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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Opulent! adjective: opulent 1. ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish. Dense - I agree! Thick, gooey, rich, syrupy, sticky....It stays foodie on me too. It behaves well on it's own at work, for me at least, it's always been a great social...once I found my sweet spot. People go nuts over this scent though and may follow you around just for that
  2. LOL I have to make a conscious decision while wearing this to NOT say everything running through my mind...nobody, and I mean NOBODY, needs to know what lengths and depths THIS mind goes
  3. I thought I did really good getting (nearly) only the sampler too. I'm thinking Atomic Mandarin, possibly Vermillion if I don't amp he cinnamon to high heaven and WANT to love Blush but just don't know...Then there's plotting for the Sugared's line
  4. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    I mixed my sample with BANG! and still love - though there's precious little until my order comes
  5. I would love, order, swoon for, a more sweet and fleshy Sugared Pumpkin like that!!! Ding!Ding!Ding! Sign me up! I'll be in line right behind you for this one!
  6. HOLYFANTASTICBATMAN! This is going to be a loooooong list.... Is the sugared pumpkin, pumpkin or pumpkin spices? Love the label ideas! Crazy coolness!!!
  7. OH MY Mara! Completely worth waiting for! To the moon and back! I know with LP, good things DO come to those who wait! Perfection takes time! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So excited to enjoy your creations! :heart:
  8. LOL, Uh- oh...that means you can see through my all talk jedi façade!
  9. NuTrix

    Cherry Divinity

    OH! That sounds like a great combo! I'm going to have to give that a whirl! Great idea DD!!!
  10. Are the ceilings high? If it's an open office cube type or warehouse high ceiling type of environment then it may just be too much space for the pheromones to act effectively on someone who is not in your 3 foot radius for a prolonged period of time
  11. Mara - if you see this and it isn't too late - I just placed an order (for the sampler and BCM and H&S) and if you haven't shipped my Feb order and PEs (and I believe Cherry Divinity is being held with that order too - ohmygosh I'm an addict! I'm ok with that though - really!) you can ship them all together if that saves you shipping? So excited regardless!!!!
  12. Sampler, Black Cat Mojo and Heart and Soul...wanted another Papal Purple BUT IT'S ALL GONE! I will cherish my bah-bah that I have...though I WILL NOT slather any less when I wear it - goodness what a wonderful perfume!
  13. Love the descriptions! Luna - talented and exquisitely eloquent as ever! Placed order...now the wait for reviews begins....
  14. Welcome Lovestruck! What a great introduction! YOU are well on your way to an amazing addiction/hobby here at LP! For your S&V question and to answer QG: it does not have cops in it originally - though I asked or mine boosted with them I would be willing to wager - if I were a betting woman - that it is the "animalic musk" that you are referring to. It seems to have a love or hate relationship with people...I go absolutely berserk over it myself...my chemistry agrees with it, but it is NOT, admittedly, my husbands favorite scent, though there are others who love it on me I only WISH I could offer something on your New West, but alas, until I fund LP I was never able to bear commercial perfumes (so sad right?!) so I will leave that one to the more educated ladies who I am sure will help you. When thinking about your hubby's likes, you could go 2 routes... 1 - get unscented pheromone blends and pair them with perfumes you know he'll like or 2 - find fragrances he likes and boost them by request with the naughty naughty blends For experimenting with fragrance, you can get samples of any scent for $5 - which is SO awesome! This way you can perhaps find something that gets his foot stomping and boost it with whatever you like. Quick, for your 1, 2, 3? 1 - shmexay favorites that work on my hubs: anything with Sexopionage, Cuddle Bunny, Sexology and Blatant Invitation 2 - Don't laugh - but the fragranced pheromone perfume called Cougar Potion is hugely social and a real attention getter that smells absolutely FANFREAKINGTASTIC! (you can order one of those $5 samples to check it out...) I have NOT met one man or woman yet who has not LOVED that scent...I'm a fan of the pheromone blend (Stone Cougar) in it too 3 - SO love La Femme Mystere! Would def suggest experimenting with that one Hope you love it at LP as much as the rest of us! Happy hunting!
  15. PM & Sanctuary was a no brainer for me, lol, if you wind up doing the same then it just proves great minds think alike! Kat Suit is EXACTLY what I thought of too! That leather note drives me absolutely WILD! D'oh! There goes that uncontrollable foot stomping again....
