is accustomed to wearing. He also tends to spray both his chest and his shirt. The scent DOES last quite a while on his shirt, until it is laundered. For me, I find scent very sensual when I quite like it. I find that, because of my own reaction to it, I must at least be careful how I compliment a man when he smells divine...so as not to lead him on unintentionally. Um. I have not figured out how to do that though apparently..tehehe...
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