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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Oh dear And here I was, when I noticed the name change, thinking - "oh, look, how cute." Then, flit, flit, away the thought would go. I figured it was a cycle thing that LP did - the few times I think I thought about it Now that I've re-read the first page of this thread (which lead to the last question) I knew that there was something that could happen that we might one day name ourselves...but I remember thinking it was nothing I would see for years - if ever. After re-reading? I still think I did good remembering that much considering the hours I spent pouring through everything I could rest my lil' eyes on here...and I still think it could be YEARS before I see that...if ever - HAHAHA! Now I'm wondering how many names I missed? All the celebrations I could have been celebrating - what a tragedy! D'oh!
  2. Bump! Vladmyra, have you experimented with anything you considered "not quite you" now? I used to think blends like Dominance would be "too hard" for my personality...so I tried Leather first - which worked really well for me to my surprise - and when I finally thought "what the heck" and tried Dom I found out it did something quite unlike what I expected. I thought I would be too serious or dangerous or something crazy like that Instead those type of blends made me focused, confident and assertive...not in an arrogant type of way either. I'm curious to know what you've tried and if you've found those things to be similar for you?
  3. ok...I am REAL late in on this one. Once upon a time, back in 2011 when I joined and was reading all over this forum, I saw about the credit thingie. I've also noticed that the name over my avi changes now and again too. Now, I have been accused of being unobservant...and it's true...but am I understanding that our titles over the avis change as often as our ranks? (I'm actually hoping there's no correlation because I'm only realizing this 1 & 1/2 years LATER!)
  4. GIANT personalities packed into little packages! Very entertaining...odd...but sweet - very quirky I guess we can all say that about out four legged family members though Edited to add - they like OCCOs too!
  5. I SALUTE YOU! For being awesome under the influence of PM - even though it was a different awesome than you usually are ^_~ ISALUD!
  6. I think our frenches smell like corn chips... and I like it too....
  7. I found LP nosing around on another forum and the multitude of choices here, for a scent novice like myself, terrified me and I ran away, but the great reviews for LP lured me back within the same month (Aug of 2011) and I've been hooked ever since! I deleted my facebook because I was never on it...but I'm here almost - if not - everyday YOU are the only ones who understand and share my enthusiasm for LP!
  8. It's nice to see how LP fragrances equate to comfort and relaxation for some people...even when I've gotten the, "What smells like one of those fancy candles?" comments, lol, it's always in reference to the delicious and/or exotic type of candle or home aromatherapy. People's eyes light up when they're working out the association
  9. I KNOW RIGHT?! Great review StacyK...now more impatient than ever here LOL Soon...soon....
  10. That is one of my MOST favorite things about LP perfume....they're like people....I know the ones I love and I get to see different sides of their personalities every time we are together and because I love them all of their nuances are beautiful to me, and I never get bored
  11. LOL! PREACH IT SISTAH! You sound like you could be my purchasing twin! I told myself only full bottles from the NRs that are guaranteed home runs...then I got 5 of them and 1 of those with a back up How was I supposed to know so many would be no brainers? I HAD to have the ones with Aja! It may not do wonders for me completely solo - but with the scent buddy system? GORGEOUS! (and there are 2! 1 I ordered knowing Aja was in it, the other wound up being a surprise after purchase realization!) Then there were still the "regulars" on my list THEN La Sylphide reappeared THEN.... So I'm left wondering, "will I ever learn?" And certainly I have gone from not having any perfume because I could never wear it (commercial perfume anyway) to 3 bursting storage boxes full! YIKES!
  12. You did read it, it's just that the intent was a bit skewed. People swap things other than LPs sometimes. The review threads are for LP products, not products from other vendors So review away! So long as you're reviewing LPs you're golden
  13. Hmm. I can't help about the phero trial, but you should still be able to get the Feb sampler for sure. Oh!Oh! Perfect Match! CB? Topper! Really!? So lucky! I hope so for you!....I waited and waited for the NRs or maybe I would have an LP lovelies package too :lol:
  14. I wanted BOTTLES of LS Blackcat, (and did get 2 more backups but didn't want to get more because I know others really love it too - I am TRYING not to be completely obsessive ), but I really love this particular scent AND LFM - hands down - is top 3 phero favs for me so it was a no-bainer. I am trying (unsuccessfully I might add lol) to only buy bottles of things I absolutely love...the failing part is that I'm getting bottles of things I also THINK I will absolutely love as well...because I'm too impatient for samples to get here SO, at the risk of sounding more level headed than I truly am, I would pose that if you aren't absolutely in love with the scent but are intending to create the perfect PE just for YOU with LFM to go ahead and wait. Of course you could maybe just limit your number of back ups and still have enough for your PE?....Back where we started Hmm? Isn't this addiction fun!?!
  15. I don't think it odd at all It's my belief that something carefully and skillfully crafted can work what might otherwise be an odd note (cops) into something genuinely enjoyable...like OC Blue
  16. Mmmm! Just put on a touch of OC Black and I love how chewy it goes on and how rich it smells AND the staying power it has...I'm looking at the notes in this and in Decadent Diva...and I'm wondering if they will have any similarity and how the addition of a sandalwood note might change it...
  17. Well...what had happened was... I wore La Sylphide yesterday and when I wen to the review thread I saw that it was mentioned that there MAY be more. On my last order, Katerina Suit got all the way to PayPal before it told me it was sold out, lol. Someone else said Absinthe of Malice may be there...but that too is gone so...When I went to try putting LS in the cart and it worked, I was apprehensive sooooo, I figured I better put some OTHER things in the cart, right? Makes sense...wouldn't want to go through PayPal and wind up there empty handed, you know? Sooooo, thank you StacyK for helping me with SF&M I figured FB....then I figured Sinful Indulgences would be a safe FB....then I thought, I should probably get another Moon Sugar Candy and I kept looking at the sample of Sugared Roses and Pixie Dust...so I put them in the cart too. I went all the way through payment and LS stayed in the cart! I don't know how some of you get it to tell you how many there are, but until I receive something saying it was an error I'm staying optimistic! (and if it was an error the sorrow will be washed away by the other goodies ordered) I know there are others who would like LS so I hope there's plenty more! Now I thinkI just need to stay away from the site for another month!
  18. NuTrix