  16. OHMYGOSH! I loved the Thundercats! I had entered on of those TV prize things and it's the first time I'd ever won anything - I still remember I got action figures of Lion-o and Slithe (hero and villain, lol) That's EXCITING when you're a kid!
  17. HOLYMOLY! It's definitely sweet! At first it was floral - very. But decidedly sweet. I first thought it may be too floral but I'm thinking now (after about an hour) it's a soft floral that's sugary sweet. I get all the florals together and I have to really snuffle closely to pick out each flower individually...I think I like them in the bouquet I think this will make a GREAT home scent for the spring! Update: The scent has all but vanished - I may have to slather more. I still think this will light up my "woman cave" for spring by making it into a fantastic spritz for the room
  18. Exactly - I can see me going mental over an entire LINE of sugared fragrances with how much I've loved the ones I've tried so far...Sugared HC, F&M, Amber....Pure Sugar!!!!!! DD has black musk?! I need to revisit that one - I think your BCM is going to be FANTASTIC. I LOVE my hubby in that leather scent that's in Voracious...I'm a sucker for coffee ANYTHING and woodsmoke? Droooool...How they will all come together? I can't wait to find out! I'm getting all my Sanctuary bottles virgin but I'm planning to spike 2 of them - one with LFM and one with PM. I'm wondering if any of the OCCOs will compliment the scent or not. If not I will probably add cops to them both as well I think I'll be wearing it often with OW & Sexology too depending on who I'm planning on spending time with ^_~
  19. When you're saying "Sugared line" are you talking a monthly release? Cuz if you are I will start setting aside the funds for that full bottle set a while...I don't know how I would be able to resist! Edited to add...PS Blackcat - I have no idea what to expect of black musk but I'm a musk fan...you had me at creamy coffee, leather and woodsmoke - foh shoh!
  20. Totally getting the sampler and (hopefully) a Black Cat Mojo...we'll see what else when the descriptions are up of course...
  21. Another request for Black Cat Mojo please if any are left - Will be standing in line with fingers crossed! Thank you Luna! Will be watching for the Sugareds online
  22. Ditto! Wore Bosom Bow 3 yesterday...so fascinated by this scent...it seems familiar but I have no idea why! I'm positive I've never smelled anything like it before... Me too! It almost got away In the bottle it's very woodsy to my nose and when I put it on it's somewhat sharp and I get all the woody notes and musk and amber first - so it's this strange thought process reaction of - it's masculine - no wait - it's totally feminine...girly even! Wait! What the?!?!?! Once it dries down it's earthy and sweet and - to me/with my chemistry - completely feminine and slinky and sultry and seductive....is it the scent or the G2 effecting me? I TOTALLY LOVE this...completely enamored. I did get the arousal others have mentioned with G2, but that's always been the case with G2 While wearing this, I totally want to curl up with myself or snuggle up to someone else - preferably LOL! There's something slinky and covert about this scent...tricky...I wouldn't call in unisex, I don't think it's masculine enough for a guy - but chemistry is everything so who knows? My husband said it's "ok" in small quantities when I had him snuffle it. It seems to sit really close to the skin, because we were out to lunch together and he didn't fuss about it. He was very sweet and in a good mood and we had a wonderful time, so I would say he responds well to G2. At work the guys were great and sweet as well. Aaaand every time the girl who has a crush on me at work came around she got all bashful and blushing - she's SO cute! But that's work and OFF limits - but still adorable! So G2 's magic certainly was in full swing!
  23. Myrrh, Sandalwood, Carnation and Marshmallow root....and a ton of willful projection of intent for protection, spiritual grounding and bonding and for the qualities to both be received inward and extended outward toward others. It's hugely intent driven, even the notes were chosen specifically for their meanings: Myrrh - Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil. Sandalwood-sweet/smooth - Love exotic sensual atmospheric: aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. Carnation - Power, energy, protection. Fascination, admiration. Marshmallow root - Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading. I'm so excited I may actually burst! I need to go investigate the Black Cat Mojo me thinks....
  24. I'd be willing to wager you do too Yup, that's me alright OHMYGOSH Mara! LOVE!!!! I am BEYOND excited...thrilled...amazed!!! Absolutely FANTABLOUS label!!!! Could cry...ok, did mist up, couldn't help it, would probably cry if hubby weren't already looking at me funny for jumping out of my skin after seeing this! - who thought perfume could be so emotional - in a totally GREAT way!!! Per Luna's suggestion, I don't know if I need to request, but I'm completely interested in reserving: Sugared Cream and Sugared Bonfire ...unless it turns out reserving is unnecessary...
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