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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Today I wore Gotcha! and there is one guy who is really effected by Gotcha! at work. When he located me he had his laptop with him and just parked at the desk next to me and we downloaded the days obstacles AND did some power tag team emailing for a while and when we finished it was so sweet, like he didn't want to leave and like our time together was one of he highlights of his day I got quite a few sweet reactions from other female co-workers as well. Hmm. Now that I think of it, with Gotcha! people are just sweet to me in general. I wore this solo with Poudre de Bourdons. Really good day!
  2. I have worn this quite a bit since purchase and each time I wear it I like it even more. It's so lovely and sweet AND bright and delicate all a once. It does stay close to the skin. I totally notice it but it seems like it's just for me Which is fine, it's so unique. I'm surprised I don't get more compliments on it, but then maybe that's because it says so close to me that others are getting any...next time I will have to slather and see
  3. I resisted opening this one - until at least tomorrow after sitting in the cold mail box all day today and night...Poor little parcel, my LPs are SO icy. I hope it's ready for wear tomorrow because I'm really excited to try out this phero!
  4. Applied as described and had a good day Nothing particularly over the top, so the amount of Topper was a good buffer for the CP. It was a great pick me up for me as Sexpionage always gives me good energy - lots to do and got it done! Didn't seem like a distracting amount (I was at work all day btw) as in no odd hits from guys other than they seemed in a particularly good mood around me...I felt very pixie-ish I like the selfies I get from Sexpionage and a friend was dying to know what I had on because CP smells SO good! She's an LP sistah, so I told her if she didn't have it already (she's going to check at home b/c she thinks I may have given her some a while back) I will surely hook her up This was a good run today and I would wear it again. I didn't feel spacy or discombobulated or off...unless it's so close to how I am normally that I didn't notice the diference! HA! J/K! I wish it had gone as well for you Miss StacyK What did you wear, dosage wise, do you think? I'm wondering if I went lighter or heavier? Maybe I have a higher tolorance too?
  5. Ah! Gotcha! Good advice! Will post when I begin to experiment!
  6. OCCO Red and Red together - Mmmmmm I would add Sexpionage to the sexy list and my hubby responds really well to Sexology. You'll find reactions depend on you and/or the person/s you looking for responses from. Everyone reacts in heir own way to pheromones and they last forever because most times a little bit goes a LOOOOONG way and less really is more. Excellent results and it's easy on the wallet - the perfumes here however - GAWDS! - They are all so fantastic they'll burn a hole in your bank account and won't even apologize for it But I've fund that I'm personally ok with that!
  7. ^^^Me too! On shipment and guessing both hahaha! - I'm content stalking :ph34r:
  8. OHMYGOSH! Wouldn't that be freaking awesome! I wonder if my PE is coming...I wonder if my PE is coming... EDIT: Nope, no PE yet... ...will just have to be patient for that Feb order/s (it is going to be combined with my Cherry Divinity order if I understood John correctly ) But I DID get my ArtFire order and my Purple Papal/Orangzipan/Pixie Dust/Hummingbird order...and LOTS of extra sniffies and goodies I forgot all about the beads and mask and SUPER cute bag! This will keep me busy until the March NR reviews...oh yeah - and my Feb order too of course!
  9. Ditto MissD! The smell of CP is just scrumptious and totally lifts my mood just smelling it... Ok...I haven't fumed up today yet Sooooooo, I'm going to give it a whirl! CP - I will use the belly button lolly, Split a 2 inch line each between wrists and backs of hands and a 2 inch stripe between "the girls" just for me to huff every time my blouse swooshes it up to my nose. I will spray 2 spays of Topper to my hair and 1 to my blouse. God help me and wish me well!
  10. I got a shipping notice! But here's my dilemma - I ordered Cherry D and a Feb order with a PE that I know they are combining....THEN I went and ordered more FBs b/c of all of the most excellent reviews, lol, THEN I made an order from ArtFire...So I don't have a CLUE what my shipping notice is for!
  11. I'm sure the exclusion of the cops will make a difference...Maybe I can go the TH/TMI route? There's a smidge of a-nol too but it may be interesting to try them both? A couple days with TH/BAM! and then a couple just TH and TMI.....hmmm.....
  12. I'd have to agree^^^Lace would be an excellent paring
  13. I like to get my favorite pheros unscented just so I CAN wear them with any scent I like LP Red is devine isn't it?!
  14. I wonder if I've combined these 2 at some point? I know I've buffered Sexpionage with Lace and MRF... if I have, it would have been a spritz of Topper to my hair or blouse. Hmm. I honestly don't recall. I kinda want to try it now - just to try it, lol, but after reading this, I think I'll pass
  15. Do you think the cops in BAM! would throw it off too much? I don't have plain b-nol. I've used BAM! & PM together with great results with hubby. I'm just getting my head around TH and am really pleasantly surprised as I nearly gave it away recently! I have always liked BAM! for communication and keep alert to the verbal self filter when wearing it (some with TMI). I will have to experiment with this b/c it sounds completely beneficial for work & home situations.
  16. PM and CB are my 2 favorites for my hubby, who is also a great Est responder! The 2 together are magic around him. Gotcha! was one that really surprised me in that - for him - it doesn't hit as well as the PM/CB combo, which really surprised me because it works so well on other guys when I wear it Open Windows has always been good for just fun laid back days with him and I've only really just begun to experiment with him and Treasured Hearts with either a smidge of CB or an OCCO. TH is proving to be a good one for communication but I need to spend more time with that one. Balm Bomb was a surprise hit with him too, not so much bonding per se, but it elevated his mood and he's more playful. I have everything in oil except PM, which is in the alcohol spray so I can't offer anything on the silicone I tend to phero after I've lotioned up good following my morning shower and that's been working well for me so far When you were explaining your experiences with the PM/CB combo I almost fell off my chair b/c it's the same for me I will have to try LFN a bit more to give it another chance, since you had such good outcomes with it! LFN nor LFM were not creating the cuddly vibe from my guy I was looking for. It's great that you have so many goodies to choose from - different potions for different situations
  17. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    I originally purchased this in oil and mixed just a touch with some distilled water to create a body spray. It's very intense and heady to me as an oil, but using it as a spray made it sheer and just a mist over the skin and it's like the smell IS me rather than like something I put on. Then one night I thought...hmm, how would this be on the comforter?...then another night I thought...or a spritz on the radiator while it was warm? - now THAT was a great idea! Instant aromatherapy for the whole bedroom!
  18. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    I've used some of this to make a body spritz for after showers...but I've been using it to spray my comforter at night and OHMYGOSH! Dreamy scent and a wonderful way to drift off to sleep!
  19. NuTrix