    Decadent Diva

    That just makes I sound all the better! Thanks Dolly! LP has several fragrances I've gotten now with sandalwood and that note, so far, agrees with my chemistry. The thought of everything lying on a sandalwood pillow makes this even more enticing.
  19. There are more! I don't know how to find out how many, but I was able to put it in the cart. When I tried to order Katerina Suit in my last order, when it got to paypal, it told me it was sold out. That didn't happen with La Sylphide...but now I've went ahead and made another order I'm hopeless I was wearing this tonight out for drinks and dinner with hubby and friends. This SMELLS SO wonderful, I forget it's phero'd. My Un of LFM is below halfway and though having La Sylphide has been giving that bottle a break...it won't last long LFM is one of my go-tos and I'm really pleased that I got a bottle and if my recent order goes through, and there really ARE more and it wasn't an error (crossing fingers, toes and eyes!), and I don't receive an email in the next couple days saying it was a boo-boo, then I'll be DANCING - like I'm sure others will be when they get theirs too
  20. NuTrix

    Decadent Diva

    I wish I had more understanding of resin and patchouli. Will this be a patchouli forward scent? Will it be an amber and musk forward scent? Will it be a well blended, everything just smells terrific and melds together perfectly scent? I'm just starting down the "appreciating resin scents" path...S&V, Raven Moon, Nox, LP Black, OCCO Black - OCCO B was a REAL surprise love because the patch on me IS so forward and, once upon a time, I used to think I would never enjoy patchouli very much...But I'm looking at this and the notes and that little voice in my head is saying - "Should'a got the bottle..."
  21. Since, as women, we're always giving off cops naturally I've never given adding cops with anything a second thought
  22. How did I miss that Aja was in this one? Ooooo...I was eager to get this already, can't wait to see how Aja adds to it. Even MORE excited than before - I wouldn't have thought THAT was possible!
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