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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Sounds like an excellent plan! PM, OW, H&S and Gotcha! are all social winners. I hope they trial well for you and look forward to hearing about how they work out for you in different situations
  2. Yes, I've used PM with all the OCCOs at some point. The 2 together are always a win
  3. How soon for descriptions??? *ducks and runs*
  4. I concur Snoopyace! This one is golden for snuggly in nights with the Mr for the same reasons in our house. Glad you're loving it more than you thought
  5. Mmmmm....slathered this on yesterday and it lasted ALL day! SO YUM! This is a total favorite that I cannot resist using copious amounts when I wear it...which means it may not last I have a back up but I will still miss it when it's gone
  6. NuTrix

    Egg 2011

    It was all I could do to NOT snatch them all up....glad it was someone else! But you ARE right - it's positively delicious!
  7. NuTrix

    Veloute Lavande

    I've found the same, it's very potent on it's own and very little is all I can wear of the oil, but diluted it's positively dreamy! It's so strange that you mention moths! I also had some moth trouble, little tiny ones, and I've noticed that they've pretty much gone. I thought it was because we'd moved our birds, I was blaming them though I'd never had trouble with moths before. Since using VL about the bedroom they've pretty well vanished but I would never have thought to attribute it to that! What a happy accident!
  8. I have both Uns in spray and I have AHE w Lumina in oil and - of course - CP perfume in oil. I've always equated Lumina to being SC's little sister. A more social feel without the extra smidge of something naughty that Cougar seems to give me and effect in others. But they are very similar in feel socially and both get great hits
  9. Yes! YES! And YEEEEES! SO excited! I want to know more about Cerulean Blue too!!! Sampler FOR SURE!
  10. Why then, you may never know what will happen when things go BANG! (Ba-dum-ching! - hahaha...that was BAD I know, but I couldn't resist! )
  11. Hehe...I wore this AGAIN today and when I put my arms around hubby to give him a kiss and hug goodbye I was all, "Mmm, you smell good!" And he looked at me puzzled...cuz he wasn't wearing anything - then I realized that when I put my arms around his shoulders to hug him - MY wrist was right next to my nose It was ME that smelled SO good HAHAHA!!!
  12. Welcome! I can't offer any advice on this topic. I hope that they do prove beneficial. I use pheros all the time to steer circumstances and situations at work, including "difficult" or argumentative people. I suppose this could be similar in that respect. LFM could be helpful for that and worth considering. Wish you the very best of luck!
  13. Well! Surely you and BANG! will find more worthy company for lunches now!!! ^_~ Good riddance to bad rubbish!
  14. Well! I'm GLAD that you got all that extra attention! AND in spite of her idiot behavior! I'm sure it was her awful personality coming forward and not the BANG! b/c the only time I've witnessed that type of behavior is from exactly THAT type of person! The devil in me would be sure to wear it around her again - just to ire her There's nothing uglier on a person than rude behavior. I'm glad BANG! was a success and I've almost always found slathering to be the way to a sweet spot
  15. I'm in the love boat on this one! First on, it's completely floral. Not screaming or pointy floral but soft and pretty. Then within about 20-30 minutes it goes sweet, frank/musk and a hint of smoke - it isn't incense really, but it kind of reminds me of it - but barely - because it's so pretty and absolutely feminine. I don't know about avon or mary k stuff to compare lotions or anything like that I don't get any one thing amping in this and once it dries down it's just so absolutely gorgeous! I like that it seems grounded and earthy from the smoke and frank, but feminine in the floral and musk wih this bit of sweet something that isn't quite foodie but totally compliments everything. This is a LOVE and if I can get a handle on what I think of the phero, this could be a second bottle...heck, at this rate, it could be a second bottle based on sent alone!
  16. Muihahaaaaa...I promise to only use my phero powers for good...
  17. Wonderful! Then I'm hoping for positive reactions among jovial wine enthusiasts...maybe even a discount on purchases.....
  18. Please do! I would love to know if it's just me but I really, REALLY, was surprised by how lovely these complimented each other!
  19. I'm going to wear this today and I may get the H&S blend if all goes well...I LOVE the new label and have almost gotten it just for that! I will be spending some time at several wineries tasting their libations with hubby. I was going to wear LFM to see about some discounts on wine, lol, but I'm too eager to try this and can't wait! I've never really given H&S much attention, I hope it's a hit with hubby, and I'll have plenty of mixed targets for a good run with it! Any reviews on this with it's phero effects?
  20. So I don't recall what possessed me, but I slathered this on and then layered Poudre de Bourdons over it and HOLYWOW! did this work ridiculously wonderfully! I absolutely loved and must try again to see if it was a chemistry fluke that day - I hope not! The sugared resiny base under the sweet powdered but slightly bright honeyed goodness and I just melt at the memory...I was huffing myself the whole day!
  21. I've had good fortune with LFN I don't have it in spray, mine is in the oil, but it has always behaved well for me as a social. I know compared to LFM that it's cop'd and has a smidge of androstenone. It "feels" a bit more aloof than LFM when I wear it, but it still causes others to fawn over me and surprised me with DIHL from guys of a wide age range - 20s-50s+. On me, I cop everything so the cops in this seems normal and I think the androsterone gives an extra smidge of self confidence more than a dominance type feeling for me. I've worn it and LFM to work and both are good in that environment for me. I don't work with grumpy, resistant people though, however, I HAVE worn these blends SPECIFICALLY on days when I wanted people to listen and obey and they have both worked beautifully for that purpose. I don't know what's in SWS but I've had people behave at work similarly to the description for THAT one with LFM/N! I think it's a good starter and hope it works well, and in like manner, for you!
  22. Um - no it's not nuts...it's how I figured out most of mine I have pipettes...droppers...tons of bottles with spritzers and rollers to decant into....lists on my computer of molecules, what they are known to do and how they behave for me and in/with what... You've only just thought about it so if anyone is nuts...
  23. Donsie! I commend you on this excellent and informative wall of text! RedandFlaming! Welcome! I think Donsie has it in a nutshell, great comparisons and suggestions. Right out of the gate I thought of LFM for the "difficult men" and CB fir the feminine aspect too so I concur. Donsie gave a TON of great suggestions! Happy hunting and again - Welcome! Edited to add.... YOLO!
  24. Drastic measure - but all in the name of posterity and science! PP was tricky for me to sort - and I'm one of those who needs to use the higher doses, but the hits are crazy and it's too much fun to wear all the time - I couldn't handle all the celebrity attention it draws on a daily basis!
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