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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard of - or smelled - before. Fascinating! Thank you for the info. I'll have to learn a bit more about it online now that I'm armed with what to look for
  2. LUNA! I know orchid seems to like my chemistry - I'm completely intrigued by these reviews!!
  3. Really?! That's incredible! Getting a sample of this in my next order! You have all convinced me Snoopyace too! You all make it sound wonderful! My man is picky about scents, but if it doesn't agree with him and we like the phero, we can always go mad scientist and phero a fragrance he likes....and I'll keep Lucero for myself...muhahaaaaa......
  4. Blackcat! They sound amazing and you've got me all wound up with excitement! Stalking my email for the shipping notice!
  5. YAY! PUUUUURDY!!!! I should pick up some coloring books in anticipation....something with my little ponies!
  6. Sorry Amalthea...then I won't mention how I LOVED smelling this on me all day today...how every time it caught my attention it took me to my zen place...won't say a word....
  7. Thanks BC, Stacy & Halo! Yes! Spicy, almost peppery like. It's incredibly complimentary to the sandalwood and Myrrh. This morning what's left is an ever so slightly peppery marshmallow sweetness with hints of the myrrh and sandalwood barely there. I MUST wear it today to see how it plays throughout it's dry down. It doesn't strike me as uber feminine but I wouldn't say it's masculine either - especially now with the sweet marshmallow coming through. As I was lying there in bed last night right after applying, I couldn't HELP thinking about the smell at first But then my mind drifted to the feeling of it. It feels grounded, strong and powerful. The word shaman came to mind, someone you go to for healing or understanding, who presents and/or possesses an inner and/or other worldly strength and wisdom. I can see how these attributes would be beneficial to bonding So there it is. Protective, deeply spiritual feeling - to me at least - and the receptive/giving nature of those 2 things lending to bonding. This is some potent shiznet! For myself, maybe because of all the intent I was willing from the moment I requested the PE, the feelings it garnered were pretty intense last night. I'm going to wear it today solo. I may have to think about the perfect phero combo a bit more before making that decision. This is some pretty powerful stuff here! It will be interesting to see how each phero choice steers it Now Blackcat...I'm lying in wait for some Black Cat Mojo!
  8. OHWOW! I'm sure I should have waited until at lest tomorrow - but I had to test run Sanctuary! That Myrrh and Sandalwood with the carnation - OHMYWOW! I've only just applied and am headed to bed but this is WONDERFUL - Mara, you truly are a worker of wondrous things! I'm not recognizing the marshmallow root but that could be my nose or travel shock. It seems spicy even...hehe, I'm enjoying it right now...it's got me giddy. I wonder how it will change in a day or 2 when it's acclimated to my house? I...can't....stop....huffing....myself....!!! Edited for missing words and horrid spelling due to excitement
  9. OHMYGOSHMARATHANKYOU!!!!! I scored the 2 bottle I had wanted to purchase with my last order when I saw it was *sold out* - so I didn't clean out the basket...there are still more for others who are interested!
  10. YAY! That's awesome! I love that song! Hehe: Edited to add that I agree this is an incredibly scrummy scent as well...the Lace phero is just PERFECT for it
  11. OHMYGOODNESS!!! The very idea of Sugared Toffee? I would get it in oil and slather ridiculous amounts I'm sure...Does her genius know NO ends!?!?
  12. I did the same thing! When I found out it didn't have cops I was all like, "I'm putting this on my clothes...in my hair...I'm gonna spray my purse and scarf...", nearly mental...nearly....Could roll in this like catnip....when I wear this, if I were someone else...I would want to gobble me up! The scent is at LEAST half the magic!
  13. I agree...but after seeing Sweetbeaks response, my heart really goes out to her, cuz I KNOW I loves minez
  14. Oh SQUEEEEAL! for all of those! I'm so excited for you! I have some floral and some resin scents that are, well, too much of a good thing... and can give me a brain ache....I wear them under my clothes around my belly button I know it sounds silly, but it's keeps them from overpowering me with their pungency....but I DO love them. Or just a very barely there dot application...which doesn't always get the phero effect from some of the phero'd fragrances (which is why I have my back ups of unscented phero blends for boosting...^_~) S&V is a strong scent but I love it SO - I use just a dot at the backs of my hands and on my wrists and neck...unless it's just me, then I don't rightly care and slather away You may be sensitive to mones? I wear mine pretty well daily. I app. most times once in the a.m. and maybe again in the p.m. for special occasions - like gno or happy hours after work For me, rotating what I wear keeps me from feeling tiredness or overstimulation. I know people have had OD effects (i.e. headaches or nausea) from applying to heavily so maybe for you, less really is more? And it can vary from one blend to another...I tend to be a slatherer though
  15. Welcome Skydancer! You've found a great source of inspiration here - no doubt about it! Spread those wings and soar!
  16. Once again - slathered for the evening and LOVING myself! So going to order a back up of this in my next order...if it doesn't sell out AND I don't go broke an sugared releases and NRs first
  17. Yes! On all the OW observations, lol. I think the Est softens things and maybe the b-nol in combo with the addition of androsterone adds a tempered and genuine curiosity in others to really have a conversation on a less manic level? I'm probably over thinking this but that's what I love so much about pheros! Added or removed molecules and ratios can change everything a lot or a little Did I mention that pheros are fun?
  18. Hehe - yes, Dominance is a phero blend: Per LP site: A sexual attraction potion with a clearly alpha-dominant signature. Let 'em know who's boss! This blend can be helpful in the boardroom, as well as in the bedroom. You can find it here at your leisure: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/PUNDomF/ Fresh and green? Hmm. Maybe Seelie? Aqua Fresca? There's a brand new one in the crayon collection called Mountain Meadows that may fit that description? LP is a BIG place! You're sure to find something
  19. Gave this a try. We don't take a lot of photos that aren't of pets, so I improvised...we don't even have a camera so I'm not sure if LP can even use the photo I sent since it was taken originally with my phone...it's a far cry from the lovely labels Mara creates! It is of me though...hidden though I may be This is SO exciting!!! Edit: Oh SQUEEEEEEAL! It made it through! Thank you for letting me know! And I can't wait to see any and all fur babies too!
  20. My first real experience outside of the spray sample I got a couple Novembers ago with H&S was with Papal Purple...which is now sold out So I ordered the Un! I haven't found my sweet spot for blatant hits on this one yet so the Un blend should help me find it! I'm trying to get a handle on how to steer this one for bonding with hubs. It worked great in mixed company and I think it will be good for work as well. Molecules: Estratetreanol, Beta-Androstenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Androsterone, Epi-Androsterone. I LOVE Est, and so does hubby. This behaves like a covert kind of Love Potion Open Windows. It's still open and inviting, but with OW people literally fly out of the wood work to talk with me. They are animated and excited and happy - all great things! H&S is a little more toned down in that I think the Est makes people's interactions a little softer - kinder? Sweeter? It's less flamboyant and bubbly than OW but still feels very much like an attractant but more....respectful? Really fascinating. Will report more when I know more
  21. Weeeell, it will be a while before you need to worry about hot flashes so maybe you need more perfume sprays in the interim....
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