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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Ooooooo, and I thought I read that Super for men is like Un for men (or IS Un for men) but with SS4M added....if that's true - I have Un for men and LOVE....maybe that's why it's fascinated me so?
  2. THAT sounds fantastic! Never heard of it before now - thanks Halo! Rolled on the LP Red and OC Black last night...more like, slathered Red and dotted Black b/c black is very strong...ANDOHMYWOWTHATWILLTOTALLYBECOMEAGOTOCOMBO!!!!!!!!!!! It was fantastic - even the hubby commented on it. I can still faintly smell the Black this morning. What staying power! Must wear this again today!
  3. Hehe! Welcome! I first came here because of pheromones too...but have since become addicted to LP's lovely perfumes...they smell so good I swear some are like pheromones the way people compliment them! Hope you love your choices!
  4. What is Super? Super for men? I just ordered a sample of that.... Ooooooo...LP Red and OC Black? I've done Red on Red and Black on Black But LP Red on OC Black? Why hadn't I thought of that before????!!! I amp the cinnamon too... Must try LP Red and OC Black! TONIGHT...FOR BED!!!
  5. Ah! Ok! Thank you for helping clear that up for me I'm going to wait...I'm seeing a bottle set of sugareds in the future...
  6. Really? I was surprised how much I love the Blue. I'm usually a huge foodie scent lover and this isn't foodie to me, even with the maple and sugars. It isn't quite like anything I've ever smelled before and I think it's the oak moss in it that appeals to me so much...I'm kinda fascinated by the scent overall. I think I would really like an uncopped version and have been on the fence for a while over the NoCo version...you may have just tipped me
  7. I've got it in oil and 60/40 alcohol. I actually prefer the spray for this one. I haven't tried the silicone and I think the only reason for that is because I spray my clothes and hair often and have no idea if silicone would wash out as easily If you're a big fan of the LP Red, you can go to the mad scientist option, choose the Cougar phero and scent it with Red: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/MadScience/ Or leave it unscented and diversify it with other scents as you find more to love I've never had this just attract guys. For me it's always behaved as a great social for men & women. I will say that my experience has been that it effects the guys in the age you mentioned (30-40) more so than a younger crowd like teens and 20s...however, I've had it effect gentlemen older than that positively (depending on how you look at it, lol) as well. Meaning in their 50s and up being pleasant and kind and complimentary. I haven't had any negative reactions and I've worn it in all kinds of venues; work, bars, gno, church, family, hubby...It's just a fun, bubbly phero....and fun and bubbly with a fella can always lead to intimate things if you want it to or steer it in that direction. OH! And this one actually gives me great selfies, I get an awesome mood boost myself when I wear it
  8. Wait! We can order sugars...now? I thought they were coming out in he future, like in a month or 2???
  9. NuTrix

    Pixie Dust

    Blackcat! I'm in love with your new avi! I only saw musk, but I don't know that I'd recognize anything Egyptian if it were lol. I'm still not clear on heliotrope and what that is adding though pictures of it look absolutely beautiful. There is an almost pointy note that doesn't actually go stabby for me - that's what's making it bright I think? One step farther in the pointy direction and this would not have worked for me...which note, or combination? No idea - my shnoz isn't that sophisticated yet I do really like it...there's something "strange" but fascinating about it that draws me in.... Don't worry - there are only, like, a BAJILLION things here at LP to choose from - with new ones every month! There must be plenty that will be "purrrrfect" - when you find them
  10. Wait? I could handle the wait...the wait was fine....until the reviews started I see my next strategic attempt should be to not order until reviews begin....obviously being cautious and waiting for samples first is just not me HAHAHA!
  11. That's it! You've done me in! Ordered 2 bottles and haven't even gotten the samples yet. I couldn't resist any longer!
  12. I'm ruined...best laid plans...scattered...hit the order button....didn't even get my sampler yet. Officially and hopelessly obsessive compulsive? FBs 2 Atomic Mandarin 2 Blush 1 sample each of Lucero and Super for Men...can't wait to try them out on hubby! Thoughts welcome!
  13. LFM - YES! Teddy BB - YES! BB - Hells YES! H&S - YES! MLH - Please report...I haven't tried it...so, um, YES! PM - Absolutely YES! Oh...and yes to the other suitcase for perfumes too
  14. I super slathered this on today over Balm Bomb and I smelled incredible! I worked my butt off today too, and in spite of constant running and even....sweating - EWE - it's been 12 hours and it's still here! At least I smelled like a girl and NOT BO! One of the fellas at work who adores my foodie scents pointed out again that "something was different" as this is sweet foodie/floral but was quick to add that he liked it (he prefers EVERYTHING maple LOL) This is such a happy scent...BB happens to be a very happy phero for me...I'm going to have to try this with Lace and Teddy BB and maybe LAM! Buttercream Peach!
  15. If you had sniffed and liked, I would tell you to get the bottle of this b/c intented scented pheros work twice their magic
  16. You are making this SOOOOO hard to NOT order a FB unsniffed! Why do I even bother to TRY to wait for my sampler??? Maybe next month I should just hold off on my order completely until the reviews start coming in for the NRs? I feel my resolve to wait slipping treacherously and quickly away....
  17. Welcome Mnaya! Work perfume? Any perfume you like would be the one I'd say is good for work Or do you mean which pheromone blend(s)? I'm discovering how great Heart & Soul is for work myself recently. I've always liked La Femme Mystere and Perfect Match and Balm Bomb and... depends on the day really! Congrats on your second order
  18. Mmm... Sugared Myrrh, Bonfire, Leather, Oud, English Toffee, Sandalwood, Pumpkin, Honeysuckle, Lilac, Honeydew...Egads! Those are just some of 'em! Hahaha!
  19. Same here. My skin can amp cinnamon to the exclusion of the other notes so I'm playing it safe and waiting for the samples and crossing my fingers, toes and eyes for the very best!
  20. NuTrix


    Oh No! D'oh! How terrible! Go spray! There's ALWAYS a work around!
  21. I think reading this will shed some light on the name changes http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5803
  22. This is a good thing I am hoping! Hummingbird Nectar 2014 has peach blossom and that one agrees with me...Ooooo...this could work!
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