    Hmm. I like Sat Night Special, the rum note is quite noticeable to me - but I like it! - and LOVE Jubilee so I'm hopeful for this one and my chemistry playing nice together because Nola is a Bourbon note too MissD - I haven't gotten my shipping notice yet (I made my initial order for this along with a PE, so it will take a bit longer to ship, I think) so you may be first! In the mean time I'll try to keep from drooling on my computer while reading these reviews!
  20. NuTrix


    I went FB unsniffed as well we can wait in frenzied anticipation together I wonder which note(s) it could be that would seem to go sour milk?
  21. The effects of the phero that I've experienced in other are these: Men: Friendly. Comfortable. Some have treated me like we've been "buds" forever. This has not behaved in a sexual tension kind of way, though it can be slanted that way with the addition of other molecules. For work, there's an easy peer relationship going on where my opinion matters and is valid and I'm treated like a valuable equal even by those who are above me. Women: Awesomeness. I'm glitter. I'm the "Ooo, shiny" thing I'm fascinating...my hair, my clothes...I've been the person who just plain made their day by saying hello. I've never been confused for masculine. Guys become interested and ask questions and want to converse and women become my BFFs. This is one of my favorite phero blends. I wouldn't want it to be discontinued - EVER
  22. Just came from Artfire and after waffling for weeks, got another back up of MUCH loved Egg 2011, the Smoking Bun in spray - Ohmygoshthatwillbedivine! - and Bosom Bows. I will compare BB with another G2 like phero I have scented with Leprechaun Luck and if I like BB I may put my other one up on the pay it forward thread
  23. Really?! PD was such a surprise love for me! I can't wait to get my paws on this and see how it behaves with my chemistry. It seems like everyone is getting such varied results...and I think I would be happy with any number of them! SO trying not to be jealous of all of you right now
  24. NuTrix


    I get "the baby powder" comments too! I can easily over do it with this and once my husband likened me to "you smell like a baby's diaper - a CLEAN one!" - but not quite the reaction from him I was going for As for me, I pick up the orange blossom right away, the bee pollen and the amber. If I dose just right...others do too...except the man beast - who usually announces - "Baby power today!" But I just LOVE this and have already bought a second bottle for having plowed through the first
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