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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. It really does! I wore them together again today. The last 2 days, in spite of their obstacles, have really been good days in retrospect. This wafted up from under my scarf on the way home tonight and I couldn't help but remember how each time I smelled it today just made me take a moment to enjoy it and smell the goodness, take a deep breath of it and just smile in my own happy little moment
  2. Yes! Do! You won't regret it! This is such a fantastic social - I would love to read more reviews of people wearing it in social interactions...I believe it's an understated gem!
  3. Wore Treasured Hearts today and I think this gave me an edge I did not expect in some very nearly volatile interactions. There is an employee who is not deliberately difficult to be malicious, but he is quite the handful on some days. He had a moment where he let his, hmm, how to say it nicely? - impassioned opinions? - get the better of him. I am very rarely in a situation that I need to send someone to a superior but this was one of them. I did not raise my voice, I did not argue, but I was stern and clear that he needed to go to the manager if he was unwilling to perform the task that was assigned to him. While he wanted to argue his point with me, it was not me the argument was with and without being drawn into his emotional whirlwind I was able to direct him to take his case to the person who needed to hear it. It was completely odd! I wasn't angry or riled. I was a tad annoyed at his unexpected irrational outburst, but only the barest smidge. I completely didn't take it personally and later when he was calmed down I even checked on both him and the manager to make sure that he was ok. I genuinely understand the frustration people feel lately with the pressure and hours we've been required to work and I think with the work load, and ever changing processes, sometimes it's that "one more thing", that wouldn't normally mean anything, that sets people off. It's was just so odd that it all seemed so crystal clear in the moment and I think if I would have handled my end any other way it could have gone it a very much less beneficial direction. I will REALLY have to investigate TH a bit more!
  4. Wore this today with Treasured Hearts. This is such a bright creamy blast off that stays that way for a couple hours before it mellows to a juicy sweet creamy delight. I still smell it 12 hours later and love every stage of this!
  5. Yes, well, I was thinking I will get my Feb order when my PE is ready, so rather than wait patiently for my samples.... Now I've done this twice so far...ordered what I thought I wanted in FB with the NR sampler, then waited for reviews and ordered other FBs based on those before getting my 1st order or being able to sniff anything! So now I'm thinking... I should tick down what I want when NRs come up - but not place that order - then wait for reviews and get all FBs in 1 order? But it will still come back to: Will I be able to wait to order everything until the reviews start coming in?
  6. Hello again Wgn Commercial perfumes do my head in and I could never wear them without there being some headache to pay, so I haven't worn much scent wise...then along I stumble over LP.... Now I have this HUGE collection and I walk around smelling delicious enough that most days AT LEAST one person tells me so I'm just so happy to be able to finally wear perfume!YAY! I hope you find it to be the same for you QG hit it on all counts - no chemical creepiness here at LP and I personally LOVE that the scents morph over wear and time....it's become an endless fascination for me. Welcome again and happy experimenting!
  7. NuTrix

    Pixie Dust

    It's such a pretty delicate thing and seems to suit TH very well. It's feminine but not a wall flower and it's lightness lends to the openness and comfort of TH well. It's clean and pretty and soft - with a friendly and inviting kind of TH vibe. I don't know if it's the scent or the phero/combo but people did seem to want to discover me and some seemed just fascinated and enraptured by me. Very curious. I think Pixie Dust magnified it somehow You will HAVE to report what you find!
  8. Welcome! The link you're looking for is this: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/articles/Sets Scroll down the page to the men's and women's sampler sets and just pick your preferred poisons Happy hunting and HAVE A BLAST!
  9. NuTrix

    Pixie Dust

    I have worn this the last couple days paired with Treasured Hearts. A co-worker was walking past me yesterday and stopped in his tracks, turned directly to me and said, "Something's different," while sniffing the air. I asked different good, or different bad? He answered definitely good - always He then asked about what I was wearing and I laughed out loud, because I usually wear the foodie gourmand scents, and explained today I was wearing something a bit more floral than my usual. He walked to me, claimed my wrist, pulled it to his face and took a deep breath - "Mmmmm, yes! It's you!" he exclaimed triumphantly! SO. I guess I'm not the only one smitten by surprise with this perfume. I ordered a FB a couple days back, along with a few other goodies This one to me is so "new" I mean, it's something I don't recall smelling before. Something in it s bright and has a "zing" factor. Not really sharp or prickly - maybe it's the wisteria or the heliotrope? I guess it could even be the type of musk , but whatever it is, it has my attention...or maybe I should say my fascination? It's very light and delicate and yet it has great staying power because I can smell all day (we're talking12 hours easy) without being overbearing. It really is just a lovely, gauzy, light and lacey, floral loveliness. Seriously smitten!
  10. NuTrix


    Are you slathering enough? Just reading up thread that slathering makes a difference for some..... PS - as a slatherer...of course this the route I would choose
  11. Such mixed reviews! I wonder how this will play with my chemistry? I have ZERO idea of what to expect from this now
  12. Yay! I think I'm now a Ceiling Cat! That makes me think of cartoons that show scared kitties clinging to the ceiling and makes me giggle
  13. Really? Less smoky than Allemette? (love that one btw!) So just a hint seems to be the consensus so far? Gosh you all make this sound just GORGEOUS! Not feeling bad about that impulsive bottle purchase at all now!
  14. NuTrix

    Budding Romance

    The more I keep looking at the notes, I'm thinking this will be really lovely...not to mention all the wonderful reviews you all keep posting
  15. Thank you so much for that Fluffygirl! I was sure I had gotten a sample before but then it fell of my radar somehow. The notes look like they'd like me back but I can't wrap my mind around them in combination. There aren't very many reviews of it, so I figured I had to at least give the sample a try
  16. NuTrix


    I nearly ordered a second bottle and I haven't even sniffed this yet I am going to TRY to practice NOT hoarding (more than 1 bottle - except for ABSOLUTE musts...whatever that will look like in the future!) For goodness sake! I haven't even gotten my Feb order and I also have 5 bottles of my PE on order...but here I am - reading these fantastic reviews and anticipating "the love" already wondering if I should have gotten more than 1 bottle!
  17. So I did it. I got a FB. I cannot imagine NOT loving this after reading all your reviews ladies. At least if it vanishes quickly, I will have a bottle to love and cherish until it's been slathered all away....
  18. Thank you, thank you all...I have just ordered a bottle unsniffed. I was shopping along, not intending to order this, just going to grab a few things really...when I scrolled past the description....then clicked to the page...re-read for the umpthtillionth time - and the next thing I knew - it was in the cart....
  19. OK. So. I didn't wait. FBs of Hummingbird, Papal Purple, Orangzipan and Pixie Dust and samples of Melted Dream and Trianon-esque. I am officially hopeless...
  20. NuTrix

    Moon Sugar Candy

    Yes! Love how, literally, sticky and sweet and delicious this is...nothing like waking to the same fantastic aroma you fell asleep to!
  21. Hehe...one of my favorite things about being a grown up is that - if I want - I can have dessert for dinner
  22. ^^^ Oh dear - I'm a blatant stalker to boot....one more thing to add to my list of "blatants" ^_~
  23. Me too...but I just couldn't resist!
  24. I'm about bursting to order Hummingbird and I've decided that I will get Orangzipan if it's still here but I'm trying to hold off because I still haven't gotten my sampler and bottles for Feb and - well - it's practically March NR time...I just am too impatient but I really WANT to wait for the NRs How hopeless am I?
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